this image contains text
T I O N S 1 9 9 5 June, 1995 FiDELiS News
Hey all, its been awhile since the last
FiDELiS pack, and a shitload has
happened with the group and personally. As of the l
ast pack, I was just gettingout of th
e hospital, Iggy was having some problems with his board, a
nd wewere basically in a state of co
nfusion not a bad place to be, but we figuredth
e organization of the group could use a little help.
Anyway, NOW were not much better : Well, we have had
some improvements--Ive gotten better, an
d been sitting here at home a lot and gotten some done
with the group too. Ignatius, MadMan and I are all going t
o graduate from HighSchool in a couple da
ys, and we are DEFINATELY ready for the Summer : Also
,Iggy I will both be going up to the Boston area i
n the Fall, and have plansto just keep
FiDELiS going at that point.
As far as the group goes for now, weve had both good
and bad. First thebad, so its out of the
way: one of our best ansi artists, Unforgiven, has left
the group because of too much shit going on. On the good
side, we finally haveour OWN viewer coded
by that wonderful coder Phatman. Its still sortta earl
yfor it this issue, but it works -- next month we will
have a real interface withit and get some
bugs worked out. If you notice any, let us know. Also, we go
t anew LiT artist this month, Sir Piru, whose shi
t is in the pack in force. Take alook at it
, its pretty good except that Toothbrush thing man, too ph
ar outfor me...
On another note, we seem to have temporarily misplace
d Xenon, one of oursenior members -- we we
re mailing back and forth, and I sent him the first half
of this pack since I thought he was gonna help put it tog
ether... But then wehavent heard from hi
m since then about two weeks ago. If you are Xenon, o
rhave any information on his whereabouts, please ma
il us on the Internet atsatan@intnet.net
or ricer@intnet.net. PS to Xenon -- what happened to all th
oseartists you signed up for FiDE
LiS, why havent we seen much from em in the past
couple months?
In reorganizing our group, we have noticed a couple of
really bad thingshappening -- weve lost
some of our couriers although we got some new ones to
and we noticed a good number of our sites are either down
or not answering orwhatnot... So, if you
ARE a FiDELiS board, and we cant get in touch
with youcuz youve changed your number o
r something, call CyberPHck at 813399.2162and
let us know whats become of you. Also, because of some of th
e boards goingdown and such, we are now lo
oking seriously for distros in a lot of US areasa
nd definately overseas. If ya wanna apply for one, gi
ve a calll to CyberPHckat the number above
, and either log in with the FiDELiS account lo
gin: FiDELiSpassword: F
iDELiS, or just apply theres no NUP and leave me s
ome shit on
your shit in some mail.
As always of course, were looking for new artists in e
verything-especiallyright now in VGA/RiP an
d Music-- as you can see, our pack is lacking somewhat in
these areas this month. If ya wanna be a part of the most
layed back group onthe scene so layed ba
ck, we didnt even shit when we didnt have a pack out-w
ejust past the spliff around again, give a call to Cy
berPHck and apply.
God, it seems Im plugging my board, CyberPHck, a lo
t in this, doesnt it?
Ill have to stop. But call anyway. That number again
is 813399.2162 :
Welp, thats about it, look for more quality releases from
FiDELiS overthe Summer,
or, better yet, become a part of those quality releases! Join
todayand youll feel better about yourself
, I swear. Remember, to join just callthat s
ystem... Everyone together now CyberPHck! And that phone
number onceagain... 813399.2162.
--- Satan Clas FiDELiS Senior ----
T I O N S 1 9 9 5 June, 1995 FiDELiS News
Hey all, its been awhile since the last
FiDELiS pack, and a shitload has
happened with the group and personally. As of the l
ast pack, I was just gettingout of th
e hospital, Iggy was having some problems with his board, a
nd wewere basically in a state of co
nfusion not a bad place to be, but we figuredth
e organization of the group could use a little help.
Anyway, NOW were not much better : Well, we have had
some improvements--Ive gotten better, an
d been sitting here at home a lot and gotten some done
with the group too. Ignatius, MadMan and I are all going t
o graduate from HighSchool in a couple da
ys, and we are DEFINATELY ready for the Summer : Also
,Iggy I will both be going up to the Boston area i
n the Fall, and have plansto just keep
FiDELiS going at that point.
As far as the group goes for now, weve had both good
and bad. First thebad, so its out of the
way: one of our best ansi artists, Unforgiven, has left
the group because of too much shit going on. On the good
side, we finally haveour OWN viewer coded
by that wonderful coder Phatman. Its still sortta earl
yfor it this issue, but it works -- next month we will
have a real interface withit and get some
bugs worked out. If you notice any, let us know. Also, we go
t anew LiT artist this month, Sir Piru, whose shi
t is in the pack in force. Take alook at it
, its pretty good except that Toothbrush thing man, too ph
ar outfor me...
On another note, we seem to have temporarily misplace
d Xenon, one of oursenior members -- we we
re mailing back and forth, and I sent him the first half
of this pack since I thought he was gonna help put it tog
ether... But then wehavent heard from hi
m since then about two weeks ago. If you are Xenon, o
rhave any information on his whereabouts, please ma
il us on the Internet atsatan@intnet.net
or ricer@intnet.net. PS to Xenon -- what happened to all th
oseartists you signed up for FiDE
LiS, why havent we seen much from em in the past
couple months?
In reorganizing our group, we have noticed a couple of
really bad thingshappening -- weve lost
some of our couriers although we got some new ones to
and we noticed a good number of our sites are either down
or not answering orwhatnot... So, if you
ARE a FiDELiS board, and we cant get in touch
with youcuz youve changed your number o
r something, call CyberPHck at 813399.2162and
let us know whats become of you. Also, because of some of th
e boards goingdown and such, we are now lo
oking seriously for distros in a lot of US areasa
nd definately overseas. If ya wanna apply for one, gi
ve a calll to CyberPHckat the number above
, and either log in with the FiDELiS account lo
gin: FiDELiSpassword: F
iDELiS, or just apply theres no NUP and leave me s
ome shit on
your shit in some mail.
As always of course, were looking for new artists in e
verything-especiallyright now in VGA/RiP an
d Music-- as you can see, our pack is lacking somewhat in
these areas this month. If ya wanna be a part of the most
layed back group onthe scene so layed ba
ck, we didnt even shit when we didnt have a pack out-w
ejust past the spliff around again, give a call to Cy
berPHck and apply.
God, it seems Im plugging my board, CyberPHck, a lo
t in this, doesnt it?
Ill have to stop. But call anyway. That number again
is 813399.2162 :
Welp, thats about it, look for more quality releases from
FiDELiS overthe Summer,
or, better yet, become a part of those quality releases! Join
todayand youll feel better about yourself
, I swear. Remember, to join just callthat s
ystem... Everyone together now CyberPHck! And that phone
number onceagain... 813399.2162.
--- Satan Clas FiDELiS Senior ----
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