this image contains text
gaag gaag gaag gaag
gaaga . gaagagaag . gaagagaag .aaaa .aaaa gaagagaag gaagagaag
. .: aa . .: . . .: gaag .: gaag . . . .
.: : gaaga.: : .: .: : . : . .: .: .: .:
: : l . : l : : l .: l .: : : : : :
l l .: l l l l l : l : l l l l
l :l l l l l l l l l l
l a l l a
a a aaaaa a a aaaaa
--------aCk!f!Re----------------------- ---- ---------------------
001 ::: aCk!s DaLetter ::: July Something... I dunno, Its a Monday...
w3wp!? Welcome to the first edition of daletter... NOTE: Its
called daletter instead of the letter because that shitty, 2-minute font
didnt allow me the space. I assure you... Im not turning into some kind of
el loco dope g.
Anyway, all this simple piese of crap is, is just a collection of
ramblings. You know, things like: ACK!TMS GUIDE TO SHITTY ASCII Hosted by
me..., commentaries on different scene things, and also commentaries on
real life shit, you know.
Are you saying, Why the hell do you have a newsletter? Because I
want to. Hell... Cybernary has one, uhm... and so does... uhhh....
nevermind... But hell... Ive been in the scene long enough. I deserve one.
NOTE: 4 years...
This section is for me to give advice to those who are beginners to
ascii art, or those who want to draw ascii. You intermediate and advanced
ascii artists will probably get nothing out of this, but read it anyway --
if only to see my excellent Faulkneresque stream-of-conciousness type writing
1st tip for beginning ascii artists: KEEP IT SIMPLE! Dont overdo
it. That is the biggest mistake I have ever seen. And its very common. I
often pick up a pack that has an overripe ascii in it, and say to myself Shit!
This could have been so much better without all that extra crap.
I try to keep my art very simple. I guess that it is my trademark. I
guess Im famous as that ascii-slacker who says weird shit on irc. I hope
not. If I am, somebody please tell me. But, to continue on... Many people
like my art. There have been many times after I finish a very complicated
ascii and DCC it to Spear, Holocaust, kHz, or somebody, and they say to me,
Patrick, man... No offence, but this looks like shit. Cut down on all the
nonessentials. I respect their frankness. It hurts, but helps me grow
inside... teehee... I made a funny.
2nd tip for beginning ascii artists: Get a backing in ansi art. Ascii
may look simple, but its not. A background in ansi will help you with forms.
Many ansi artists can jump into ascii, and make phenominal works Lord Jazz,
Chromatik, Maestro, 28, ect... right off the bat. It doesnt always work
that way, but if you do have ansi experience, you ascii does flow better. I
should know. I drew ansi for almost 2 years Getting as far as iCE Trial
before I said fuck it, and started to draw ascii. Granted, this isnt
always the case. There are many new school artists who have no experience in
ansi art, who just rock hardcore.
3rd tip for beginning ascii artists: Just have fun. Thats what this
shit is all about. If I start to find that Im taking the scene seriously,
its time for a break.
Who the hell are these geeks on IRC?
Thats what I want to know. Does every jerkoff with a computer and a
friend in ACiD I-NET have +o in ANSI? What is this? Case in point... I
dropped into ANSI the other day Which I have a tendency to do every two
months just to let people know Im alive. Well... I tried to at any rate.
There had been a channel takeover. Some asshole with a sexual insecurity
complex and too much spare time had taken over the channel. The channel was
finally reconquered and I proceeded in. I pretty much typed something to the
tune of the following:
aCk What the fuck is the point of this channel takeover shit? Tres jouvenile
nest-ce pas?
I thought that might dissuede some immature geek that if he made a
comment, it would be self-detrimental. Seeing the fact that if he answered, he
would be naming himself immature. Well... I got something to the tune of:
killspree because its fun
Oh joy... Somebody to fuck with. Im not talking flood-war, ect. Im
talking about intelligent comments generated to offend. I typed something like
this in return:
aCk killspree: Instead of trying to give us hints, just tell us how small
your dick actually is.
Heh... so maybe that wasnt very intelligent, but I found it humorous.
