this image contains text
p! C r e a t o r s o f I n t e n s e A r t
f i r e p r o d u c t i o n s
this pic is dedicated to the almuni / artists currently in cia
and fire. both groups have endured a long and fruitful life
in the scene thus far. fire 30 and cia 50 are great moments
for both groups. we wish them both well that they may have
long scene lives, and continue on after the passing of the
current artists and the coming of the new. no matter what
happens in the future, fire and cia stand in rank with the
once powerful acid, the still thriving ice the ever remembered
union / tribe / shiver / apathy / legend / gothic / relic /
nation / bleach / eclipse / septic / tek lords / saga / vi /
mop / integrity / mist / spastic / imperial / AAA / GRiM
outline / touchups : ironghost coloring / touchups : panacea font : sodium
f i r e p r o d u c t i o n s
this pic is dedicated to the almuni / artists currently in cia
and fire. both groups have endured a long and fruitful life
in the scene thus far. fire 30 and cia 50 are great moments
for both groups. we wish them both well that they may have
long scene lives, and continue on after the passing of the
current artists and the coming of the new. no matter what
happens in the future, fire and cia stand in rank with the
once powerful acid, the still thriving ice the ever remembered
union / tribe / shiver / apathy / legend / gothic / relic /
nation / bleach / eclipse / septic / tek lords / saga / vi /
mop / integrity / mist / spastic / imperial / AAA / GRiM
outline / touchups : ironghost coloring / touchups : panacea font : sodium
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