this image contains text
welcome again to most zany of attractions, the icing or at
at least the melted wax on the cake that is fire ansi: the
halaster smallscale/logo colly! this month i kinda messed
with a straight shading style .. kinda like my buddy somms,
only not nearly as nifto. enjoy! and dont rip this shit!
---------------hal-wfc.ans, originally. for nivenh of impulse---------------
option 1 goes here
hal option 2 goes here
option 3 goes here
option 4 goes here
option 5 goes here
option 6 goes here
----------------hal-tr2.ans, originally. for me of the regency----------------
tr fire
the regency fire whq! xmas95
at least the melted wax on the cake that is fire ansi: the
halaster smallscale/logo colly! this month i kinda messed
with a straight shading style .. kinda like my buddy somms,
only not nearly as nifto. enjoy! and dont rip this shit!
---------------hal-wfc.ans, originally. for nivenh of impulse---------------
option 1 goes here
hal option 2 goes here
option 3 goes here
option 4 goes here
option 5 goes here
option 6 goes here
----------------hal-tr2.ans, originally. for me of the regency----------------
tr fire
the regency fire whq! xmas95
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