this image contains text
noegos made
his, and if
someone else
claims he has
ne it, hes
a ripper, and
deserves to die.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------C Bill Watterson, ansi by nosegos fire.. Whats that smell?
No background, and no logo.. No wonder i got into fire..
Greets: flexor, doodle, owyn, dikarpo. Thats all folks. Go home.
noegos made
his, and if
someone else
claims he has
ne it, hes
a ripper, and
deserves to die.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------C Bill Watterson, ansi by nosegos fire.. Whats that smell?
No background, and no logo.. No wonder i got into fire..
Greets: flexor, doodle, owyn, dikarpo. Thats all folks. Go home.
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