this image contains text
and Cleaner awe f LU I D
The Art Group Fluids News/ Info
Global News/Info
Fluid like you all probelly know belong to Natural. Natural has been a success
and contain now: 2 groups, 28 members. This is only three mounths that Natural
alive and two mounths for Fluid. Fluid contain 16/28 members now. This mounth
the main department at Fluid was the Hi-Rez Division Department. We got some
really good artists this mounth as well and we hope to get more in the future.
There been a romer about the oldpack that I Starks took 6 files from the
pack Purg-20 without no authrizition by the artists, Well... Its not true.
There was 6 files that were the same in each pack, This is true but, I got the
auth from the two artists. Now those two artists left Fluid and stayed with
Purg which other artists didnt. I mainly hated when you all excuse me on this
without hearing my side. Who ever it was, know. But now its over and we all
should pass it which some of us didnt. Unfortunlly, There are still people
who dont feel good with Natural/Fluid. Well... I can only say: Though luck!
because we want and we will stay here long time. Who ever want to know more
about us or want to see the profs that we are innocent, call me because after
all, We dont want to feel unwelcomed. Most of our artists stayed exept the
two. Enjoy.
Member News/Info
Atm - Hi-Rez Artist, One of my favorite 2D Hi-Rez Artist. He draw mainly furry
art. I think you will enjoy him.
Bear Claw - Hi-Rez Artist, This guy is a hand artist but he is so good so I
have to have him in Fluid.
Blizzard - Hi-Rez Artist, This guy is a begginer but for my opinnion a good
artist for a begginer.
Eric - Hi-Rez Head, Another one of my favorite Hi-Rez Artist, This guy drawed
even before the scene started and I belive you will love him.
Hayk - Hi-Rez Artist, This guy is a hand and a computer artist. He is very
good and cool for my opinnion.
Jandor - Out, Ascii/Hi-Rez Artist.
Prosthesis - Ascii Co-Head, this guy is so cool and I think you all think so
as well.
Tizit - Hi-Rez Artist, This guy draw mainly 3D and we love him and we are
hoping that you too.
Trance - Out, Hi-Rez Head.
Scrap - Hi-Rez/Music Artist, This guy is very cool at Hi-Rez and even better
at Music.
Steroid - Hi-Rez Artist, This guy is our only Font Hi-Rez Artist and I feel
like he is very good.
Joining News/Info
Why do you need to chose us when you have so much groups in the scene? Well...
The correct answer is that we are the only group that give you special trips,
Trips such as giving programs not freewares or sharewares to each one of our
our members if he ask and need etc. This is one kind of the trip but that we
are giving a lot more trips such as trips that give respect and ownor such
as building motds for IRC / ISP Servers, creating graphics for programs that
will rock the world not simple programs such as Viewers etc. This is another
kind of trip that we give / supply. The third trip kind is getting your own
free page on the net by our domain and getting E-mail also by our domain.
There are a lot of other trips that we give such as helping etc. If you are
convince that we are the perfect / right group for you, send an E-Mail to:...
benyamin@comandcom.com and tell us your own affils and send us a couple of
your art and tell us also why did you chose us and we will do a vote for you
on Natural!Fluid. The chanse is pretty big that you will be accepted to any
Department youll chose so start applying.
Files News/Info
File Type Author Title
-fluid-.--- Ascii Fluids Artists The ArtGroup Fluids 2nd Pack Main
2m-fluid.Ans Ansi 2m Stone Natural!Fluid
Aetc24.Asc Ascii Aeternam C24 Compo - Milan
Aeteerie.Asc Ascii Aeternam EERiE
Aetflui.Asc Ascii Aeternam Fluid rules!
Aetnat.Asc Ascii Aeternam Natural BBs
Aetrh.Asc Ascii Aeternam REHASh
Atm-3ds.Jpg Hi-Rez Atm 3D Models
Atm-jag2.Jpg Hi-Rez Atm Jaguar 2
Atm-of.Jpg Hi-Rez Atm Otters
Atm-wolf.Jpg Hi-Rez Atm The Wolf
Blz-Fish.Jpg Hi-Rez Blizzard The Fish
Es-back.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Amiga is back!
Es-cool.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Cool Duo
Es-sab.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Sabrina On-Line
Es-space.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Space Amy
Es-tor.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Tor - 1980-1998
Fileid.Diz Ascii Squish The ArtGroup Fluids 2nd Fileid
Flu02.Mem Ansi Multiple The ArtGroup Fluids 2nd MemberList
Flu02.Nfo Ansi Multiple The ArtGroup Fluids 2nd News/ Info
Is-colly.Asc Ascii Prosthesis Ascii colly 01
Pk!rainm.Jpg Hi-Rez Pike Rain Mator
Rm-creat.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk The Creator
Rm-fsol.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk fuTUrE SoUNd of LoNDOn
Rm-strim.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Stream
Rm-weird.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Weird Creation
Scr-equi.Xm Music Scrap Equilibrium
Scr-prec.Xm Music Scrap Precision
Sd-fluid.Jpg Hi-Rez Steroid Fluid logo
Sd-irc.Jpg Hi-Rez Steroid IRC logo
Tz-fing.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Finger Tip
Tz-met.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Meteor
Tz-spray.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Spray
Tz-worm.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Wormer
Us-bitel.Asc Ascii Multiple Bitel Life
Yb-9x.Asc Ascii Starks 9x logo
Yb-hawk.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The wonderful Hawk
Yb-natr1.Asc Ascii Starks Natural logo 01
Yb-phnix.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The Phonix
Yb-rdrgn.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The real dragon
Yb-zoop.Asc Ascii Starks ZooP BBs
News/ Info by Starks
and Cleaner awe f LU I D
The Art Group Fluids News/ Info
Global News/Info
Fluid like you all probelly know belong to Natural. Natural has been a success
and contain now: 2 groups, 28 members. This is only three mounths that Natural
alive and two mounths for Fluid. Fluid contain 16/28 members now. This mounth
the main department at Fluid was the Hi-Rez Division Department. We got some
really good artists this mounth as well and we hope to get more in the future.
