this image contains text
Welcome, yet again, to the Halaster logo/smallscale colly! This is my
6th one of these little ditties, and one of the best. I think the ARP
and VI logos are probally some of my best ever. The poo one is kinda
silly, but I wanted to put it in the pack for trip so he can get some
more calls! Of course, having no number on the font could be a prob.
This ansi is dedicated to all those artists trying to create their own
style. Its a bitch and a half, and more people should do it. - hal
--------------hal-arp.ans, originally. for arpeggio.res.cmu.edu--------------
halaster fire 95 arpeggio.res.cmu.edu
blazin 10-base-T ethernet ftp supporting fire and the
ansi art scene get arpeggio support for *your* group today!
------------hal-vi.ans, originally. for alucard of vampyric image.-----------
vampyric image
------------------hal-poo.ans, originally. for trip o poo.------------------
po0 poopy whats brown, green, glows in the dark and smell real funky? poopy p0
po0py poo logo by halaster . trip? go home! the bold ole was .. p0o poop
Deeply D, Iodine, Maxwell, Eerie, Somms, Pod, Nootropic, Young,
Magnetic M, Lord Soth, Ktulu, Crisis, Shaolin, Ill Communikation
and Lemonade - People who make staying in the scene worthwhile.
A big-ass extra special w00p goes out to ts, cuz he just rules.
6th one of these little ditties, and one of the best. I think the ARP
and VI logos are probally some of my best ever. The poo one is kinda
silly, but I wanted to put it in the pack for trip so he can get some
more calls! Of course, having no number on the font could be a prob.
This ansi is dedicated to all those artists trying to create their own
style. Its a bitch and a half, and more people should do it. - hal
--------------hal-arp.ans, originally. for arpeggio.res.cmu.edu--------------
halaster fire 95 arpeggio.res.cmu.edu
blazin 10-base-T ethernet ftp supporting fire and the
ansi art scene get arpeggio support for *your* group today!
------------hal-vi.ans, originally. for alucard of vampyric image.-----------
vampyric image
------------------hal-poo.ans, originally. for trip o poo.------------------
po0 poopy whats brown, green, glows in the dark and smell real funky? poopy p0
po0py poo logo by halaster . trip? go home! the bold ole was .. p0o poop
Deeply D, Iodine, Maxwell, Eerie, Somms, Pod, Nootropic, Young,
Magnetic M, Lord Soth, Ktulu, Crisis, Shaolin, Ill Communikation
and Lemonade - People who make staying in the scene worthwhile.
A big-ass extra special w00p goes out to ts, cuz he just rules.
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