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dEvs ANS!ASC!! LoGo cOLLeCt!on nUmbAh 1 - fLAnGe pRoDuCtioNs 1998
Here is my first logo colly which features stuff i did here and there like most
logo collections. In it is various styles of logos and i was wondering to myselfDEV, do ya think i should make the logos into a collection or dont i have
enough. I thought i didnt have enough but to my complete astonisment i was
wrong. I had 10 bloody logos. So there, here is the groovy collection and i haveone wish, and that is for you to eNjOy. and i have a question too.
Q: Have you ever been in a rush when talking to some one and when writing
cya have ya written cay i have several times and it really pisses me off.
But dont waste time reading this bullshit press down and have a look at da art
that i have done. All artists write a whole lot of crap in thier collections.
Its a tradition. Three cheers for fLAnGehoray, horay, horay bugger the hiphips- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This is the industrial look logo which some call the fat logo which is part
of the 45 liner i did for THEDRAIN BBS our WHq.
This is the PULSE distro ansi i did for DREAMSTATE.
Here is a DUBIUS logo which i did for DREAMSTATE also.
I did a sorta typical style ansi for the bbs to fit with all the others.
, .. dEv.fLAnGe
The ascii ansi for THEDRAIN bbs. It looks rather mean which is what i intended.it is for the elite menu which is for elite people. hehehehe
A small group logo for our group. Its ok. mind you when the group name was
changed due to another group called implosion many of my logos had to be
changed completly. including the 1st one and the next one.. geez what a job,.
There ya go, i think it looks quite good considering it used to say iMpLode.
mu ltilin e
A multi line logo for a menu i did for iBANEz at illusion. He seemed pretty
pleased with it and i am to. What do you think? Bit hard to read but hey thats
ansi isnt it. hehehe.
f l a n g e
Here is another bloody group logo. i have to make lots to start off a group.
Hope ya like,..
Heres a real dirty logo for THEDRAIN that i did for the X!LOGIN matrix.
It really suits the drain i think, anyway.. .
Heres a real shinny logo for THEDRAIN that i did for the X!LOGIN matrix.
It has random ansi displayed at login.
189 LiNeS oF LoGoS tO thE maX fLAnGe pRoDuCtioNs 1998
Here is my first logo colly which features stuff i did here and there like most
logo collections. In it is various styles of logos and i was wondering to myselfDEV, do ya think i should make the logos into a collection or dont i have
enough. I thought i didnt have enough but to my complete astonisment i was
wrong. I had 10 bloody logos. So there, here is the groovy collection and i haveone wish, and that is for you to eNjOy. and i have a question too.
Q: Have you ever been in a rush when talking to some one and when writing
cya have ya written cay i have several times and it really pisses me off.
But dont waste time reading this bullshit press down and have a look at da art
that i have done. All artists write a whole lot of crap in thier collections.
Its a tradition. Three cheers for fLAnGehoray, horay, horay bugger the hiphips- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
This is the industrial look logo which some call the fat logo which is part
of the 45 liner i did for THEDRAIN BBS our WHq.
This is the PULSE distro ansi i did for DREAMSTATE.
Here is a DUBIUS logo which i did for DREAMSTATE also.
I did a sorta typical style ansi for the bbs to fit with all the others.
, .. dEv.fLAnGe
The ascii ansi for THEDRAIN bbs. It looks rather mean which is what i intended.it is for the elite menu which is for elite people. hehehehe
A small group logo for our group. Its ok. mind you when the group name was
changed due to another group called implosion many of my logos had to be
changed completly. including the 1st one and the next one.. geez what a job,.
There ya go, i think it looks quite good considering it used to say iMpLode.
mu ltilin e
A multi line logo for a menu i did for iBANEz at illusion. He seemed pretty
pleased with it and i am to. What do you think? Bit hard to read but hey thats
ansi isnt it. hehehe.
f l a n g e
Here is another bloody group logo. i have to make lots to start off a group.
Hope ya like,..
Heres a real dirty logo for THEDRAIN that i did for the X!LOGIN matrix.
It really suits the drain i think, anyway.. .
Heres a real shinny logo for THEDRAIN that i did for the X!LOGIN matrix.
It has random ansi displayed at login.
189 LiNeS oF LoGoS tO thE maX fLAnGe pRoDuCtioNs 1998
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