Killspree was not amused. He apparently went berserk, because he replied with
something extremely amusing and grammatically dead. I dunno what he was trying
to say. When I was in kindergarten I could write better than that. I made a
smappy comment in return -- making fun of his illiterate red-neck approach to
the english language of cource -- and he got maaaaaaaaaaaad. Ohhh... guess
what the silly goober did then! In his infinite quest to a witty reparte, the
supergenius pointed out a typo I had made earlier. OH SHIT! IM GOING TO HAVE
guy, so I said something to the effect of, Just who are you anyway? Do you
do art, or are you just somebodys friend? He replied that he didnt do art,
and he was only in the channel to fuck with ANSI people. Whew! WOW! This
guy must be a hit with the ladies back home! He has so many chickies that he
has time to fuck with ANSI people between blow jobs. Sarcasm folks...
Then he called me a faggot. That was going too far. I was not
offended by being called a faggot. I have friends who are faggots and
dykes. I am straight. Always have been, and always will be, but I am open
minded. I would rather be a faggot than an ignorant geek like Killspree.
It was not being called a faggot that pissed me off. It was his use of the
word. If Killspree was actually as intelligent as he thinks, then he wouldnt
have made such a narrowminded comment. I let him know this. He wasnt too
happy about that. I also told him that he actually has no idea who I am. He
doesnt know what I look like. Hes never heard my voice. Hes never even
chatted with me before. He doesnt know about my hobbies, or my interests, or
my sexual history, or my career intrests, of the size of my genetalia. I have
him at an advantage. Every comment I have made has dealt with his mental
capabilities. Every comment he has made has dealt with bullshit. He platform
is nonexistant. His opinions have no tangibility. He is nothing.
It was then he decided I had won. The way he let me know was this: He
ban-kicked me. He ban-kicked me because of this: He had no comeback. His
brain couldnt handle the stress, so he lashed out like any young crypto-Nazi
with low mental capacity, and a large odipus complex. He backed out. He
finally was the one who beat himself. He distrayed his reputation. He backed
out of the battle. He turned his ass and FLED!
Me banned? Who cares? I just /MSGd kaleidas or was it epidemic...
I forget and was unbanned. I approached Killspree again and told him about
the situation. He didnt like that. Boo hoo! Did I offend the guy? Whoops!
He banned me again! Teehee... who cares. I got on again. Then he deopped
every op on the channel except himself. But... he failed to ban, or kick me.
Soon... a friend of mine on PHLOMEs auto-op popped in. I told him about the
situation, and Kilspree was shown the door. Thus, I conquer again.
Intelligence is always preferable over ignorance.
Steps to making an ASCII - aCk! Style
I know I should probably have put this under the ACKS GUIDE... but
I didnt want to. This is a step by step guide to making an aCk! Style ASCII.
My example for today is hmmm.... lemme see... OK! I got it! iCE...
Use with the ALT-B command to make a general shape for your
ASCII. Dont make your actual letters yet. Just get an idea for
the shape you want. Use the ALT-B - C command at will. Then, center
your blocks in the screen. As for me, I have the uncanny ability to
center perfectly unintintionally. I just draw the ASCII, and go to
center it, and find out that it already is. Whoa! Idiot savante!
Now, form the general letter shape.
Now, expand upon that. Use g and a to make your letters
actually look like letters.
ggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg
ggggggg ggggggg
aaaa aaaa
This is the time to change the shape if you dont like the way
it looks. Im going to do this... watch! Feel free to do this any
time you want. These are suggestions, not stipulatory laws.
ggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg
ggggggg ggggggg
aaaa aaaa
Add details to the letters. Curve them if you want, or just
add those cross things that everybody rips off Lord Jazz and unSane.
