this image contains text
s o f .---------------------------------------------------------------
galza production! // 9th of may in 1999
as the sun goes down i close my eyes
to see the beauty in chaos
i wait for her to come
withoutdesignthereisnothing. intro
get ready for some newschool. because this is newschool, not oldschool.
oldschool was something made back in early days of ascii art. yeah,
im talking about something like 92-94, when there were many great
artists with new and fresh ideas unlike today. majority of todays
artists just recycle ideas and steal letters from one and other.
im sick and tired. now youre going to witness the death of an artist!
. . l .
/ // l . //
/ ! !/ l/ !/ /
/ d e a t h . /
/ / o f a n / ! /
/ . . a r t i s t . .
/! . . / l/ ---- .
! l ! ----
/ ,. ./ /. . drn!
. / !/ ,. l
/ l/ / / -- ./
an ascii collection by
d a e r o n
!! ! drn!
g a l z a !/ . / ! . . /
// g a l z a
drn! ! error 404
!!! .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet
. . /--! /--l X . /--l // .
l/ / / !/ / /
drn! / / ----/ ----/ ------ /t!
e r r o r 4 0 4 / ! ! / / 4 0 4 r o r r e
drn! ! moonshield
!!! .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead
l/ / / . /
/ . / / l /
. /l/ / / .
: . l . :
::.. l/ . ./ . / / ..::
. l/ l/ ! ./ /
: // /l / / l :
drn! /--- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- /t
drn! ! protest
!!! .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet
--- l/ l
---- l/ .
/ / l/.
/--- l/ /
drn! ! saved 1999
!!! .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead
! / l/ X . / // !
/ /! l/ / / !
S A V E D 1 9 9 9
drn! :/ / /: /t
nooneknowsmewell. artist profile
scene handle daeron
art scene groups alien technology
sublime design
first name marko
date of birth 16th of oct in 1980
nationality finnish
profession student / freelance webdesigner
drn! ! unseen fate
!!! .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet
l/ /- . X . X . /- . /
/ ! . / l/ /
drn! / / /! / / / /t!
,. l
. / l/
/ ! l/ / /
. u n s e e n f a t e . !
drn! ! moplayaz
!!! .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead
.drn!. . /./t!.
l/ X . / / /
. . / l/ /.
------//!l/ ------
. / / l/ / /l /
l ! . / . .
/ l/ l/ l
m o s t v a l u a b l e p l a y a z !
drn! ! eof
!!! .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet
e o f . / ! /t
drn! .. /! !
!! . f o e
drn! ! eternity
!!! .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead
. . l/
: l .., . l :
. ./-- . /--l /- . ./ ./-- /
l/ l/ l/ / l/ /
drn! /t
cannottouchwithoutbeingtouched. contact info
email daeron@gnwmail.com
irc ascii on ircnet/efnet
icq you wish
boards dragons nest
the yard
high five
wasted time
drn! ! cant wont dont stop
!!! .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet
/ l
l/ . l l/ / c a n t
/ l/ / /
---- ---- ---- ---- . w o n t
/ l
. . X . ./ d o n t
! p o t s /l l/ l l/ /
/ / . / / s t o p !
t n o d /----/l---- ---- ---- ---- .
/ l
t n o w X . X . ./
./ l/ l l/ /
t n a c / l / /
. l
l/ ./ . /- . / drn!/t
:// . l/ l/ l / :
/ /l /
drn! ! darklight
!!! .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead
/ .o/--l X l/ /
./ . / / Y
.o / l l/ ----/ //o.
drn! . l l /t!
o. . . X ./
:/ Y ! l/ l/ l/ /:
drn! ! phunk
!!! .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet
l . .
drn! . / . / !/ / . / !/ // /t!
------/ /l------
: P H U N K ! ! A S C I I :
: volatile brane merlin don rapello :
drn! ! pf
!!! .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead
drn! ! !! !
!! /t
theselogoswereincluded. index
error 404 moonshield protest saved 1999 unseen fate moplayaz
e o f eternity cant wont dont stop darklight phunk p f
friendshipiseternal. credits greetings
all the hardwork to make this collection possible was done by me, but
these people helped me a lot along the path: coraze, scallop, dezibel,
vent, volatile, scottie, insane, behemoth, warewolf, but i should not
forget my new team mates in galza especially otium and ironlung.
i open my eyes again
she slowly fades to the background
fire has burnt out
dedicated to dezibel who cannot be here with us tonight
--------------------------------------------------------------- e o f
galza production! // 9th of may in 1999
as the sun goes down i close my eyes
to see the beauty in chaos
i wait for her to come
withoutdesignthereisnothing. intro
get ready for some newschool. because this is newschool, not oldschool.
oldschool was something made back in early days of ascii art. yeah,
im talking about something like 92-94, when there were many great
artists with new and fresh ideas unlike today. majority of todays
artists just recycle ideas and steal letters from one and other.
im sick and tired. now youre going to witness the death of an artist!
