this image contains text
eCL! bold
- ECLIPSE INFO FILE -----------------------------------------------------------
scene guy: hey man, just got finished
lookin at eclipses second release, WOW
that was jam packed with ansi and writing!
you guys sure did a lot of work in two
rai: well, thanks, all of our members were
working hard for 2 weeks straight to keep
this thing going .. as a matter of fact,
im writing this info file right now and its
only hours after the release of the second
pak ..
scene guy: hours? wow, you sure start quick ..
rai: yeah, well, i have to, im leaving the apartment again for another week
and i have to get these info files out of the way so when i get back, the
pak is all ready to release ..
scene guy: how is the apartment going anyways? any new people movin
in lately?
rai: as a matter of fact, yes .. all the new members from last month have
started to get situated here .. with the abundance of new members, this new
apartment helps a whole lot .. moving in this month were .. cheeze,
crayon, bold, dr. brain, snoop, and mighty mouse ..
scene guy: well .. is there anything else new with the group?
sirdeath: as a matter of fact, there is! there is going to
be a new medium introduced to the group .. ascii! i am going
to sort of lead the ascii part of eclipse .. and if you wanna join eclipse for ascii, DONT ASK .. eclipse ascii is only
gonna be the people in the group now .. no one in this group
is in for ascii only .. everyone in the group does ansi
in addition to ascii ..
DOING?!@@ .. : this is my info file silly,
only i get to write in it .. i mean, if
i wanted to let other people write in it,
then i would ask them to ..
lagomorph: hi rai, hows it going?
rai: WHAT THE?! how did you get in here?
all of you, OUT!
sirdeath lago: in unison sorry .. well,
later .. man .. what a butthole .. cant even
talk in HIS info file ..
rai: well, now that thats over .. anyways, like sirdeath
was saying, yes eclipse i starting to get pretty big,
and i dont want it to get extremely large .. so we will
be shutting our doors to applicants and will only accept
members that we ourselves invite into the group ..
scene guy: oh .. thats cool .. i like eclipse as a smaller, more closely
knit group anyways ..
rai: thats what i think too .. we dont wanna get too big where we forget
all the members and start telling people that we forget who else is in the
group .. stuff like that .. stuff like forgetting people in the member list
and all that ..
scene guy: oh yeah .. like when groups just forget that they got new members
in one month and then write in the next issue that they forgot to put fred
in the member list last month .. WOOPS! sorry we forgot we dont care! ..
rai: yeah, that sort of thing isnt very cool .. so were gonna keep eclipse
with about the size it is now ..
scene guy: anything else new?
rai: as a matter of fact, yes .. the newest addition to eclipse is a few
coders! snoop and dr. brain were in the original eclipse, and we wanted them
back to help us on our next project, which is called ECLIPSE THE VIDEO GAME ..read about it more in the info file, and PLAY IT!! .. :
scene guy: VIDEO GAME?!@ cool .. sounds neat .. ill check that out!
rai: do it, its well worth it, and its jampacked with art by me too .. g
well, looket the pak and tell me what you think in two weeks :
scene guy: yeah .. well, talk to ya next month man!
- ECLIPSE INFO FILE -----------------------------------------------------------
Well, welcome to the 3rd Eclipse pak, we hope you like all
the art we have for ya here .. this month was another hectic
one for me, i was gone for a week again during this pak ..
the apartment was a mess of course when i came back .. bunch
of smelly wrappers all over the floor again, dirty, damp, and
dark .. even torgo couldnt keep the place in order .. oh well,
but we got the pak out on time nonetheless eh?
in other news, member news, we gained a few new members,
armageddon donut, a good friend who comes to us from his
previous groups dark and fire .. his coming to eclipse came
as a result of my magazine, unsung merging with crayon and
armageddon donuts mag, antwarp .. AD is a great toon artist
and will help extremely in helping us art and pic-wise ..
