this image contains text
d db db
gggggggg gggg gggg
YZwwwwwwwww ww ww bggS Yggg4
emp wwww sss
the emperors collie
dust to dust, dawn to dawn - as i turn my head, and so does my
bro, we both see her, but we just dont know ... but i do, i can
sence it, feal it, its just there .. its hard to explain but there
is a bond, a connection you might think - as i look into her eyes
and admire the true beuaty of them, i know she is so unique - so
innocent, and yet meak?! - as me and my bro cuize up to them, we
start pimpn, as we do - we ask them what they are doing, and cook
em up some stew g?! - i land a date with one of them, found out
her name was lisaa
*** what am i talking about?! .. i am just rambling on about this
chick eh?! .. well she is my girl friend, so anywayz lets get on
with my collie, and next pack, will have a phat lit at the
benging g
i just want to great all my boyz in fIRE.
ggggg, gggg
,ggggg ggggg, ggg ggg , sggg ,ggg, sggg gggg, s s
- name of logo - for?! - status of trade
1 earth/2 cyraon waiting for my ansi/ascii
2 evileye zambini i think we did a trade@
3 heave wave wave trade has been completed.
4 bofh hack yes, it was a freebie
,aa ,aa ,aa ,a ,a
gsss.ygggssss sssgsssgggg,
,g ,g g
g s s g
, g, g g, g g
aaa aaag aa
system operators!?
cygreet / crayon
- affils galOre!?!
ascii : the 62nd assassin fire
Sg. ,g
the 62nd assassin / fire ascii
gggg bgd gggg
gg. 7
gggggggg gggg
evilEYE ...
zambini ... Ss, g ,sSSs,
gg,, hsssggy ,aa,aa matrix commands?! gsss.yggssss ssggyg gggg g g , , ,
::::::. :: aaa aaa aaa :::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::: ggaaaa ::::::::::::::::::::
+op wAVE!.
the 62nd assassin fire
welcome to bofh ...
gggg gggg
g g g
g,. g,.
bofh?! g,.
cbofh efnet server ...
the emperor fire ascii division ,gsssss
db ddb db
bggSw bggS bggS Yggg4
- yo, well that was my 3nd collie for fire, and i am totaly loving fire,
i mean after all, fire4life eh?! So anywz, if you ever want to do a trade
withe me, you can either call up testAment 1+619738-9918 -- kinda a
cheap plug eh?! or you can email me at thEmperor@juno.com i read that about
every 2 weeks, or if you ever catch me on irc, i am on as empfIRE, and
i am usualy in ansi, ascii, fire, and peng --- for penguin palace,
becuase pinguino rules .. dont see
i am always up for trades, just msg me or something ..
- trade stats ..
ok, well i know that some of you did some trades with me, and i have my
list rihgt here in front of me, so i still owe hash, raidr happyland,
tr the reapers realm, and deadeyes abstact element .. i owe them all
asciis .. and dont wory, it will be in the next collie, and i know that
i told all you guys, that it would be in this collie, and well like i forgot
when the deadline was, and so i kinda lost track, BUT I WILL DO YOU GUYS
YOUR STUFF@@, ok lets get to where i throw my pROPS out ..
- oh, and if you didnt know, i was the 62nd assassin, i went through a nick
change ...
- pROPSs
- deep, anarchist, pinguino, tsk, pointblank, lord jazz, sodium, skatter, pchan pRIME, prodiac, whodini, watOr, hOlocaust, betrayer, risu, outkast, exulted,
omi, epoxy where the fuck are jew?!, x77x, blatz cuz he rules
.. that is just some of my props, and i know i know more ppl, so i throw
props to all that i know .. and to all the ppl in san diego 619, becuase
we are the tRUE wEST sIDE@@@@ .. keep the real!
- and i have a hudge pROP that i have to throw out to, my gfriend, lisaa ..
