this image contains text
yay. im comin at cha hard in da 96 fire style. this month i have let go, and
got fucking messy. Im usually one for a nice neat readable font, but I have beenmoving that style to my ansi, so my ascii got whack. I hope people still like it, becase I work pretty damn hard on an ascii such as below. hrm. Im sorry to
tell you this, but I need to charge for ascii pics now, only 5 per 150 lines...so I doubt youd ever pay more than 5 : E-Mail dkaine@ee.net for more details
or requests. I still do logos for free of course, but I am quite busy lately
im taking in about 60 requests a month so I need a trade per request. sorry.
greets in no order: jaetoongoon I love your fetus man, iv - oil eh? well see
s5 - true pimps have elite vaginas, hiccup - eh? weee. thats all.
- - - - done for the desynk member list -- -- -----------------------------
. Y Y Y lY Y YY:.a .al l .a Y ll Y Yl l .: ll ll a.l l ll ll l .Y Yl ll Y ll lll K l.,Y :.. l ll Y l a. ll lll .al Ys :::: l lll l s l , l l :.d ll E l.,a. ll .a., n a. l ::: , l , ,aaaa l aaaa. , ll ,Y. ll
.a ll .a la. , lla. ll .a l .a la. .,a. ., ,a., l.,a. Y ,
. : : : : : : . . .. . : . :. . . . ....... spear ...... ::::::::: . . .......::::::. . . . .. . . . :: .....::::: ....:::::::......::::: . :::::
---------- - - done for dinks ozone - ---------------------------------------
.... YY Y,Y Y Y ::::::: .:::: lYYl lY Y l .. . . ...:::...::. ll ,YYll ll 4 l ll. ::::::::::..::::... l l l l ll ,4l l , la. ::::::::. ....... . l lla. l..all ll. al.,Y .... ..
::::::: ,ll Ya. ,l l ,ll a.,l lla.ll ,s@Y :::::: ,al.,.a.,,al., l l., . . .....
. . : spear : : : : :::::: . . .:. :::: . . ::: :::... ... . . ..
::: ... O . . . Z . . O . .:: N ::::.. E :::::::.. .
---------------------- done for lith - ---------------------------------------
..: Y Y . . . ::::::::: . . .: .:. . . . .. l Y YY. ....::: . ..
:: ::: . .:::::: ll l l l . .:::::: .. .::::::::::..
. :::. . ... . .. , l. ll. ll l. . . .........:: .. .
.... . . .. .::: .a a.,lY ,l a. ::::::::...... :::::....
. ::::::::... . ... .,a.a., . ..::::::::::. .. .
. . ::::::::::::::.. . . spear. . :::::::::::::: . . . ..: . . .:::::::. .
::::: ::: 8: 888 8 ., ., ., ., ., ., sss sss sss sss sss sss sss
------------ - -done for r3ptiles elite script-------------- -- --------------
:: Ya.Y Y Y .
Yll l l,l l a .
.... l ll ll ll ll l ::::
..:: lla.l l l l : l l ll l .....
l Y .,a. l lll l l :::.
. , : : ,aaa. l l l :::
.a a spear Y, a.ll . .
., :::.. ., a.,,.,a.
------------- ---- chat screen for the pinacle----- - ------------------------
you can not sedate, all the things you hate!
Ya. YsY YsY ,sY
.... Y@s. Y@s. ,s@Y YY
...::. , Y , :: .aY . :Y .
:::: , ,sY. ,:Ya. ,::: ::
::: :::Y ::: : .a .
. Y aa . :a. :
,::: ,Y ,:: ,. , , :
,sYY.,,sYY ,YY , , sY.,Y .
. , sp Y , . ..Y . Y.,Y Y.. .Y
. .:. .. .Y .
------------------the pinacle menuset yO!-------------------------------------
just a boy, just a boy, just a little fucking boy.
