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Jell-o Black Tyde
lJell-o Black Tyde Fi Fatal Illusion
Active member
Gonna get booted soon if he doenst do anything
New member
Official Distro Sites:
Da board Da opz Da numba
Tranquil Destruction WHQ Black Tyde 6o3.472.4814
Infinity Halo NEHQ Jell-o 6o3.268.o513
Altered Tech Fatal Illusion 6o3.429.4o24
Critical Mass Mercury Fear 6o3.672.3357
The Black Legion The Man in Black 6o3.465.3663
The Septic Tank Manic Deppression 6o3.641.9897
Member Boards:
Da board Da opz Da numba
The Upper Deck The Pharcyde 6o3.669.9465
Distro Site Application:
If You want to be a Distro Site for iNFECTiOUS, there are a few things:
1. You CANNOT be in the 6o3 area kode
2. You have to call one of the HQs at least once a month
3. You must have all of our packs online.
4. Your board cant suck
Member Boards:
If You want to be an iNFECTiOUS member board, there are a few things:
1. You must have the newest iNFECTiOUS pack online.
2. Your board cant suck
Oh, If you Havent figured out, youll have to call a HQ and tell us your
Artist Application:
1. Create a doc with the following:
Years BBSing:
Years doing compu-art:
Art specialty:
Are you a SysOp: if so, include all the stats for it
Reasons why you wanna join us:
2. Gather Your current Portfolio together.
3. Zip it all up as yourhandle.zip
4. Send it to a HQ!
We PROMISE there will be an App generator next month
Jell-o Black Tyde
lJell-o Black Tyde Fi Fatal Illusion
Active member
Gonna get booted soon if he doenst do anything
New member
Official Distro Sites:
Da board Da opz Da numba
Tranquil Destruction WHQ Black Tyde 6o3.472.4814
Infinity Halo NEHQ Jell-o 6o3.268.o513
Altered Tech Fatal Illusion 6o3.429.4o24
Critical Mass Mercury Fear 6o3.672.3357
The Black Legion The Man in Black 6o3.465.3663
The Septic Tank Manic Deppression 6o3.641.9897
Member Boards:
Da board Da opz Da numba
The Upper Deck The Pharcyde 6o3.669.9465
Distro Site Application:
If You want to be a Distro Site for iNFECTiOUS, there are a few things:
1. You CANNOT be in the 6o3 area kode
2. You have to call one of the HQs at least once a month
3. You must have all of our packs online.
4. Your board cant suck
Member Boards:
If You want to be an iNFECTiOUS member board, there are a few things:
1. You must have the newest iNFECTiOUS pack online.
2. Your board cant suck
Oh, If you Havent figured out, youll have to call a HQ and tell us your
Artist Application:
1. Create a doc with the following:
Years BBSing:
Years doing compu-art:
Art specialty:
Are you a SysOp: if so, include all the stats for it
Reasons why you wanna join us:
2. Gather Your current Portfolio together.
3. Zip it all up as yourhandle.zip
4. Send it to a HQ!
We PROMISE there will be an App generator next month
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