this image contains text
mSdsoap. +s. ,s+SSsssssa.
iP ,dbsssdb. ,d b. P4i
. i b,,d
b.SSb,d SSb,di i
Echrist? 4 4 P4 4
bss., ss. . i
P iPbsdb,...d
i 4 : P
tHIS is Muh colly for the mONTH of maY.. saa muh first uN, so Let me gR3et somewH0RES.. mSd id0l... JestWh0re.. Prizm, And all of muh s0ap homeeees MadBall
Phlux, fRAK.. and all my fire Buddies who have no clue I am in fIRE.. Thanks
Mr. dESTRUCT for dis bitChen header.. If ya want to request a ashkee from muh
jo0ish ass, emuhl me at Echrist@pith.com.. g0odbye..
oh jeah. bIG thanks to all the people who msgd me and said
wh0 dA fUCK aRe j0o..
,o88o. ,x888o.
lEQQ ..,,xx,
M ,x88888.
48, .,s8,ooo,.78
TQ TQ8 ystem , .xx8 ,,l
SYQEoQpV8 ,,.8x.8l o,
Q ,o88o. , l.l . ,
lQQ .o8 l,. o,,:
TO 8, , , , l
48, ,,,x,,x,x,88l
T hock ,, l
TQoMpV 8: , ,
Q x888x
--Flourice----- ------ ------- ------- -----SystemShock--
sss ssssssssssss ssssss ssss8888888 ,s. . .
------t4z---- ------- -------- ----------- ---------Tulip--
, , ,!@@!! !!@d!!! !!@@@@@@@!,
!o. .,,.. , !..,,.8 ,
!,. ,aaaa, , ,aa,, , , oaaa , ,o ,
!@, 8! ,do, ,!8 ,@!!,
, !@!,P !,.8,,!@@!, , ,
, , ,!@!! , P,. !!!@@@o , ,
!, .!@! .,asa,!! @ !,,ass,. !!@, ,!
!!SG! a , s. !!@@ ,!
!,!@! d! @ ! aad ! oo !b !!@@ ,
.!@! Yaas ,, P @!2@.
,!. s 88 s , ,!!,
!a,,,..,,oo.,,!! .,,o
aaaaaaaaaa.!!@@@@@@@@@@@@o, ,oaaaaaaaaa
dOh !sysgDcosyssGdR910.799.3877
--- dOh--------- ------- ------ ------- -------- ------Phlux --------
. ,o ,o,. ,. .,
.,o a os.o.
88a 8, ,
l ,
, . . oo,.
. , . ,.. oo,
,.. ,o, 8, .o ,. o ,. s8oo,...
,oo, o
Blade Produkti0ns in the 96 punk..
-------MindCrime--- ------ -------- --------- ------- --Blade-
+ o,
. , o ,o.
. .sss,. , , l
+ ,8 ..
. , o8 o, , + ,
,ol l o, .,oo, , P l 8o,
l 8 ,s. ,d8b, P .
,, s,s o .b. .
o, ,oo sssssss , .s, 8sssssssssssss ooooooo , .,sssss8888 o,.
--Fraktal------------------ ., ----------------------------Drip---------
,o@888@o,o,. .,o o,. ,
d 8888@@@@@8888,o@888o, @@@oooooooo@@@888
888 8 44 ,o888@o,,o888@o, ,o888@o,,o88@@o,, 8888@@@o, 888@@@oooo 4 88@@@@o 8@@@@@o
o4 4 4 4
sss888 88@,,o88
o88 8
,o888@o, ,o888@o, .o888@o,
--- l b, , -eC5fire- l 4
, 88@@@@o
o+88 4 4
iP ,dbsssdb. ,d b. P4i
. i b,,d
b.SSb,d SSb,di i
Echrist? 4 4 P4 4
bss., ss. . i
P iPbsdb,...d
i 4 : P
tHIS is Muh colly for the mONTH of maY.. saa muh first uN, so Let me gR3et somewH0RES.. mSd id0l... JestWh0re.. Prizm, And all of muh s0ap homeeees MadBall
Phlux, fRAK.. and all my fire Buddies who have no clue I am in fIRE.. Thanks
Mr. dESTRUCT for dis bitChen header.. If ya want to request a ashkee from muh
jo0ish ass, emuhl me at Echrist@pith.com.. g0odbye..
oh jeah. bIG thanks to all the people who msgd me and said
wh0 dA fUCK aRe j0o..
,o88o. ,x888o.
lEQQ ..,,xx,
M ,x88888.
48, .,s8,ooo,.78
TQ TQ8 ystem , .xx8 ,,l
SYQEoQpV8 ,,.8x.8l o,
Q ,o88o. , l.l . ,
lQQ .o8 l,. o,,:
TO 8, , , , l
48, ,,,x,,x,x,88l
T hock ,, l
TQoMpV 8: , ,
Q x888x
--Flourice----- ------ ------- ------- -----SystemShock--
sss ssssssssssss ssssss ssss8888888 ,s. . .
------t4z---- ------- -------- ----------- ---------Tulip--
, , ,!@@!! !!@d!!! !!@@@@@@@!,
!o. .,,.. , !..,,.8 ,
!,. ,aaaa, , ,aa,, , , oaaa , ,o ,
!@, 8! ,do, ,!8 ,@!!,
, !@!,P !,.8,,!@@!, , ,
, , ,!@!! , P,. !!!@@@o , ,
!, .!@! .,asa,!! @ !,,ass,. !!@, ,!
!!SG! a , s. !!@@ ,!
!,!@! d! @ ! aad ! oo !b !!@@ ,
.!@! Yaas ,, P @!2@.
,!. s 88 s , ,!!,
!a,,,..,,oo.,,!! .,,o
aaaaaaaaaa.!!@@@@@@@@@@@@o, ,oaaaaaaaaa
dOh !sysgDcosyssGdR910.799.3877
--- dOh--------- ------- ------ ------- -------- ------Phlux --------
. ,o ,o,. ,. .,
.,o a os.o.
88a 8, ,
l ,
, . . oo,.
. , . ,.. oo,
,.. ,o, 8, .o ,. o ,. s8oo,...
,oo, o
Blade Produkti0ns in the 96 punk..
-------MindCrime--- ------ -------- --------- ------- --Blade-
+ o,
. , o ,o.
. .sss,. , , l
+ ,8 ..
. , o8 o, , + ,
,ol l o, .,oo, , P l 8o,
l 8 ,s. ,d8b, P .
,, s,s o .b. .
o, ,oo sssssss , .s, 8sssssssssssss ooooooo , .,sssss8888 o,.
--Fraktal------------------ ., ----------------------------Drip---------
,o@888@o,o,. .,o o,. ,
d 8888@@@@@8888,o@888o, @@@oooooooo@@@888
888 8 44 ,o888@o,,o888@o, ,o888@o,,o88@@o,, 8888@@@o, 888@@@oooo 4 88@@@@o 8@@@@@o
o4 4 4 4
sss888 88@,,o88
o88 8
,o888@o, ,o888@o, .o888@o,
--- l b, , -eC5fire- l 4
, 88@@@@o
o+88 4 4
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