888888i88888ii88888888i888i888888iii888888iii8888888i88Y7??77? YY@s.Y,Y@s. YY@s.Y ,s@Y aaaa .... :::: .,Y :::::::: .,Y aaY
.... spear Y., Y., Y., Y., ....:::: ::::
- -- ----------------yay!- - -------------------------------------------------
you want something done do ya? well ok, just ask.
got fucking messy. Im usually one for a nice neat readable font, but I have beenmoving that style to my ansi, so my ascii got whack. I hope people still like it, becase I work pretty damn hard on an ascii such as below. hrm. Im sorry to
tell you this, but I need to charge for ascii pics now, only 5 per 150 lines...so I doubt youd ever pay more than 5 : E-Mail dkaine@ee.net for more details
or requests. I still do logos for free of course, but I am quite busy lately
im taking in about 60 requests a month so I need a trade per request. sorry.
greets in no order: jaetoongoon I love your fetus man, iv - oil eh? well see
s5 - true pimps have elite vaginas, hiccup - eh? weee. thats all.
- - - - done for the desynk member list -- -- -----------------------------
. Y Y Y lY Y YY:.a .al l .a Y ll Y Yl l .: ll ll a.l l ll ll l .Y Yl ll Y ll lll K l.,Y :.. l ll Y l a. ll lll .al Ys :::: l lll l s l , l l :.d ll E l.,a. ll .a., n a. l ::: , l , ,aaaa l aaaa. , ll ,Y. ll
.a ll .a la. , lla. ll .a l .a la. .,a. ., ,a., l.,a. Y ,
. : : : : : : . . .. . : . :. . . . ....... spear ...... ::::::::: . . .......::::::. . . . .. . . . :: .....::::: ....:::::::......::::: . :::::
---------- - - done for dinks ozone - ---------------------------------------
.... YY Y,Y Y Y ::::::: .:::: lYYl lY Y l .. . . ...:::...::. ll ,YYll ll 4 l ll. ::::::::::..::::... l l l l ll ,4l l , la. ::::::::. ....... . l lla. l..all ll. al.,Y .... ..
::::::: ,ll Ya. ,l l ,ll a.,l lla.ll ,s@Y :::::: ,al.,.a.,,al., l l., . . .....
. . : spear : : : : :::::: . . .:. :::: . . ::: :::... ... . . ..
::: ... O . . . Z . . O . .:: N ::::.. E :::::::.. .
---------------------- done for lith - ---------------------------------------
..: Y Y . . . ::::::::: . . .: .:. . . . .. l Y YY. ....::: . ..
:: ::: . .:::::: ll l l l . .:::::: .. .::::::::::..
. :::. . ... . .. , l. ll. ll l. . . .........:: .. .
.... . . .. .::: .a a.,lY ,l a. ::::::::...... :::::....
. ::::::::... . ... .,a.a., . ..::::::::::. .. .
. . ::::::::::::::.. . . spear. . :::::::::::::: . . . ..: . . .:::::::. .
::::: ::: 8: 888 8 ., ., ., ., ., ., sss sss sss sss sss sss sss
------------ - -done for r3ptiles elite script-------------- -- --------------
:: Ya.Y Y Y .
Yll l l,l l a .
.... l ll ll ll ll l ::::
..:: lla.l l l l : l l ll l .....
l Y .,a. l lll l l :::.
. , : : ,aaa. l l l :::
.a a spear Y, a.ll . .
., :::.. ., a.,,.,a.
------------- ---- chat screen for the pinacle----- - ------------------------
you can not sedate, all the things you hate!
Ya. YsY YsY ,sY
.... Y@s. Y@s. ,s@Y YY
...::. , Y , :: .aY . :Y .
:::: , ,sY. ,:Ya. ,::: ::
::: :::Y ::: : .a .
. Y aa . :a. :
,::: ,Y ,:: ,. , , :
,sYY.,,sYY ,YY , , sY.,Y .
. , sp Y , . ..Y . Y.,Y Y.. .Y
. .:. .. .Y .
------------------the pinacle menuset yO!-------------------------------------
just a boy, just a boy, just a little fucking boy.
888888i88888ii88888888i888i888888iii888888iii8888888i88Y7??77? YY@s.Y,Y@s. YY@s.Y ,s@Y aaaa .... :::: .,Y :::::::: .,Y aaY
.... spear Y., Y., Y., Y., ....:::: ::::
- -- ----------------yay!- - -------------------------------------------------
you want something done do ya? well ok, just ask.
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