Im doing the trademark aCk! Dividing LineTM, as well as the
In-letter fade.
ggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg
a a a a a
a aagaaaaagaagaaaaagaa agaaaaagaagaaaaaga aagaaaaagaa a
ll ll ll ll ll
lll lll lll lll lll
ggggggg ggggggg
aaaaa aaaaa
Some people stop at step four, but I just go to hell with
more decoration... Feel free to change anything...
ggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg
a a a a a
a aagaaaaagagaaaaagaa agaaaaagagaaaaaga aagaaaaagaa a
ll ll ll ll ll
lll lll lll lll lll
: :: ::: :: ggggggga :: ggggggg ::: :: :
aaaaag aaaaa
Personalize it, and tell what the ASCII is for. Quite often,
I add so much filigree, you cant tell what the letters are.
ggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg
a a a a a
a aagaaaaagagaaaaagaa agaaaaagagaaaaaga aagaaaaagaa a
ll ll ll ll ll
lll lll lll lll lll
: :: ::: :: ggggggga :: ggggggg ::: :: :
aaaaag aaaaa
i n s a n e . c r e a t o r s . e n t e r p r i s e s
a r r o g a n c e ! f i r e : a s c i i
There... a step-by-step look at ASCII aCk! Style... Feel free to
use my guidelines, but if you rip my ASCII, Even though I believe that
imitation is the greatest form of flattery I will not hesitate to give you
a rep-wuppin.
July Edition of The Letter ::: ART: aCk! ::: ARTICLES: aCk! ::: SUCKS?: Yes
gaag gaag gaag gaag
gaaga . gaagagaag . gaagagaag .aaaa .aaaa gaagagaag gaagagaag
. .: aa . .: . . .: gaag .: gaag . . . .
.: : gaaga.: : .: .: : . : . .: .: .: .:
: : l . : l : : l .: l .: : : : : :
l l .: l l l l l : l : l l l l
l :l l l l l l l l l l
l a l l a
a a aaaaa a a aaaaa
--------aCk!f!Re----------------------- ---- ---------------------
completed ice ascii...
ggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg
a a a a a
a aagaaaaagagaaaaagaa agaaaaagagaaaaaga aagaaaaagaa a
ll ll ll ll ll
lll lll lll lll lll
: :: ::: :: ggggggga :: ggggggg ::: :: :
aaaaag aaaaa
i n s a n e . c r e a t o r s . e n t e r p r i s e s
a r r o g a n c e ! f i r e : a s c i i
gaaga . gaagagaag . gaagagaag .aaaa .aaaa gaagagaag gaagagaag
. .: aa . .: . . .: gaag .: gaag . . . .
.: : gaaga.: : .: .: : . : . .: .: .: .:
: : l . : l : : l .: l .: : : : : :
l l .: l l l l l : l : l l l l
l :l l l l l l l l l l
l a l l a
a a aaaaa a a aaaaa
--------aCk!f!Re----------------------- ---- ---------------------
001 ::: aCk!s DaLetter ::: July Something... I dunno, Its a Monday...
w3wp!? Welcome to the first edition of daletter... NOTE: Its
called daletter instead of the letter because that shitty, 2-minute font
didnt allow me the space. I assure you... Im not turning into some kind of
el loco dope g.
Anyway, all this simple piese of crap is, is just a collection of
ramblings. You know, things like: ACK!TMS GUIDE TO SHITTY ASCII Hosted by
me..., commentaries on different scene things, and also commentaries on
real life shit, you know.
Are you saying, Why the hell do you have a newsletter? Because I
want to. Hell... Cybernary has one, uhm... and so does... uhhh....
nevermind... But hell... Ive been in the scene long enough. I deserve one.
NOTE: 4 years...
This section is for me to give advice to those who are beginners to
ascii art, or those who want to draw ascii. You intermediate and advanced
ascii artists will probably get nothing out of this, but read it anyway --
if only to see my excellent Faulkneresque stream-of-conciousness type writing
1st tip for beginning ascii artists: KEEP IT SIMPLE! Dont overdo
it. That is the biggest mistake I have ever seen. And its very common. I
often pick up a pack that has an overripe ascii in it, and say to myself Shit!
This could have been so much better without all that extra crap.
I try to keep my art very simple. I guess that it is my trademark. I
guess Im famous as that ascii-slacker who says weird shit on irc. I hope
not. If I am, somebody please tell me. But, to continue on... Many people
like my art. There have been many times after I finish a very complicated
ascii and DCC it to Spear, Holocaust, kHz, or somebody, and they say to me,
Patrick, man... No offence, but this looks like shit. Cut down on all the
nonessentials. I respect their frankness. It hurts, but helps me grow
inside... teehee... I made a funny.