There been a romer about the oldpack that I Starks took 6 files from the
pack Purg-20 without no authrizition by the artists, Well... Its not true.
There was 6 files that were the same in each pack, This is true but, I got the
auth from the two artists. Now those two artists left Fluid and stayed with
Purg which other artists didnt. I mainly hated when you all excuse me on this
without hearing my side. Who ever it was, know. But now its over and we all
should pass it which some of us didnt. Unfortunlly, There are still people
who dont feel good with Natural/Fluid. Well... I can only say: Though luck!
because we want and we will stay here long time. Who ever want to know more
about us or want to see the profs that we are innocent, call me because after
all, We dont want to feel unwelcomed. Most of our artists stayed exept the
two. Enjoy.
Member News/Info
Atm - Hi-Rez Artist, One of my favorite 2D Hi-Rez Artist. He draw mainly furry
art. I think you will enjoy him.
Bear Claw - Hi-Rez Artist, This guy is a hand artist but he is so good so I
have to have him in Fluid.
Blizzard - Hi-Rez Artist, This guy is a begginer but for my opinnion a good
artist for a begginer.
Eric - Hi-Rez Head, Another one of my favorite Hi-Rez Artist, This guy drawed
even before the scene started and I belive you will love him.
Hayk - Hi-Rez Artist, This guy is a hand and a computer artist. He is very
good and cool for my opinnion.
Jandor - Out, Ascii/Hi-Rez Artist.
Prosthesis - Ascii Co-Head, this guy is so cool and I think you all think so
as well.
Tizit - Hi-Rez Artist, This guy draw mainly 3D and we love him and we are
hoping that you too.
Trance - Out, Hi-Rez Head.
Scrap - Hi-Rez/Music Artist, This guy is very cool at Hi-Rez and even better
at Music.
Steroid - Hi-Rez Artist, This guy is our only Font Hi-Rez Artist and I feel
like he is very good.
Joining News/Info
Why do you need to chose us when you have so much groups in the scene? Well...
The correct answer is that we are the only group that give you special trips,
Trips such as giving programs not freewares or sharewares to each one of our
our members if he ask and need etc. This is one kind of the trip but that we
are giving a lot more trips such as trips that give respect and ownor such
as building motds for IRC / ISP Servers, creating graphics for programs that
will rock the world not simple programs such as Viewers etc. This is another
kind of trip that we give / supply. The third trip kind is getting your own
free page on the net by our domain and getting E-mail also by our domain.
There are a lot of other trips that we give such as helping etc. If you are
convince that we are the perfect / right group for you, send an E-Mail to:...
benyamin@comandcom.com and tell us your own affils and send us a couple of
your art and tell us also why did you chose us and we will do a vote for you
on Natural!Fluid. The chanse is pretty big that you will be accepted to any
Department youll chose so start applying.
Files News/Info
File Type Author Title
-fluid-.--- Ascii Fluids Artists The ArtGroup Fluids 2nd Pack Main
2m-fluid.Ans Ansi 2m Stone Natural!Fluid
Aetc24.Asc Ascii Aeternam C24 Compo - Milan
Aeteerie.Asc Ascii Aeternam EERiE
Aetflui.Asc Ascii Aeternam Fluid rules!
Aetnat.Asc Ascii Aeternam Natural BBs
Aetrh.Asc Ascii Aeternam REHASh
Atm-3ds.Jpg Hi-Rez Atm 3D Models
Atm-jag2.Jpg Hi-Rez Atm Jaguar 2
Atm-of.Jpg Hi-Rez Atm Otters
Atm-wolf.Jpg Hi-Rez Atm The Wolf
Blz-Fish.Jpg Hi-Rez Blizzard The Fish
Es-back.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Amiga is back!
Es-cool.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Cool Duo
Es-sab.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Sabrina On-Line
Es-space.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Space Amy
Es-tor.Jpg Hi-Rez Eric Tor - 1980-1998
Fileid.Diz Ascii Squish The ArtGroup Fluids 2nd Fileid
Flu02.Mem Ansi Multiple The ArtGroup Fluids 2nd MemberList
Flu02.Nfo Ansi Multiple The ArtGroup Fluids 2nd News/ Info
Is-colly.Asc Ascii Prosthesis Ascii colly 01
Pk!rainm.Jpg Hi-Rez Pike Rain Mator
Rm-creat.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk The Creator
Rm-fsol.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk fuTUrE SoUNd of LoNDOn
Rm-strim.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Stream
Rm-weird.Jpg Hi-Rez Hayk Weird Creation
Scr-equi.Xm Music Scrap Equilibrium
Scr-prec.Xm Music Scrap Precision
Sd-fluid.Jpg Hi-Rez Steroid Fluid logo
Sd-irc.Jpg Hi-Rez Steroid IRC logo
Tz-fing.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Finger Tip
Tz-met.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Meteor
Tz-spray.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Spray
Tz-worm.Jpg Hi-Rez Tizit Wormer
Us-bitel.Asc Ascii Multiple Bitel Life
Yb-9x.Asc Ascii Starks 9x logo
Yb-hawk.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The wonderful Hawk
Yb-natr1.Asc Ascii Starks Natural logo 01
Yb-phnix.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The Phonix
Yb-rdrgn.Jpg Hi-Rez Starks The real dragon
Yb-zoop.Asc Ascii Starks ZooP BBs
News/ Info by Starks
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