. . l .
/ // l . //
/ ! !/ l/ !/ /
/ d e a t h . /
/ / o f a n / ! /
/ . . a r t i s t . .
/! . . / l/ ---- .
! l ! ----
/ ,. ./ /. . drn!
. / !/ ,. l
/ l/ / / -- ./
an ascii collection by
d a e r o n
!! ! drn!
g a l z a !/ . / ! . . /
// g a l z a
drn! ! error 404
!!! .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet
. . /--! /--l X . /--l // .
l/ / / !/ / /
drn! / / ----/ ----/ ------ /t!
e r r o r 4 0 4 / ! ! / / 4 0 4 r o r r e
drn! ! moonshield
!!! .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead
l/ / / . /
/ . / / l /
. /l/ / / .
: . l . :
::.. l/ . ./ . / / ..::
. l/ l/ ! ./ /
: // /l / / l :
drn! /--- ---- ---- ---- --- ---- /t
drn! ! protest
!!! .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet
--- l/ l
---- l/ .
/ / l/.
/--- l/ /
drn! ! saved 1999
!!! .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead
! / l/ X . / // !
/ /! l/ / / !
S A V E D 1 9 9 9
drn! :/ / /: /t
nooneknowsmewell. artist profile
scene handle daeron
art scene groups alien technology
sublime design
first name marko
date of birth 16th of oct in 1980
nationality finnish
profession student / freelance webdesigner
drn! ! unseen fate
!!! .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet
l/ /- . X . X . /- . /
/ ! . / l/ /
drn! / / /! / / / /t!
,. l
. / l/
/ ! l/ / /
. u n s e e n f a t e . !
drn! ! moplayaz
!!! .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead
.drn!. . /./t!.
l/ X . / / /
. . / l/ /.
------//!l/ ------
. / / l/ / /l /
l ! . / . .
/ l/ l/ l
m o s t v a l u a b l e p l a y a z !
drn! ! eof
!!! .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet
e o f . / ! /t
drn! .. /! !
!! . f o e
drn! ! eternity
!!! .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead
. . l/
: l .., . l :
. ./-- . /--l /- . ./ ./-- /
l/ l/ l/ / l/ /
drn! /t
cannottouchwithoutbeingtouched. contact info
email daeron@gnwmail.com
irc ascii on ircnet/efnet
icq you wish
boards dragons nest
the yard
high five
wasted time
drn! ! cant wont dont stop
!!! .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet
/ l
l/ . l l/ / c a n t
/ l/ / /
---- ---- ---- ---- . w o n t
/ l
. . X . ./ d o n t
! p o t s /l l/ l l/ /
/ / . / / s t o p !
t n o d /----/l---- ---- ---- ---- .
/ l
t n o w X . X . ./
./ l/ l l/ /
t n a c / l / /
. l
l/ ./ . /- . / drn!/t
:// . l/ l/ l / :
/ /l /
drn! ! darklight
!!! .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead
/ .o/--l X l/ /
./ . / / Y
.o / l l/ ----/ //o.
drn! . l l /t!
o. . . X ./
:/ Y ! l/ l/ l/ /:
drn! ! phunk
!!! .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet
l . .
drn! . / . / !/ / . / !/ // /t!
------/ /l------
: P H U N K ! ! A S C I I :
: volatile brane merlin don rapello :
drn! ! pf
!!! .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead
drn! ! !! !
!! /t
theselogoswereincluded. index
error 404 moonshield protest saved 1999 unseen fate moplayaz
e o f eternity cant wont dont stop darklight phunk p f
friendshipiseternal. credits greetings
all the hardwork to make this collection possible was done by me, but
these people helped me a lot along the path: coraze, scallop, dezibel,
vent, volatile, scottie, insane, behemoth, warewolf, but i should not
forget my new team mates in galza especially otium and ironlung.
i open my eyes again
she slowly fades to the background
fire has burnt out
dedicated to dezibel who cannot be here with us tonight
--------------------------------------------------------------- e o f
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