this image contains text
eCLIPSE1996- BOLDeclipse if you would like an ansi font, talk to splatt!
because i have no way to irc :
- ECLIPSE KON INFO FILE -------------------------------------------------------
alright, this month our great convention took place at the lovely
woodland skating rink, roller skating that is .. we decided, hey, we
love roller skating so much, lets go show off at the skating rink ..
some of us couldnt skate splatt, red circle, and crayon so our
professional roller skater of the group cheeze taught them all ..
and i had to teach sirdeath how to tie up his laces .. ah well ..
overall it was a fun experience, we were all having a good time,
just a rollin and a wheelin around on that big beautiful rink ..
then after a while we got kicked out because they saw lagomorph
tripping little kids and stuff .. he didnt mean anything by it ..
they finally caught lago and we were banned from woodland as long
as we live .. g ah well .. it sure was fun .. heres a few photos ..
- ECLIPSE KON INFO FILE -------------------------------------------------------
werd.. nice skates
taco bell
of the
this is just a picture of me tyin my skates on, splatt is sporting
his taco bell employee of the month shirt .. although as youll find
out later in this file, he quit his job there .. :
Y! M? C! A!
ok, here is the next scene from our con .. of course the most fun of
every skating party, is when they do the YMCA song by the village people ..
because they are the pimpiest disco kings ever .. anyways .. from the
left thats sirdeath, lagomorph, smokey, and splatt ..
- ECLIPSE KON INFO FILE -------------------------------------------------------
well, its our tradition to tell you about the personal lives of our
members in this info file, here is how everyone is doing ..
rai: im doing ok, i havent had much new happening, i had to go see
my uncles wedding in the upper peninsula for a week during the paks
progress so this pak was a tough one to get out .. not too much
more happened ..
splatt: got the employee of the month award at taco bell, and he
decided that there was no where to go from the top but down, so he
quit his job there .. he is looking for a job at Mr. Taco, or Taco
Boy, or maybe Ole Taco ..
grendel: went away to a wrestling camp for a week .. he didnt make it
to this con, but we exempt him from it because he had a legit excuse ..
red circle: is STILL asleep on the floor of the apartment ..
torgo: at one of our less publicized cons he was traumatized by his
experience with magnatop, he had to ride in magnatops deathmobile ..
lagomorph: couldnt find a payphone at the skating rink so he was forced
to associate with us for the afternoon .. he didnt find much to talk about
tho ..
magnatop: he was working on his deathmobile to get it going .. when
he finally got it going, all 13 of us crammed into his pink escort ..
cheeze: at the con he was really excited to show off to us his excellent
roller skating abilities, after all, he is a proffessional roller skater ..
bold: was showing us how to prepare for ice fishing in the winter, i
cant wait ..
crayon: told us all about life in sweden .. it was really exciting to
here all about it .. we even got to see a slide-show when we got
home ..
mighty mouse: was a very nice guy .. he told us all about how
his parents didnt mind his leaving the house and school and
all to pursue a career in ansi art ..
smokey: almost dropped the scene this month because of an expensive
phone bill .. it was scary thinkin about losing smokey ..
sir death: was really adjusted to livin with us now .. hes excited
about it now .. not as tense ..
- ECLIPSE KON INFO FILE -------------------------------------------------------
thats about it for this months convention info .. we all had a good time,
next month were heading out to the maze craze for a crazy amazing time ..
if yer not familiar with the maze craze, its a giant maze that you go
through, and there is pizza and pop there too .. its fun .. and we can
bring about 20 people there without feeling weird .. its like a lot of
people to be going to places like taco bell and meeting .. so there
will be more public places for the rest of our conventions from now
on .. g
because i have no way to irc :
- ECLIPSE KON INFO FILE -------------------------------------------------------
alright, this month our great convention took place at the lovely
woodland skating rink, roller skating that is .. we decided, hey, we
love roller skating so much, lets go show off at the skating rink ..
some of us couldnt skate splatt, red circle, and crayon so our
professional roller skater of the group cheeze taught them all ..
and i had to teach sirdeath how to tie up his laces .. ah well ..
overall it was a fun experience, we were all having a good time,
just a rollin and a wheelin around on that big beautiful rink ..
then after a while we got kicked out because they saw lagomorph
tripping little kids and stuff .. he didnt mean anything by it ..
they finally caught lago and we were banned from woodland as long
as we live .. g ah well .. it sure was fun .. heres a few photos ..
- ECLIPSE KON INFO FILE -------------------------------------------------------
werd.. nice skates
taco bell
of the
this is just a picture of me tyin my skates on, splatt is sporting
his taco bell employee of the month shirt .. although as youll find
out later in this file, he quit his job there .. :
Y! M? C! A!
ok, here is the next scene from our con .. of course the most fun of
every skating party, is when they do the YMCA song by the village people ..
because they are the pimpiest disco kings ever .. anyways .. from the
left thats sirdeath, lagomorph, smokey, and splatt ..
- ECLIPSE KON INFO FILE -------------------------------------------------------
well, its our tradition to tell you about the personal lives of our
members in this info file, here is how everyone is doing ..
rai: im doing ok, i havent had much new happening, i had to go see
my uncles wedding in the upper peninsula for a week during the paks
progress so this pak was a tough one to get out .. not too much
more happened ..
splatt: got the employee of the month award at taco bell, and he
decided that there was no where to go from the top but down, so he
quit his job there .. he is looking for a job at Mr. Taco, or Taco
Boy, or maybe Ole Taco ..
grendel: went away to a wrestling camp for a week .. he didnt make it
to this con, but we exempt him from it because he had a legit excuse ..
red circle: is STILL asleep on the floor of the apartment ..
torgo: at one of our less publicized cons he was traumatized by his
experience with magnatop, he had to ride in magnatops deathmobile ..
lagomorph: couldnt find a payphone at the skating rink so he was forced
to associate with us for the afternoon .. he didnt find much to talk about
tho ..
magnatop: he was working on his deathmobile to get it going .. when
he finally got it going, all 13 of us crammed into his pink escort ..
cheeze: at the con he was really excited to show off to us his excellent
roller skating abilities, after all, he is a proffessional roller skater ..
bold: was showing us how to prepare for ice fishing in the winter, i
cant wait ..
crayon: told us all about life in sweden .. it was really exciting to
here all about it .. we even got to see a slide-show when we got
home ..
mighty mouse: was a very nice guy .. he told us all about how
his parents didnt mind his leaving the house and school and
all to pursue a career in ansi art ..
smokey: almost dropped the scene this month because of an expensive
phone bill .. it was scary thinkin about losing smokey ..
sir death: was really adjusted to livin with us now .. hes excited
about it now .. not as tense ..
- ECLIPSE KON INFO FILE -------------------------------------------------------
thats about it for this months convention info .. we all had a good time,
next month were heading out to the maze craze for a crazy amazing time ..
if yer not familiar with the maze craze, its a giant maze that you go
through, and there is pizza and pop there too .. its fun .. and we can
bring about 20 people there without feeling weird .. its like a lot of
people to be going to places like taco bell and meeting .. so there
will be more public places for the rest of our conventions from now
on .. g
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