this image contains text
.::: ,yyyyyy. ::::
.::::: ,aaaa P:::
..::::,yydyQbyyy:yaaa.::: :::: -fr!,
.::.a::::::::::: ,ydbyy ..:::: y :,yyyyy:::::::::::..:: ,ydby, .:::::: y ybyy,:::::::::::::: . aaaaaaaa ::::::: : P ::::.: aaaaaaaaaa
. ::.:.: ,.....*y... .y.:::.::..:::::: .:::.::: ::::y::::a..:::::::::::::::::: :::..: . .::::::.:::::::::::: :::::: aaaaaa .aaaaaay i:::...::::::::
:::::: y .*:::::::::
-- - --- --- -- -- ::. - ::::: :: --- . ----- -- - --- -- - - -woo new sig. heres my cool* ascii :::: colly for fire 12/95.. hope ya like
it. almost .. :.. . .
-- fraK ascii cOlly number twoOo -- by fractal of fire --
-- ami/x style -- oh yeah, and umm, fire roolZ --
wee. upload.. .
motion : : . . :
trank rockin in da 95
--- -- --------- korrupt society.sop.deathstroke ------- -- - -
- modem land! -
- +opped by hiro protagonist of -
-+ trank +-
- magik marmalade.. opped -
--- by me and pal splint of acid -
-- 613.838.2691.. call or die ----
-- crystal meth --
. . . -fr!..
critical d.ception!6i3.692.o485!fast warez
: system operator!autopsy!cosop!darkfire! :
../ ./ ./ ./- . - . ./ -: . :. /. ../../..//..../../ :/ : : .:.. . -- -: .:.. . -- -- .:.. . / - -- / . critical deception baybee - o-3 day warez - ---
- 6i3.692.o485 .. sysops .. autopsy .. darkfire
rad pcboard setup .. ld callers
.. .this has been fractals ascii colly numbah twoOo c .. .
.. .get ready for number tray next monF. ..
.::::: ,aaaa P:::
..::::,yydyQbyyy:yaaa.::: :::: -fr!,
.::.a::::::::::: ,ydbyy ..:::: y :,yyyyy:::::::::::..:: ,ydby, .:::::: y ybyy,:::::::::::::: . aaaaaaaa ::::::: : P ::::.: aaaaaaaaaa
. ::.:.: ,.....*y... .y.:::.::..:::::: .:::.::: ::::y::::a..:::::::::::::::::: :::..: . .::::::.:::::::::::: :::::: aaaaaa .aaaaaay i:::...::::::::
:::::: y .*:::::::::
-- - --- --- -- -- ::. - ::::: :: --- . ----- -- - --- -- - - -woo new sig. heres my cool* ascii :::: colly for fire 12/95.. hope ya like
it. almost .. :.. . .
-- fraK ascii cOlly number twoOo -- by fractal of fire --
-- ami/x style -- oh yeah, and umm, fire roolZ --
wee. upload.. .
motion : : . . :
trank rockin in da 95
--- -- --------- korrupt society.sop.deathstroke ------- -- - -
- modem land! -
- +opped by hiro protagonist of -
-+ trank +-
- magik marmalade.. opped -
--- by me and pal splint of acid -
-- 613.838.2691.. call or die ----
-- crystal meth --
. . . -fr!..
critical d.ception!6i3.692.o485!fast warez
: system operator!autopsy!cosop!darkfire! :
../ ./ ./ ./- . - . ./ -: . :. /. ../../..//..../../ :/ : : .:.. . -- -: .:.. . -- -- .:.. . / - -- / . critical deception baybee - o-3 day warez - ---
- 6i3.692.o485 .. sysops .. autopsy .. darkfire
rad pcboard setup .. ld callers
.. .this has been fractals ascii colly numbah twoOo c .. .
.. .get ready for number tray next monF. ..
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