3 more new members are the night angel, and
grindstone, who come to us from ice .. im not sure even
right now if they are still in or not but they will be
an excellent addition to the team .. they are two of ices
best logo artists, and THEY BOTH SPEAK FRENCH!!@ .. err ..
anyways .. we have the honor of welcoming a very cool artist
to GUEST in the group this pak, flame is gonna be a nice
guy and have a few pieces of art in the pak .. thanks
flame! ..
there are also two new members this month that do a
totally different medium, they are snoop and dr. brain,
they are the eclipse coding staff .. they were also part
of the old eclipse, so they were welcomed back with open
arms! they have already moved in and gotten situated and
they have coded their first eclipse project .. it is the
biggest thing to ever hit the scene! ECLIPSE THE VIDEO
GAME! .. are you excited? i sure am .. it is like an
introduction to eclipse for those people that havent seen
the paks yet .. it will give them a walk through our
apartment, tell them all about the members, etc .. not only
is it a text walk-through but it is illustrated by none
other than me, rai .. even if you HAVE seen other eclipse
paks, LOOK AT THE ECLIPSE VIDEO GAME .. it will be the coolest
thing youll have ever seen .. g
in sadder news, we regret to say we have lost our first
member, agent77 left the group to pursue a dream of his with
the group dark .. we love him and wish him well wherever he
goes .. smooch
next up, if you think you wanna join eclipse, well, change
yer mind and go somewhere else .. because eclipse is closing
its doors to applicants for a while i think .. unless we are
REALLY blown away or something by the applicant .. there
will be no app, just talk to me if you wanna be in this month,
and i will probably tell 95 of you that we are done with
applicants .. this group has reached a good size and i wanna
keep it this size .. not too big, but not too small ..
in World-Wide-Web news, red circle has been working
dilligently to code our web page, but its still not finished
because, Im too lazy to finish the member page .. said
red circle .. it is an excellent looking page tho, and we
will have it all set up for you soon .. more info on this next
pak i guess ..
also, when i asked about 100 people wether or not they had
seen the eclipse pak, 75 said no .. the other 25 or so
said yes, and then when i poked further and asked those that
had seen the pak what did you think about us all living
together? 75 said what are you talking about? .. about
15 said many various comments about how we were all sick
and strange because we lived together, the remaining 10
said that we were full of crap, you guys dont live together ..
which proves that only about 5 of the people in the scene
have seen the eclipse pak AND read the info files .. this is
sad people, very sad indeed .. now START READING AND DISTRIBUTING
THIS THING .. g and to set the record straight, we do live
together, i dont understand why people cant believe us .. why
would we have to nerve to lie to all our adoring fans out there
in scenedom?
well, thats about it for news this month ..
- ECLIPSE INFO FILE -----------------------------------------------------------
scene guy: hey man, just got finished
lookin at eclipses second release, WOW
that was jam packed with ansi and writing!
you guys sure did a lot of work in two
rai: well, thanks, all of our members were
working hard for 2 weeks straight to keep
this thing going .. as a matter of fact,
im writing this info file right now and its
only hours after the release of the second
pak ..
scene guy: hours? wow, you sure start quick ..
rai: yeah, well, i have to, im leaving the apartment again for another week
and i have to get these info files out of the way so when i get back, the
pak is all ready to release ..
scene guy: how is the apartment going anyways? any new people movin
in lately?
rai: as a matter of fact, yes .. all the new members from last month have
started to get situated here .. with the abundance of new members, this new
apartment helps a whole lot .. moving in this month were .. cheeze,
crayon, bold, dr. brain, snoop, and mighty mouse ..
scene guy: well .. is there anything else new with the group?
sirdeath: as a matter of fact, there is! there is going to
be a new medium introduced to the group .. ascii! i am going
to sort of lead the ascii part of eclipse .. and if you wanna join eclipse for ascii, DONT ASK .. eclipse ascii is only
gonna be the people in the group now .. no one in this group
is in for ascii only .. everyone in the group does ansi
in addition to ascii ..
DOING?!@@ .. : this is my info file silly,
only i get to write in it .. i mean, if
i wanted to let other people write in it,
then i would ask them to ..
lagomorph: hi rai, hows it going?
rai: WHAT THE?! how did you get in here?
all of you, OUT!
sirdeath lago: in unison sorry .. well,
later .. man .. what a butthole .. cant even
talk in HIS info file ..
rai: well, now that thats over .. anyways, like sirdeath
was saying, yes eclipse i starting to get pretty big,
and i dont want it to get extremely large .. so we will
be shutting our doors to applicants and will only accept
members that we ourselves invite into the group ..
scene guy: oh .. thats cool .. i like eclipse as a smaller, more closely
knit group anyways ..
rai: thats what i think too .. we dont wanna get too big where we forget
all the members and start telling people that we forget who else is in the
group .. stuff like that .. stuff like forgetting people in the member list
and all that ..
