this image contains text
dEvs ANS!ASC!! LoGo cOLLeCt!on nUmbAh 2 - fLAnGe pRoDuCtioNs 1998
Welcome to my second colly for the first pack. Here i have gone sick with the
white small font that i like very much. I have used it for THEDRAIN menuset
and for the universal distro menuset. It all started with the regomenu for the
drain. I liked and Mr.d liked it so i did some more now he has caught the
small white font fever too as he has continued to make ansis for his bbs in
almost the same font his are larger. I then did some ansis for Fatal Toxins
which worked well and i had to do them in a certain colour scheme. Some logos
are from the bottoms of pics in this pack. As you might notice by the WipeOut
and 1st and 2nd Fatal toxins logos. I have improved since the first colly
Nuff of me blabering on about all this crap. Go and eNjoY the show.
Theres my menuset for THEDRAIN. Mr.d replaced most of them with his own now butthats ok there good to put in the pack. Hopefully mR.d will put his colly of
Larger white fonts in this pack too. Hes are better i think. In fact hes whole
bbs is already covered in them and it looks really original.
Silencer asked for three logos for his board and gave me the colour scheme.
It is a really good scheme to work with actually. It looks really kewl. The
FToxins ansis would probably be the best in the pack collectivly. This one took
about an hour to do cause i had to get the circles just right.
! !dev!
The second logo for Fatal Toxins. It turned out very well and this one got me
into the reflections at the corners. Ya know the sorta reflections which
come in handy with eyes and bubble type ansi logos.
,. ,. , d . ,
,, e ,
, ,v ,.,
This is an intentionally messy ascii. The third of three. Silencer sounded like
he liked ascii. I dont really like the plain grey ascii.
wIPeoUt bBs dEv.fLAnGe97
The WIPEOUT bbs ansi. It started of looking crap and when i added the drips
which i like it really looked good. This started me off with the little shines
that i didnt do before. This was attached to the bottom of the logon ansi.
A rather simple logo that is used in the fLAnGe distro menus. Its simple but
effective. The E was cut off before. I keep doing that. Im Crazy!
Here... Back to those simple small white fonts again and these are the headings
for the fLAnGe distro menu set. There are more but theres already too many.
A fairly nice Logon logo for Fatal Toxins. I altered the small white font and
I think the old style looks better..
,. , , , ,4
This is the main menu ascii. It looks nice. Its better than the one that was
there before and its more space saving because you can put commands between
the drips. hehehehe
Here the main menu ansi for THEMYST which looks pretty good. It took me hours
to get this one exactly how i wanted it to look like the shading and that. I
was up until 2:30am screwing around with it. so i hope Mystical Shadow uses it- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
248 LiNeS oF LoGoS tO thE maX fLAnGe pRoDuCtioNs 1998
Welcome to my second colly for the first pack. Here i have gone sick with the
white small font that i like very much. I have used it for THEDRAIN menuset
and for the universal distro menuset. It all started with the regomenu for the
drain. I liked and Mr.d liked it so i did some more now he has caught the
small white font fever too as he has continued to make ansis for his bbs in
almost the same font his are larger. I then did some ansis for Fatal Toxins
which worked well and i had to do them in a certain colour scheme. Some logos
are from the bottoms of pics in this pack. As you might notice by the WipeOut
and 1st and 2nd Fatal toxins logos. I have improved since the first colly
Nuff of me blabering on about all this crap. Go and eNjoY the show.
Theres my menuset for THEDRAIN. Mr.d replaced most of them with his own now butthats ok there good to put in the pack. Hopefully mR.d will put his colly of
Larger white fonts in this pack too. Hes are better i think. In fact hes whole
bbs is already covered in them and it looks really original.
Silencer asked for three logos for his board and gave me the colour scheme.
It is a really good scheme to work with actually. It looks really kewl. The
FToxins ansis would probably be the best in the pack collectivly. This one took
about an hour to do cause i had to get the circles just right.
! !dev!
The second logo for Fatal Toxins. It turned out very well and this one got me
into the reflections at the corners. Ya know the sorta reflections which
come in handy with eyes and bubble type ansi logos.
,. ,. , d . ,
,, e ,
, ,v ,.,
This is an intentionally messy ascii. The third of three. Silencer sounded like
he liked ascii. I dont really like the plain grey ascii.
wIPeoUt bBs dEv.fLAnGe97
The WIPEOUT bbs ansi. It started of looking crap and when i added the drips
which i like it really looked good. This started me off with the little shines
that i didnt do before. This was attached to the bottom of the logon ansi.
A rather simple logo that is used in the fLAnGe distro menus. Its simple but
effective. The E was cut off before. I keep doing that. Im Crazy!
Here... Back to those simple small white fonts again and these are the headings
for the fLAnGe distro menu set. There are more but theres already too many.
A fairly nice Logon logo for Fatal Toxins. I altered the small white font and
I think the old style looks better..
,. , , , ,4
This is the main menu ascii. It looks nice. Its better than the one that was
there before and its more space saving because you can put commands between
the drips. hehehehe
Here the main menu ansi for THEMYST which looks pretty good. It took me hours
to get this one exactly how i wanted it to look like the shading and that. I
was up until 2:30am screwing around with it. so i hope Mystical Shadow uses it- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
248 LiNeS oF LoGoS tO thE maX fLAnGe pRoDuCtioNs 1998
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