this image contains text
prosthesis colly of shitty logos for courier groups/sites :
*** 7b, :::: ***,,, ::::::: , ,
.. ,*, :: *****, 7b,d7
:: .:::: 7
.. d
7, ,,** is : .....
**, yyyyyy *, 7, ,
S*, ,d **,** ,d
*, yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, ,d
7 *7 SS** * 7
7 , tantrum couriers 7
::: ** 7 ::: **
,d* ,7 ***
,,*7 7
77 ,,** *7 ,,*
*** *b, 7***
7 *
::: ,,,, *, 7 :::
**b ,d ar3a ...
77 7 ::::,*7 mp3 :::
is ,d7 * :::
*** 7b, :::: ***,,, ::::::: , ,
.. ,*, :: *****, 7b,d7
:: .:::: 7
.. d
7, ,,** is : .....
**, yyyyyy *, 7, ,
S*, ,d **,** ,d
*, yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy, ,d
7 *7 SS** * 7
7 , tantrum couriers 7
::: ** 7 ::: **
,d* ,7 ***
,,*7 7
77 ,,** *7 ,,*
*** *b, 7***
7 *
::: ,,,, *, 7 :::
**b ,d ar3a ...
77 7 ::::,*7 mp3 :::
is ,d7 * :::
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