scene guy: oh yeah .. like when groups just forget that they got new members
in one month and then write in the next issue that they forgot to put fred
in the member list last month .. WOOPS! sorry we forgot we dont care! ..
rai: yeah, that sort of thing isnt very cool .. so were gonna keep eclipse
with about the size it is now ..
scene guy: anything else new?
rai: as a matter of fact, yes .. the newest addition to eclipse is a few
coders! snoop and dr. brain were in the original eclipse, and we wanted them
back to help us on our next project, which is called ECLIPSE THE VIDEO GAME ..read about it more in the info file, and PLAY IT!! .. :
scene guy: VIDEO GAME?!@ cool .. sounds neat .. ill check that out!
rai: do it, its well worth it, and its jampacked with art by me too .. g
well, looket the pak and tell me what you think in two weeks :
scene guy: yeah .. well, talk to ya next month man!
- ECLIPSE INFO FILE -----------------------------------------------------------
Well, welcome to the 3rd Eclipse pak, we hope you like all
the art we have for ya here .. this month was another hectic
one for me, i was gone for a week again during this pak ..
the apartment was a mess of course when i came back .. bunch
of smelly wrappers all over the floor again, dirty, damp, and
dark .. even torgo couldnt keep the place in order .. oh well,
but we got the pak out on time nonetheless eh?
in other news, member news, we gained a few new members,
armageddon donut, a good friend who comes to us from his
previous groups dark and fire .. his coming to eclipse came
as a result of my magazine, unsung merging with crayon and
armageddon donuts mag, antwarp .. AD is a great toon artist
and will help extremely in helping us art and pic-wise ..
3 more new members are the night angel, and
grindstone, who come to us from ice .. im not sure even
right now if they are still in or not but they will be
an excellent addition to the team .. they are two of ices
best logo artists, and THEY BOTH SPEAK FRENCH!!@ .. err ..
anyways .. we have the honor of welcoming a very cool artist
to GUEST in the group this pak, flame is gonna be a nice
guy and have a few pieces of art in the pak .. thanks
flame! ..
there are also two new members this month that do a
totally different medium, they are snoop and dr. brain,
they are the eclipse coding staff .. they were also part
of the old eclipse, so they were welcomed back with open
arms! they have already moved in and gotten situated and
they have coded their first eclipse project .. it is the
biggest thing to ever hit the scene! ECLIPSE THE VIDEO
GAME! .. are you excited? i sure am .. it is like an
introduction to eclipse for those people that havent seen
the paks yet .. it will give them a walk through our
apartment, tell them all about the members, etc .. not only
is it a text walk-through but it is illustrated by none
other than me, rai .. even if you HAVE seen other eclipse
paks, LOOK AT THE ECLIPSE VIDEO GAME .. it will be the coolest
thing youll have ever seen .. g
in sadder news, we regret to say we have lost our first
member, agent77 left the group to pursue a dream of his with
the group dark .. we love him and wish him well wherever he
goes .. smooch
next up, if you think you wanna join eclipse, well, change
yer mind and go somewhere else .. because eclipse is closing
its doors to applicants for a while i think .. unless we are
REALLY blown away or something by the applicant .. there
will be no app, just talk to me if you wanna be in this month,
and i will probably tell 95 of you that we are done with
applicants .. this group has reached a good size and i wanna
keep it this size .. not too big, but not too small ..
in World-Wide-Web news, red circle has been working
dilligently to code our web page, but its still not finished
because, Im too lazy to finish the member page .. said
red circle .. it is an excellent looking page tho, and we
will have it all set up for you soon .. more info on this next
pak i guess ..
also, when i asked about 100 people wether or not they had
seen the eclipse pak, 75 said no .. the other 25 or so
said yes, and then when i poked further and asked those that
had seen the pak what did you think about us all living
together? 75 said what are you talking about? .. about
15 said many various comments about how we were all sick
and strange because we lived together, the remaining 10
said that we were full of crap, you guys dont live together ..
which proves that only about 5 of the people in the scene
have seen the eclipse pak AND read the info files .. this is
sad people, very sad indeed .. now START READING AND DISTRIBUTING
THIS THING .. g and to set the record straight, we do live
together, i dont understand why people cant believe us .. why
would we have to nerve to lie to all our adoring fans out there
in scenedom?
well, thats about it for news this month ..
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