s o f .---------------------------------------------------------------

                  [ galza production! // 9th of may in 1999 ]

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                      as the sun goes down i close my eyes
                           to see the beauty in chaos
                             i wait for her to come

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    withoutdesignthereisnothing.                                      intro
    get ready for some newschool. because this is newschool, not oldschool.
    oldschool  was something  made back in  early days of ascii art.  yeah,
    i'm talking  about  something like  92-94, when  there were  many great
    artists  with new and  fresh ideas  unlike  today.  majority of today's
    artists just  recycle ideas  and  steal  letters  from  one  and other.
    i'm sick and tired. now you're going to witness the death of an artist!
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                                  !         !        _______.
 ._ ________ _______ ______________ _______  __. ___ \      l_______ _ __.
 |    _______\_    /________ _______\_    //_) l___  _\    ._      //    |
 |   _\      ./     \  ._    \       ._     \  .__/---\\   !/     /_     |
 |   /_____  !\  ___   !/___( _____  l/  ___   !/      ____/     __\     |
 |         `----'  /__ /    __\    `----'  /___/     __\   `----'        !
 |   ______________   `----'                   `----'       ______________
 |   \    _    __ /_________     d e a t h             _____\ __ _.      /
 |   _\   )    \ /        _/     o f   a n      _______\_    \ / \!     /_
 |   /__________ ._      .)     a r t i s t    _\       ._  _. ___)     _\
 |             /_|_______!  __.          _.    /______  l/  _|_\  `----' .
 !     ________            _) l___   ____\!____       `----'             |
 ______\_     / ________,._\  .__/___\        /____.       __.    drn!   |
_\      ._     \\   _     /   !/      ___    __\  _|__,._ _) l___        |
/_____  l/  ___     /     ____/     __\   --' _ )___      \  .__/____    |
 .    `----'  /_    \----'    `----'          /___ /!  ___   !/     /_   |
 `------------- `----\ -------------------------- /---'  /___/     __\ --'
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                                  |         !
                                  |        _______  
                                  ! _______\_    //
                                   _\      ./     _
                                 _______   !\  ___\
                           ______\_    //  ---'
                          _\      ._    _ __._______  
                          /_____  !/  __\\\ :_     /
                                  : -'  _   !/____( _
                             _ ___!_____/_  /    ___\
                             \\   _      // . --'
                            _     /__ ___( _!____ 
                            /_    \  \\    ._   //
                              `-- .   _    !/    _
                               _ _!___/____ \  __\
                               \\  _.     // -'
                               _   \!    /_ ¡
                               /____)    _\ |
                                      --'   |
                                  ¡         |
                                  !         !

                             an ascii collection by
                                  d a e r o n

                                  ¡         ¡
                        ....      |         !
                        : ._____. !      ._____.
                        : ¡     ¡.______.¡     |              
                          |     |¡      !!     ! drn!         
                __________!_    !|      ___,---.              
                \  _____________ !  ____\ __   |     ._____     ________
                   \     ._  __/____\_   \ /  _|_____!_   /_____\_     /
    _   g a l z a   \    !/  \       ._   /   \!     .___(       ._   /_
    /_____________________\  ______  !/  __     ___  !\ _______  !/  __\  _
                       `----'   .. `----'. `---'__ `---\  ____ `----' ____\
                          ¡     ||      ¡|     ¡  `---.__!    `------' 
                          |     ||      ||     | .
                          !_____!|      |!_____! :
                                 !______!     ...:                  

                                  ¡         ¡
                                  !         !

                                 //  g a l z a

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                _                 |         |
             ./\_/\.              !         !
       drn!   |!¡¡|                                               error 404
              `!!!'                           .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet

  __________ __________  .________  ._________________  ._________ _________
 .)         \\  ._    /--! _     /--l _     X   ._   /--l _      //        (.
 |          _   l/___(     /    _     /    _    !/        /     /_          |
 |     drn! /__ /    __    \----/_    \----/__   \  __    \------\ /\t!     |¡
||             `----'  `----\     `----\      `----'  `----\                ||
!|                       .____ ___._______.____ __,._                       |
 |_  e r r o r   4 0 4   |    /  ¬!   _  ¬!    /    /  4 0 4    r o r r e  _|
 :/_____________________ !_  /_   _  _\   __  /_   /_______________________\:
                          /_    _//_    _/ /_    _/
                            `--'    `--'     `--'

       drn!   |!¡¡|                                              moonshield
              `!!!'                       .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead

             \      . _______.__________  _________._____________
              \     l/      /|      _  /_\\ _      |\   _.      /
     ___/\ ____     . /      _      /   |   \      |    \l      ____ /\__ _
   .\\    \)  /_____l/      _\__________________________/      _\  (/   ///.
   |                 )-----(                            )-----(            |
  .|                                                                       |
  ||                                                                       |
  ||                                                                       |.
   |                                                                       ||
   |                  ______.                    __,--:                    ||
   | :       ___.___  \     l______  _.  ______ _)_   |     ________     : |
  _| ::..    \  l__/___\   ._   _./__\|__\  ._  \ /  _|_____\_     /  ..:: |_
 _\|________  )___.        l/   \|          l/___(   \!     ./     ________|/_
   :       //___ /l  ______/     __      __ /    _     ___  l\  __\\       :
     drn!       /---(      )----(  `----'  )----( )---(   )----(       /\t

       drn!   |!¡¡|                                                 protest
              `!!!'                           .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet

   \   _.      / _ _______________________________________________________¦_
  _ \  \¡    _/___________ _                                           _  |
  //_   )____\    _      //                                             ¦ |
     )----(  _    /    _/__________                                       |
    .        /_   \----\    ._    /__.                                    |
    |          )---\ _ _    l/    _  l___                                 |
    |                ///__   \  __\  .__/____                             |
    |                     )----( _   !/     /_________                    |
    |                            /___/     __\  ._   //                   |
    |                                )----( _   l/___( ___.___            |
    |                                       /__ /    __\  l__/______.     |
    |                                          )----' _ )___.    X  ¡___  !
    |                                                 /___ /|  __   .__/____
    | ¦_                                                  /---' _   l/     /_
   _|________________________________________________________ _ /___/     __\
    ¦                                                               `----'

       drn!   |!¡¡|                                              saved 1999
              `!!!'                       .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead
      _¡___ _____. ________ ____\ __ _ . _______________ __ _______ ___¡_
       !   \\   _|___ ______\_   \ /   l/     X  ._  _ /____\_    //   !
       |   _ )___.    \      ._   \    /         !/__\(     ./     _   |
       |   /___ /!  ___  __  l/  _____/     ____ /    ____  !\  ___\   |
       |       /---'   ¬'  `----'     `----'    `----'    `----'       |
       |         ¡        S  A  V  E  D    1  9  9  9        ¡_        |
       `---------|   ._______.________.________.______,.__   |\--------'
                 |_  |_     ¬!  _    ¬!  _    ¬!  _      /  _|
            drn! :/__ /      __ \     __ \     __ \     /___\: /\t
                     /_    _/ /_    _/ /_    _/ /_    _/  
                       `--'     `--'     `--'     `--'    


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    nooneknowsmewell.                                        artist profile
    scene handle                                                     daeron
    art scene groups                                       alien technology
                                                             sublime design
    first name                                                        marko
    date of birth                                       16th of oct in 1980
    nationality                                                     finnish
    profession                              student / freelance webdesigner

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                _                 |         |
             ./\_/\.              !         !
       drn!   |!¡¡|                                             unseen fate
              `!!!'                           .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet

      _¡                                                               ¡_
        _¦_______________________ _ _/\  _ _ ________________ _ _____¦_
         !                             \/                            !
        ______. _____ _____________     ___________________ ___________
        \     l/    /-) _.     X  _)____\  ._    X  ._    /-) _.      /
        _\    /         \!    _ )___.      ¡/___(   l/___(    \|     /_
   drn! /___  )   ______/     ____ /!  ___ /    ___ /    _____/     __\ /\t! 
         .  )----(      )----(    /---(   )----(   )----(     )----( .
         !                             ___.                          !
        _,.__________        _ ________)  l___       ________________ 
        \          _/_________\\_     X   .__/------\\   ._         /.
        _           _\          ._        ¡/             l/________( _
        /__       __!_________  l/  ______/         ____ /         __\
           )-----(            )----(      )--------(    )---------(  .
         .                                                           |
         ¡             [ ·.  u n s e e n   f a t e  .· ]             !
        _|___ _ _____________________________________________________|_
      _  ¦                                                           ¦  _
       !                                                               !

