![0796 Stuff Colly [2/2] by Black Viper](/pack/fire0796/x1/BV-0796B.ANS.png)
this image contains text
EleetOBlack Greets Continues: Grindston
e, Text, Fractal, Defiant
Black Viper
s // Fire //
Colly! Includes:
a This months logos
b This months headers
c Old logos
d Lost for words
Enjoy my colly :
fire rules
Table of contents
Old logos refixed
1 System Shock .. 0296 ..
. . .. Cia ..
2 System Shock .. 0296 ..
. . .. Fire .
3 Pulse .. 0396 ..
. . .. Fire
4 Pulse .. 0496 ..
. . .. Fire .
Lost for Words
A Welcome!
B A Word from Black Viper
C Having an ansi from Black Viper
D The Greets
E Final Word
Old logos refixed
1System Shock Black
Viper Original 0296
1System Shock Black
Viper Redone
2System Shock Black
Viper Original 0296
main menu
a automsg
g goodbye p pa
ge bv
b bbslist i
infoforms q qwk mail
c config l
last calls s autosig
d doors m
message u userlist
e email n
note 2 bv y your stats
f files o
oneliners nuv
2System Shock Black
Viper Redone
main menu
System Shoc
3Pulse Phlare Or
iginal 0396
- Ansi by Black Viper Fire
L o g o n
3Pulse Phlare Re
goodbye menu
4Pulse Phlare Or
iginal 0496
- Black Viper Fir
e main menu
Menu for PULSE
run by Phlare Ho
Black Viper Fi
pink floyd rules pink floyd rules pink floyd rules
pink floyd rules
pink floyd rules pink floyd
4Pulse Phlare Re
rules pink floyd rules pink floyd
rules p
ink floyd rules rules rules
- Black Viper Fir
main menu
automsg m
b bbslist n
note 2 phlare
c config o
d doors p
page phlare
e email
q qwk mail
f fil
es s autosig
g goo
dbye u userlist
i infoforms y
your stats
l last calls
Lost for Words
Pssst. Pink Floyd just fucking rules the earth. It
s the best band I
ever heard in my life, and the proof is that Im lis
tening to it since
May 1994, 90 percent of the time. So Pink Floyd is
the shit. And I
*cant* be bothered of listening my 14 albums.
Welcome! Part A
Ummm you may wonder what is Lost for Words eh? Y
ou may have seen A Word
from Black Viper in my last months Fire
logo. It continues! Yeah, a lot
of people said this was almost a Black Viper mag :
so, I decided to do
Lost for Words my sort of little emag monthly. Enj
oy it :
A Word from Black Viper! Part B
Okay. You may have seen that I changed a lot of sty
le this month.. the old
outline, but I changed a little bit my shading. Hope
you like it...
Personnally, I think its really better like that :
. Yeah, I received my
first paying request this month, Im so happy... it
s a pic, which I will
release next pack : Also, I got my new account, so
Im not sticked with
shitty hacked compuserve accounts. My new email addr
ess is
bviper@accent.net. I also restarted to do
collies, because I had a bunch
of logos this month to release, and I wanted to rele
ase something
organized and well done. The Gas Chamber logo is rea
lly my best one ever,
I think... Tsk said that it was his best logo for hi
s board, better than
the Lord Jazz ones. I personnally think that Lord
Jazzs logos are far
better than mines, so I dont think its the best on
e on Gas Chamber. :
I think Fire is becoming a important group, so it is
important to have a
good organization. I was frustrated a night because
Halaster was never
on IRC when I wanted to see him, and I wasnt happy
of all the organization
of Fire. So Silicon and I maintain the new mailing
list, and we hope that
Fire will have better communication with the new mai
ling list. My ideas
were fucked up that night, so sorry for all the stuf
f. Anyway, I think
Fire is reorganizing well, so Ill stay here.
Having an ansi from Black Viper
Part C
You contact me in one of these ways:
1 Calling my board, System Shock .. 514 435
-7044 Down
2 Emailing me at bviper@accent.net
3 Leave me a message on Black Net, Spunge Net
or Pyro Net
I can draw you an ansi only in one of these ways:
1 You trade an ansi with me
2 You pay me
My ansi fees are:
4 Logo
7 23-liner
15 Full length pi
Post the money dont forget putting paper around t
he cash, it could
be stolen by the postman! to:
Yanick Castonguay
305 Marcel Giguere
Blainville, Quebec, Canada
J7E 4H4
The Greets Part D
Real Life Greets
Fluor: Hey man... I wont bother you i
n partys, sorry for that.
Btw, how is Tnas stairs? D
Tnangel: Oh boy... I just wan
t to see you stoned. :
Phlare: Wow, you impressed me this mon
th... Continue like that!
And your board will be wicked umm, its normal, I
the setup : Im kidding man.. :
Bigge Pif: I hope House of the Holy won
t die... IRC is eating your board
and Jeepee too.. :
Extremist: Merde, jte crois pas, haha,
20 pour une ad pour une ligne
de sexe : taurieu, comment il tas rej
oint? :
Jeepee: Cmon, relax a little bit.. and
good luck for your HD crash :
Grunger: Oh boy, man, thanks for the Fr
actal Painter. And btw, your
pic ruled this month... :
Firestone: A logo this month? Oh boy...
