this image contains text
bonjour mes amis..
ce mois jai desiner un beaucoup dart
pour le feu. je crois que le logo
dernier est le meilleur. je laime.
jai les collies quand jai 7-10 logos,
pas de toutes les moises.
daccord.. maintenant je parle un grand
salut a silver rat, halaster, maxwell,
god among lice, dirtbag, et toi.
mighty mouse: tu es un lamer parce que
tu donnes tang. tu es stupide. :
halaster: fais lart pour mon aardvark!
toi: hahahahahahhah tu ne parle le
francais!! tu ne me comprends pas!!
tu ne me comprends jamais!!@!@!
logo colly de panacea, numero 4, 06/07/96!
this bitch never gave me no fucking money. he was supposed to give me 2.
never ever fucking make another motherfucking logo for this bitchnitz.
i Y
anyone can use this logo, for their doors menu, or if they want to name
their board after my logo thats fine with me too:. all you have to do is
not be in the area code of 703/202/301 so its not used in my a/c.
i drew this for dirtbag while he was on my board and we were
using that doorway thing, so he could learn how to draw ansi. now he
draws all his ansis just like me. oh well...
eye donut know
a donut shop coming someplace near you
s c u m
ce mois jai desiner un beaucoup dart
pour le feu. je crois que le logo
dernier est le meilleur. je laime.
jai les collies quand jai 7-10 logos,
pas de toutes les moises.
daccord.. maintenant je parle un grand
salut a silver rat, halaster, maxwell,
god among lice, dirtbag, et toi.
mighty mouse: tu es un lamer parce que
tu donnes tang. tu es stupide. :
halaster: fais lart pour mon aardvark!
toi: hahahahahahhah tu ne parle le
francais!! tu ne me comprends pas!!
tu ne me comprends jamais!!@!@!
logo colly de panacea, numero 4, 06/07/96!
this bitch never gave me no fucking money. he was supposed to give me 2.
never ever fucking make another motherfucking logo for this bitchnitz.
i Y
anyone can use this logo, for their doors menu, or if they want to name
their board after my logo thats fine with me too:. all you have to do is
not be in the area code of 703/202/301 so its not used in my a/c.
i drew this for dirtbag while he was on my board and we were
using that doorway thing, so he could learn how to draw ansi. now he
draws all his ansis just like me. oh well...
eye donut know
a donut shop coming someplace near you
s c u m
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