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+o bisounours, gizmo +33-1-4879o422
lots of affils. just remember one: fire memberboard!
tired of drawing superheros and bloody aliens with big guns and evil grins?
you too can draw a care bear tm. together, well make the universe a better
place. a place of love and friendship where no one will fight, where there wontbe wars, plagues, and soap operas.
sex and violence in ansis is bad. most of the ansi scene is composed of kids.
they musnt be allowed to view such ansis, for their own good. else, they will
eventually end up as delinquants, robbers, criminals, rapers or politicians.
in order to get rid of those evil ansis, ive made a new label: bisounours
approved ansi. send your ansis to gigandet@iplus.fr if you want to put this
label on your ansis. youll be notified if they are qualified to get the label.
heres the label: ascii version:
if you are running a group, make sure that all the ansis of your packs have
been bisounours approved. you can then add the ascii label in your fileid.diz
as a result, your pack will gain a better popularity. caring mothers will feel
safe and download the pack for their kids if there is the bisounours label.
contribute to a better world. adopt the bisounours label now.
un ptit bonjour a:
gizmo,tonic,karma,mr splif nan tas pas le droit au label bisounours ,hal,
maxwell,blackviper tas pas fini lhistoire de pink floyd..,fatslayer,nosegos ewheat,tribal,posk,zarkof,miko tas vu jtai pas oubli,mogel youre the
only one that truly understand my ansis ,eerie,silverthorn un jour jaurai
tous les packs de ton groupe. i hope,sn,lc,winbee,armageddon donut sorry if i mispelled your name,phlare,fluor,voice,randy,all in fire and telepathy.
lots of affils. just remember one: fire memberboard!
tired of drawing superheros and bloody aliens with big guns and evil grins?
you too can draw a care bear tm. together, well make the universe a better
place. a place of love and friendship where no one will fight, where there wontbe wars, plagues, and soap operas.
sex and violence in ansis is bad. most of the ansi scene is composed of kids.
they musnt be allowed to view such ansis, for their own good. else, they will
eventually end up as delinquants, robbers, criminals, rapers or politicians.
in order to get rid of those evil ansis, ive made a new label: bisounours
approved ansi. send your ansis to gigandet@iplus.fr if you want to put this
label on your ansis. youll be notified if they are qualified to get the label.
heres the label: ascii version:
if you are running a group, make sure that all the ansis of your packs have
been bisounours approved. you can then add the ascii label in your fileid.diz
as a result, your pack will gain a better popularity. caring mothers will feel
safe and download the pack for their kids if there is the bisounours label.
contribute to a better world. adopt the bisounours label now.
un ptit bonjour a:
gizmo,tonic,karma,mr splif nan tas pas le droit au label bisounours ,hal,
maxwell,blackviper tas pas fini lhistoire de pink floyd..,fatslayer,nosegos ewheat,tribal,posk,zarkof,miko tas vu jtai pas oubli,mogel youre the
only one that truly understand my ansis ,eerie,silverthorn un jour jaurai
tous les packs de ton groupe. i hope,sn,lc,winbee,armageddon donut sorry if i mispelled your name,phlare,fluor,voice,randy,all in fire and telepathy.
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