- peace to all you wiggers out there
the emperor / fire ascii
eof 272 lines ..
d db db
gggggggg gggg gggg
YZwwwwwwwww ww ww bggS Yggg4
emp wwww sss
the emperors collie
dust to dust, dawn to dawn - as i turn my head, and so does my
bro, we both see her, but we just dont know ... but i do, i can
sence it, feal it, its just there .. its hard to explain but there
is a bond, a connection you might think - as i look into her eyes
and admire the true beuaty of them, i know she is so unique - so
innocent, and yet meak?! - as me and my bro cuize up to them, we
start pimpn, as we do - we ask them what they are doing, and cook
em up some stew g?! - i land a date with one of them, found out
her name was lisaa
*** what am i talking about?! .. i am just rambling on about this
chick eh?! .. well she is my girl friend, so anywayz lets get on
with my collie, and next pack, will have a phat lit at the
benging g
i just want to great all my boyz in fIRE.
ggggg, gggg
,ggggg ggggg, ggg ggg , sggg ,ggg, sggg gggg, s s
- name of logo - for?! - status of trade
1 earth/2 cyraon waiting for my ansi/ascii
2 evileye zambini i think we did a trade@
3 heave wave wave trade has been completed.
4 bofh hack yes, it was a freebie
,aa ,aa ,aa ,a ,a
gsss.ygggssss sssgsssgggg,
,g ,g g
g s s g
, g, g g, g g
aaa aaag aa
system operators!?
cygreet / crayon
- affils galOre!?!
ascii : the 62nd assassin fire
Sg. ,g
the 62nd assassin / fire ascii
gggg bgd gggg
gg. 7
gggggggg gggg
evilEYE ...
zambini ... Ss, g ,sSSs,
gg,, hsssggy ,aa,aa matrix commands?! gsss.yggssss ssggyg gggg g g , , ,
::::::. :: aaa aaa aaa :::::::::::::::::::::
::::::::::::: ggaaaa ::::::::::::::::::::
+op wAVE!.
the 62nd assassin fire
welcome to bofh ...
gggg gggg
g g g
g,. g,.
bofh?! g,.
cbofh efnet server ...
the emperor fire ascii division ,gsssss
db ddb db
bggSw bggS bggS Yggg4
- yo, well that was my 3nd collie for fire, and i am totaly loving fire,
i mean after all, fire4life eh?! So anywz, if you ever want to do a trade
withe me, you can either call up testAment 1+619738-9918 -- kinda a
cheap plug eh?! or you can email me at thEmperor@juno.com i read that about
every 2 weeks, or if you ever catch me on irc, i am on as empfIRE, and
i am usualy in ansi, ascii, fire, and peng --- for penguin palace,
becuase pinguino rules .. dont see
i am always up for trades, just msg me or something ..
- trade stats ..
ok, well i know that some of you did some trades with me, and i have my
list rihgt here in front of me, so i still owe hash, raidr happyland,
tr the reapers realm, and deadeyes abstact element .. i owe them all
asciis .. and dont wory, it will be in the next collie, and i know that
i told all you guys, that it would be in this collie, and well like i forgot
when the deadline was, and so i kinda lost track, BUT I WILL DO YOU GUYS
YOUR STUFF@@, ok lets get to where i throw my pROPS out ..
- oh, and if you didnt know, i was the 62nd assassin, i went through a nick
change ...
- pROPSs
- deep, anarchist, pinguino, tsk, pointblank, lord jazz, sodium, skatter, pchan pRIME, prodiac, whodini, watOr, hOlocaust, betrayer, risu, outkast, exulted,
omi, epoxy where the fuck are jew?!, x77x, blatz cuz he rules
.. that is just some of my props, and i know i know more ppl, so i throw
props to all that i know .. and to all the ppl in san diego 619, becuase
we are the tRUE wEST sIDE@@@@ .. keep the real!
- and i have a hudge pROP that i have to throw out to, my gfriend, lisaa ..
- peace to all you wiggers out there
the emperor / fire ascii
eof 272 lines ..
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