       drn!   |!¡¡|                                               mo'playaz
              `!!!'                       .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead

                  ___ _ ________________________________,.___
     ______.drn!._\   ________. _________________________   /_./\t!.______
    _\             \  \       l/        X      ._       /  /             /_
    |    ___ ____ ___._\      . /              l/      /_.____ ___ ___    |
 «--÷----\__))__//___!________l/       ______   \  ______¡___//__((__/----÷--»
    |                         /-------(      )----(                       |.
   .|            ____,--:-                                                ||
   ||   _,.______\ __   |      ___\ __   . ______    _______   ___.___    |
    |   \   _.    \ /   |______\_  \ /   l/    _/____\_   _/___\__l  /    |
   _|____\  \l          !\      ._       /_    \      ._  \     .___( ____|_
    |   /__  )______     __  _  l/  ______(  _______  l/  ____  l\ ___\   |
           )---(    )---(  ¬' )----(   )----(       )----(    )---\

                   m o s t   v a l u a b l e   p l a y a z !    

       drn!   |!¡¡|                                                     eof
              `!!!'                           .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet

                             !        ¡.________.       
                       _,.__________  !!        ¡ 
                e o f  \    ._  __ /__________  ! /\t 
             ¡________ _\   !/__\ (     _.__ /_______.,_           
          <--:¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾)/___ /  __\      (!) /         _/________¡ 
             !¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯     `--  /_________ /_        .)(¾¾¾¾¾¾¾¾:-->
                        drn! ¡        ..  /_(________!  ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯! 
                             !________!¡        .        f o e

       drn!   |!¡¡|                                                eternity
              `!!!'                       .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead

        _ ___________________________________________________ _ _____ _
    _..\\\\                                                         ////.._
    \||    __.                                            __.           |l/
 _____:__ _) l___  __________  .____.,__ __________  _.  _) l___ \      : _____
 \  ._    \  .__/--\  ._    /--l _     /-) _.   _./__\|__\  .__/--\     |/    (
_   l/___(   l/       l/___(     /    _    \|   \|          l/     \    /_    _
/__ / .  _  _/     __ /    __    \----/____/     __      ___/     _____.,( ___\
   )--÷-( ¬' )----(  )----(  `----\-       )----(  `----'   )----(    )-÷--(
      |                                                                 :
 drn! |                                                                 | /\t
      |                                                                 | 
      |                                                                 | 
      |                                                                 | 
      |                                                                 | 
      |                                                                 | 
      |                                                                 |.
      |                                                                 ||
     .|                                                                 ||
     ||                                                                 |
     ||.                                                               .|
      |¦..                                                           ..¦|
      `------- - -------------------------------------------------------'


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    cannottouchwithoutbeingtouched.                            contact info
    email                                                daeron@gnwmail.com
    irc                                              #ascii on ircnet/efnet
    icq #                                                          you wish
    boards                                                    dragon's nest
                                                                   the yard
                                                                  high five
                                                                wasted time
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                _                 |         |
             ./\_/\.              !         !
       drn!   |!¡¡|                                  can't won't don't stop
              `!!!'                           .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet

                                 _  __.
_ _  ___________   ______________\/_) l___ _ ______________________________ _ _
.\\\\\   ._  _ /___\_    X  _.     \  .__/____                            ////.
|   _    l/__\(     ._      \l        l/     /_           c a n ' t           |
|   /__   \  _____  l/  ____/     ____/     __\                               |
|      )----(     )----(    )----(    )----(    _ __.        w o n ' t        |
|                 _______     _________________\/_) l___                      |
|                 \     (.____\   ._   X  _.     \  .__/____    d o n ' t     |
|  ! p o t s     _      /l        l/      \l        l/     /_                 |
|                /__   / .    __   \  ____/     ____/     __\      s t o p !  |
|     t ` n o d    /----/l----\ )----(    )----(    )----(   _  __.           |
|                                     _______________________\/_) l___        |
|        t ` n o w             _______\_    X   ._   X  _.     \  .__/____    |
|                             _\      ./        l/      \l        l/     /_   |
|           t ` n a c         /_____  l\  ____   \  ____/     ____/     __\   |
|                            __.    )----(    )----(    )----(    )----(      |
|                 ___.___   _) l___   __________ ____________                 |
|_                \  l__/___\  .__/___\   ._   /-)  _.      /    drn!^/\t    _|
://___________ _ _ )___.       l/         l/        \l     /_ _ _____________\:
                 /___ /l  _____/    ____   \  ____   )______\  
                     /---(     )---(    )----(    )----( 

       drn!   |!¡¡|                                               darklight
              `!!!'                       .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead

                   ________   _______  .____________. /     /
             ______\_    _/___\_  .o/--l _     X    l/    _/__ ___       
     _ ______\     ./    \     ._        /    _     /      ___Y__( ____ _ 
    .o\\    /____  l\  ______  l/  __    \----/_____\     _\          //o.
  . .|.  .       )----(      )----(  )----\          )---(          .  .|. .
.  . . .         ____,--:                 ______.      __.            . . .  .
     |   drn!    \      |    _._ _________\ _   l______) l___    /\t!   |    
    _|_     ___ __\_    |____\|__\o.   ._  \   ._     X  .__/____      _|_
     :/____ )__Y___     !\        \    l/      l/        l/     /______\:
                  /_    ___      _._____\  ____/     ____/     __\       
                    )--(   )----( ;  )----(    )----(    )----(

       drn!   |!¡¡|                                                   phunk
              `!!!'                           .howcaniliveifihavenotdiedyet

                                   |      /_
                                   ¦       |
                        ______.    !       !
             _ _________\ __  l__ _ _ _. _ _ _ ____ _ _ _. _____ _
        drn!  \\   _.    \ / ._   \ /  !/  \ / _.   \ /  !/    //  /\t!
               _\  \!     /  !/    /   /    /  \|    /  ./    /_
        -÷-----/_   )________/_________)________)_______l\_____\-----÷-
         :       `-----'           .       .                         :
         :              P H U N K  !       !  A S C I I              :
         :                         ·       ·                         :
         :          volatile ¢ brane ¢ merlin ¢ don rapello          :
         :                         .       .                         :
        -÷-------------------------|       ¦-------------------------÷- 

       drn!   |!¡¡|                                                      pf
              `!!!'                       .immortalistheonewhoisalreadydead

                             ¡      ¡.______.
                        drn! !      !!      !   
                       _ ___________ _ _ ________ _
                        \\    _.     \ /       _//
                         _\   \!      /       .)
                  < ---- /__   )______________! ---- >
                            `----'  ..      .
                             !______!¡      ¡ /\t


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    theselogoswereincluded.                                           index  
    error 404 ¢ moonshield ¢ protest ¢ saved 1999 ¢ unseen fate ¢ mo'playaz
    e o f  ¢  eternity ¢ can't won't don't stop ¢ darklight ¢ phunk  ¢  p f
                                  ¡         ¡
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    friendshipiseternal.                                credits & greetings
    all the hardwork  to make this collection possible  was done by me, but
    these people helped me a lot along the path:  coraze, scallop, dezibel,
    vent,  volatile, scottie, insane, behemoth, warewolf,  but i should not
    forget  my  new team mates  in galza  (especially  otium and ironlung).
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                              i open my eyes again
                       she slowly fades to the background
                               fire has burnt out

                                  ¡         ¡
                                  :         ¦
                                  |:.     .:¦
                                  |:::. .:::|
                               ._ |::::::::::.. .
                               ! .::::::      : !
                                 :     :......:
                      < -------- : -   :    :
                                 :.....:. - : -------- >
                                    :.  :...: .
                                    :!  :    -'

          [ dedicated to dezibel who cannot be here with us tonight ]

    ---------------------------------------------------------------' e o f