this image contains text
NeverMind F I D E L I S
Site List fo
r June, 1995
eadquarter Boards
Cyber PHck ................ 813-3
99-2162 .App./Art HQ
The Versed Drip ............ 404-2
99-1441 ....Coder HQ
Asylum Systems Inc. ........ 813-7
87-1073 ....Music HQ
Corrupted Disturbance ...... 319.3
81.2635 .......US HQ
Sacriligious Underground ... 403.2
54.5644 .Canadian HQ
The House Of Pain .......... 413.7
82.6819 .......NE HQ
The Dominion ............... 415.7
38.1909 ..Western HQ
Killing Zone ............... 808.Y
OU.WISH .......SW HQ
Cell Block 4 ............... 815.Y
OU.WISH ..Central HQ
istrobution Sites
Wicked Minority ............. 209-575-4705
High Fidelity ............... 217-874-2418
Nihilistic Order ............ 404-642-2431
Image Extreme ............... 408-647-8354
New World Order ............. 516-261-0405
Digital Fallout ............. 516-378-6640
Urban Disipline ............. 516-YOU-WISH
The Dark Side ............... 609-358-1324
Wicked Phenomenon ........... 609-882-9025
Digital Fluid ............... 612-431-2770
April Fools ................. 613-737-9459
Inner Tube .................. 614-777-4879
Psychedelic Universe ........ 615-333-7695
Skeletal Remains ............ 615-579-9453
Hells Asylum ................ 617-232-6699
Sanitarium .................. 704-792 2725
Dimension X ................. 805-499-6865
Underground Illusion ........ 805-523-8446
Tramontane .................. 813-653-1652
The Eye Of The Strom ........ 904-637-1959
Violent Playground .......... 908-920-2575
Virtual Hell ................ 916-623-3726
Harvest Moon ................ YOU-CAN-WAIT
We at FiDELiS are in the process of figuring out which
boards are still up,which are still art boards, and
in general getting our shit together. If you arethe
sysop of one of these boards and wanna reserve your space i
n FiDELiS or tellus to go fuck off, or if you are an
other board who wants a spot in FiDELiS weare looki
ng for a good number of sites as many of these have probabl
y decided wewere dead by now, give us a call at Cybe
rPHck, 1-813-399-2162 and let us know.Theres a FiD
ELiS account, handle: FiDELiS and password: FiDELiS, or
go aheadand actually apply -- theres no NUP to it.
-Satan Clas F
iDELiS Senior-
Site List fo
r June, 1995
eadquarter Boards
Cyber PHck ................ 813-3
99-2162 .App./Art HQ
The Versed Drip ............ 404-2
99-1441 ....Coder HQ
Asylum Systems Inc. ........ 813-7
87-1073 ....Music HQ
Corrupted Disturbance ...... 319.3
81.2635 .......US HQ
Sacriligious Underground ... 403.2
54.5644 .Canadian HQ
The House Of Pain .......... 413.7
82.6819 .......NE HQ
The Dominion ............... 415.7
38.1909 ..Western HQ
Killing Zone ............... 808.Y
OU.WISH .......SW HQ
Cell Block 4 ............... 815.Y
OU.WISH ..Central HQ
istrobution Sites
Wicked Minority ............. 209-575-4705
High Fidelity ............... 217-874-2418
Nihilistic Order ............ 404-642-2431
Image Extreme ............... 408-647-8354
New World Order ............. 516-261-0405
Digital Fallout ............. 516-378-6640
Urban Disipline ............. 516-YOU-WISH
The Dark Side ............... 609-358-1324
Wicked Phenomenon ........... 609-882-9025
Digital Fluid ............... 612-431-2770
April Fools ................. 613-737-9459
Inner Tube .................. 614-777-4879
Psychedelic Universe ........ 615-333-7695
Skeletal Remains ............ 615-579-9453
Hells Asylum ................ 617-232-6699
Sanitarium .................. 704-792 2725
Dimension X ................. 805-499-6865
Underground Illusion ........ 805-523-8446
Tramontane .................. 813-653-1652
The Eye Of The Strom ........ 904-637-1959
Violent Playground .......... 908-920-2575
Virtual Hell ................ 916-623-3726
Harvest Moon ................ YOU-CAN-WAIT
We at FiDELiS are in the process of figuring out which
boards are still up,which are still art boards, and
in general getting our shit together. If you arethe
sysop of one of these boards and wanna reserve your space i
n FiDELiS or tellus to go fuck off, or if you are an
other board who wants a spot in FiDELiS weare looki
ng for a good number of sites as many of these have probabl
y decided wewere dead by now, give us a call at Cybe
rPHck, 1-813-399-2162 and let us know.Theres a FiD
ELiS account, handle: FiDELiS and password: FiDELiS, or
go aheadand actually apply -- theres no NUP to it.
-Satan Clas F
iDELiS Senior-
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