2nd tip for beginning ascii artists: Get a backing in ansi art. Ascii
may look simple, but its not. A background in ansi will help you with forms.
Many ansi artists can jump into ascii, and make phenominal works Lord Jazz,
Chromatik, Maestro, 28, ect... right off the bat. It doesnt always work
that way, but if you do have ansi experience, you ascii does flow better. I
should know. I drew ansi for almost 2 years Getting as far as iCE Trial
before I said fuck it, and started to draw ascii. Granted, this isnt
always the case. There are many new school artists who have no experience in
ansi art, who just rock hardcore.
3rd tip for beginning ascii artists: Just have fun. Thats what this
shit is all about. If I start to find that Im taking the scene seriously,
its time for a break.
Who the hell are these geeks on IRC?
Thats what I want to know. Does every jerkoff with a computer and a
friend in ACiD I-NET have +o in ANSI? What is this? Case in point... I
dropped into ANSI the other day Which I have a tendency to do every two
months just to let people know Im alive. Well... I tried to at any rate.
There had been a channel takeover. Some asshole with a sexual insecurity
complex and too much spare time had taken over the channel. The channel was
finally reconquered and I proceeded in. I pretty much typed something to the
tune of the following:
aCk What the fuck is the point of this channel takeover shit? Tres jouvenile
nest-ce pas?
I thought that might dissuede some immature geek that if he made a
comment, it would be self-detrimental. Seeing the fact that if he answered, he
would be naming himself immature. Well... I got something to the tune of:
killspree because its fun
Oh joy... Somebody to fuck with. Im not talking flood-war, ect. Im
talking about intelligent comments generated to offend. I typed something like
this in return:
aCk killspree: Instead of trying to give us hints, just tell us how small
your dick actually is.
Heh... so maybe that wasnt very intelligent, but I found it humorous.
Killspree was not amused. He apparently went berserk, because he replied with
something extremely amusing and grammatically dead. I dunno what he was trying
to say. When I was in kindergarten I could write better than that. I made a
smappy comment in return -- making fun of his illiterate red-neck approach to
the english language of cource -- and he got maaaaaaaaaaaad. Ohhh... guess
what the silly goober did then! In his infinite quest to a witty reparte, the
supergenius pointed out a typo I had made earlier. OH SHIT! IM GOING TO HAVE
guy, so I said something to the effect of, Just who are you anyway? Do you
do art, or are you just somebodys friend? He replied that he didnt do art,
and he was only in the channel to fuck with ANSI people. Whew! WOW! This
guy must be a hit with the ladies back home! He has so many chickies that he
has time to fuck with ANSI people between blow jobs. Sarcasm folks...
Then he called me a faggot. That was going too far. I was not
offended by being called a faggot. I have friends who are faggots and
dykes. I am straight. Always have been, and always will be, but I am open
minded. I would rather be a faggot than an ignorant geek like Killspree.
It was not being called a faggot that pissed me off. It was his use of the
word. If Killspree was actually as intelligent as he thinks, then he wouldnt
have made such a narrowminded comment. I let him know this. He wasnt too
happy about that. I also told him that he actually has no idea who I am. He
doesnt know what I look like. Hes never heard my voice. Hes never even
chatted with me before. He doesnt know about my hobbies, or my interests, or
my sexual history, or my career intrests, of the size of my genetalia. I have
him at an advantage. Every comment I have made has dealt with his mental
capabilities. Every comment he has made has dealt with bullshit. He platform
is nonexistant. His opinions have no tangibility. He is nothing.
It was then he decided I had won. The way he let me know was this: He
ban-kicked me. He ban-kicked me because of this: He had no comeback. His
brain couldnt handle the stress, so he lashed out like any young crypto-Nazi
with low mental capacity, and a large odipus complex. He backed out. He
finally was the one who beat himself. He distrayed his reputation. He backed
out of the battle. He turned his ass and FLED!