Good luck for your GRIP search :
Zarkon: Ta Flaque Brune a passe a lhis
toire.. :
TNP: Sorry, I couldnt call your board
to help you setting it, our
modems dont like each other :...
Balistik: I hope the credits goes well
now :
IRC Greets
Defiant: Hey man... your 23-liners real
ly impressed me... and btw..
Fractal: Heille Gilles, tu rules en tab
arnak. :
Halaster: I hope you wont be so much a
way this summer... :
Whats happening with our trade? 3
Egoteq: Congrats for joining iCE. :
SAmnesia: No I didnt forgot to greet y
ou. :
Lintec: Pink Floyd rocks man, it just f
ucking rules the earth!
Thrasher: Ooofff. I thought you like f
ries with mayo. This is really
un-eatable. :
Tetanus: Dont worry, Im gonna poll in
the next few days... :D
Grindstone: Man, why you didnt released
this month? Cmon, you logos
were excellent... :
MagneticM: y00pidou00, jveux faire un
e autre conference :
Silicon: I hope all the thing will wor
k.. its gonna rule..
MassM: Man, youre establishing new re
cords in paid pics and logos :
All Fire: Were gonna rule.
Fuck You
redemption: You suck you little dumbshit
.. Nobodys gonna help you now...
so go hide in your little wardrobe and
shut up now, Drip
wont rule.
Sorry for all the people I didnt greet.
Final Word Part E
This is something that happens too much people are
not listening each
other, they talk and want to forget their past, but
the other people
wont listen and insult the other persons, because
theyre sticked on
their own ideas. Thats what Pink Floyd say in The
Division Bell, their
latest album that aint a live album. But this pr
oblem is also in the
art scene, presidents and staff wont listen to thei
r crew and they
just release their packs sometime without their gre
atest artists, and
they have their own opinions on how organizing the g
roup and the pack.
So, this message is to groups staff, LISTEN TO YOUR
ARTISTS. They can
have great ideas for the group, even if theyre not
in the staff. So
here is a part of Lost for Words, from Th
e Division Bell.
So I open my door to my enemies
And I ask could we wipe the state clean
But they tell me to please go fuck myself
You know you just cant win
- Lost for Words, Pink Floyd
black viper on fire
400! :
The End
See: BV-0796A.A
NS This months logos
Old logos redone Lost for Words
e, Text, Fractal, Defiant
Black Viper
s // Fire //
Colly! Includes:
a This months logos
b This months headers
c Old logos
d Lost for words
Enjoy my colly :
fire rules
Table of contents
Old logos refixed
1 System Shock .. 0296 ..
. . .. Cia ..
2 System Shock .. 0296 ..
. . .. Fire .
3 Pulse .. 0396 ..
. . .. Fire
4 Pulse .. 0496 ..
. . .. Fire .
Lost for Words
A Welcome!
B A Word from Black Viper
C Having an ansi from Black Viper
D The Greets
E Final Word
Old logos refixed
1System Shock Black
Viper Original 0296
1System Shock Black
Viper Redone
2System Shock Black
Viper Original 0296
main menu
a automsg
g goodbye p pa
ge bv
b bbslist i
infoforms q qwk mail
c config l
last calls s autosig
d doors m
message u userlist
e email n
note 2 bv y your stats
f files o
oneliners nuv
2System Shock Black
Viper Redone
main menu
System Shoc
3Pulse Phlare Or
iginal 0396
- Ansi by Black Viper Fire
L o g o n
3Pulse Phlare Re
goodbye menu
4Pulse Phlare Or
iginal 0496
- Black Viper Fir
e main menu
Menu for PULSE
run by Phlare Ho
Black Viper Fi
pink floyd rules pink floyd rules pink floyd rules
pink floyd rules
pink floyd rules pink floyd
4Pulse Phlare Re
rules pink floyd rules pink floyd
rules p
ink floyd rules rules rules
- Black Viper Fir
main menu
automsg m
b bbslist n
note 2 phlare
c config o
d doors p
page phlare
e email
q qwk mail
f fil
es s autosig
g goo
dbye u userlist
i infoforms y
your stats
l last calls
Lost for Words
Pssst. Pink Floyd just fucking rules the earth. It
s the best band I
ever heard in my life, and the proof is that Im lis
tening to it since
May 1994, 90 percent of the time. So Pink Floyd is
the shit. And I
*cant* be bothered of listening my 14 albums.
Welcome! Part A
Ummm you may wonder what is Lost for Words eh? Y
ou may have seen A Word
from Black Viper in my last months Fire
logo. It continues! Yeah, a lot
of people said this was almost a Black Viper mag :
so, I decided to do
Lost for Words my sort of little emag monthly. Enj
oy it :
A Word from Black Viper! Part B
Okay. You may have seen that I changed a lot of sty
le this month.. the old
outline, but I changed a little bit my shading. Hope
you like it...