Me banned? Who cares? I just /MSGd kaleidas or was it epidemic...
I forget and was unbanned. I approached Killspree again and told him about
the situation. He didnt like that. Boo hoo! Did I offend the guy? Whoops!
He banned me again! Teehee... who cares. I got on again. Then he deopped
every op on the channel except himself. But... he failed to ban, or kick me.
Soon... a friend of mine on PHLOMEs auto-op popped in. I told him about the
situation, and Kilspree was shown the door. Thus, I conquer again.
Intelligence is always preferable over ignorance.
Steps to making an ASCII - aCk! Style
I know I should probably have put this under the ACKS GUIDE... but
I didnt want to. This is a step by step guide to making an aCk! Style ASCII.
My example for today is hmmm.... lemme see... OK! I got it! iCE...
Use with the ALT-B command to make a general shape for your
ASCII. Dont make your actual letters yet. Just get an idea for
the shape you want. Use the ALT-B - C command at will. Then, center
your blocks in the screen. As for me, I have the uncanny ability to
center perfectly unintintionally. I just draw the ASCII, and go to
center it, and find out that it already is. Whoa! Idiot savante!
Now, form the general letter shape.
Now, expand upon that. Use g and a to make your letters
actually look like letters.
ggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg
ggggggg ggggggg
aaaa aaaa
This is the time to change the shape if you dont like the way
it looks. Im going to do this... watch! Feel free to do this any
time you want. These are suggestions, not stipulatory laws.
ggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg
ggggggg ggggggg
aaaa aaaa
Add details to the letters. Curve them if you want, or just
add those cross things that everybody rips off Lord Jazz and unSane.
Im doing the trademark aCk! Dividing LineTM, as well as the
In-letter fade.
ggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg
a a a a a
a aagaaaaagaagaaaaagaa agaaaaagaagaaaaaga aagaaaaagaa a
ll ll ll ll ll
lll lll lll lll lll
ggggggg ggggggg
aaaaa aaaaa
Some people stop at step four, but I just go to hell with
more decoration... Feel free to change anything...
ggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg
a a a a a
a aagaaaaagagaaaaagaa agaaaaagagaaaaaga aagaaaaagaa a
ll ll ll ll ll
lll lll lll lll lll
: :: ::: :: ggggggga :: ggggggg ::: :: :
aaaaag aaaaa
Personalize it, and tell what the ASCII is for. Quite often,
I add so much filigree, you cant tell what the letters are.
ggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg
a a a a a
a aagaaaaagagaaaaagaa agaaaaagagaaaaaga aagaaaaagaa a
ll ll ll ll ll
lll lll lll lll lll
: :: ::: :: ggggggga :: ggggggg ::: :: :
aaaaag aaaaa
i n s a n e . c r e a t o r s . e n t e r p r i s e s
a r r o g a n c e ! f i r e : a s c i i
There... a step-by-step look at ASCII aCk! Style... Feel free to
use my guidelines, but if you rip my ASCII, Even though I believe that
imitation is the greatest form of flattery I will not hesitate to give you
a rep-wuppin.
July Edition of The Letter ::: ART: aCk! ::: ARTICLES: aCk! ::: SUCKS?: Yes
gaag gaag gaag gaag
gaaga . gaagagaag . gaagagaag .aaaa .aaaa gaagagaag gaagagaag
. .: aa . .: . . .: gaag .: gaag . . . .
.: : gaaga.: : .: .: : . : . .: .: .: .:
: : l . : l : : l .: l .: : : : : :
l l .: l l l l l : l : l l l l
l :l l l l l l l l l l
l a l l a
a a aaaaa a a aaaaa
--------aCk!f!Re----------------------- ---- ---------------------
completed ice ascii...
ggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg gggggggaaaaggggggg
a a a a a
a aagaaaaagagaaaaagaa agaaaaagagaaaaaga aagaaaaagaa a
ll ll ll ll ll
lll lll lll lll lll
: :: ::: :: ggggggga :: ggggggg ::: :: :
aaaaag aaaaa
i n s a n e . c r e a t o r s . e n t e r p r i s e s
a r r o g a n c e ! f i r e : a s c i i
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