Personnally, I think its really better like that :
. Yeah, I received my
first paying request this month, Im so happy... it
s a pic, which I will
release next pack : Also, I got my new account, so
Im not sticked with
shitty hacked compuserve accounts. My new email addr
ess is
bviper@accent.net. I also restarted to do
collies, because I had a bunch
of logos this month to release, and I wanted to rele
ase something
organized and well done. The Gas Chamber logo is rea
lly my best one ever,
I think... Tsk said that it was his best logo for hi
s board, better than
the Lord Jazz ones. I personnally think that Lord
Jazzs logos are far
better than mines, so I dont think its the best on
e on Gas Chamber. :
I think Fire is becoming a important group, so it is
important to have a
good organization. I was frustrated a night because
Halaster was never
on IRC when I wanted to see him, and I wasnt happy
of all the organization
of Fire. So Silicon and I maintain the new mailing
list, and we hope that
Fire will have better communication with the new mai
ling list. My ideas
were fucked up that night, so sorry for all the stuf
f. Anyway, I think
Fire is reorganizing well, so Ill stay here.
Having an ansi from Black Viper
Part C
You contact me in one of these ways:
1 Calling my board, System Shock .. 514 435
-7044 Down
2 Emailing me at bviper@accent.net
3 Leave me a message on Black Net, Spunge Net
or Pyro Net
I can draw you an ansi only in one of these ways:
1 You trade an ansi with me
2 You pay me
My ansi fees are:
4 Logo
7 23-liner
15 Full length pi
Post the money dont forget putting paper around t
he cash, it could
be stolen by the postman! to:
Yanick Castonguay
305 Marcel Giguere
Blainville, Quebec, Canada
J7E 4H4
The Greets Part D
Real Life Greets
Fluor: Hey man... I wont bother you i
n partys, sorry for that.
Btw, how is Tnas stairs? D
Tnangel: Oh boy... I just wan
t to see you stoned. :
Phlare: Wow, you impressed me this mon
th... Continue like that!
And your board will be wicked umm, its normal, I
the setup : Im kidding man.. :
Bigge Pif: I hope House of the Holy won
t die... IRC is eating your board
and Jeepee too.. :
Extremist: Merde, jte crois pas, haha,
20 pour une ad pour une ligne
de sexe : taurieu, comment il tas rej
oint? :
Jeepee: Cmon, relax a little bit.. and
good luck for your HD crash :
Grunger: Oh boy, man, thanks for the Fr
actal Painter. And btw, your
pic ruled this month... :
Firestone: A logo this month? Oh boy...
Good luck for your GRIP search :
Zarkon: Ta Flaque Brune a passe a lhis
toire.. :
TNP: Sorry, I couldnt call your board
to help you setting it, our
modems dont like each other :...
Balistik: I hope the credits goes well
now :
IRC Greets
Defiant: Hey man... your 23-liners real
ly impressed me... and btw..
Fractal: Heille Gilles, tu rules en tab
arnak. :
Halaster: I hope you wont be so much a
way this summer... :
Whats happening with our trade? 3
Egoteq: Congrats for joining iCE. :
SAmnesia: No I didnt forgot to greet y
ou. :
Lintec: Pink Floyd rocks man, it just f
ucking rules the earth!
Thrasher: Ooofff. I thought you like f
ries with mayo. This is really
un-eatable. :
Tetanus: Dont worry, Im gonna poll in
the next few days... :D
Grindstone: Man, why you didnt released
this month? Cmon, you logos
were excellent... :
MagneticM: y00pidou00, jveux faire un
e autre conference :
Silicon: I hope all the thing will wor
k.. its gonna rule..
MassM: Man, youre establishing new re
cords in paid pics and logos :
All Fire: Were gonna rule.
Fuck You
redemption: You suck you little dumbshit
.. Nobodys gonna help you now...
so go hide in your little wardrobe and
shut up now, Drip
wont rule.
Sorry for all the people I didnt greet.
Final Word Part E
This is something that happens too much people are
not listening each
other, they talk and want to forget their past, but
the other people
wont listen and insult the other persons, because
theyre sticked on
their own ideas. Thats what Pink Floyd say in The
Division Bell, their
latest album that aint a live album. But this pr
oblem is also in the
art scene, presidents and staff wont listen to thei
r crew and they
just release their packs sometime without their gre
atest artists, and
they have their own opinions on how organizing the g
roup and the pack.
So, this message is to groups staff, LISTEN TO YOUR
ARTISTS. They can
have great ideas for the group, even if theyre not
in the staff. So
here is a part of Lost for Words, from Th
e Division Bell.
So I open my door to my enemies
And I ask could we wipe the state clean
But they tell me to please go fuck myself
You know you just cant win
- Lost for Words, Pink Floyd
black viper on fire
400! :
The End
See: BV-0796A.A
NS This months logos
Old logos redone Lost for Words
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