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its another one of them stories of his.. oh sheesh.
getting caught by the coppers
me and joda were sitting quietly at my place writing this months infofile, when
ronny rang the doorbell. he wanted us to go down to his place in about half an
hour so we could go do something. ok, i said, and 35 minutes after, he was back.
we have our ways so, i/we got some eleet fireworks, and went out with ronny.
we started throwing little red rockets all around but never really hit anybody.
then, we got down to the footballfield. some lITTLE cHILDREN were playing foot-
ball there, and they were ofcourse a dang good place to shoot our elite rockets.
so we did. we shot a million of them, but we never hit shit. we even had ronnys
elite vernebrills on so we wouldnt get sparks on our eyes and shit. but anyway,
we went down on the footballfield, and started eleeting with some rockets there
too. it was quite amusing, actually. after a while of doing this, joda offered
5 kroners to anyone who could hit him in the ass with a rocket. ofcourse me and
ronny tried, as it was dang funny. but ofcourse, we didnt hit the bastard. so
we just walked around there on the field playing with our little rockets. some
bofk was walking towards the field, and ronny decided that we sould.. er...
dpp him. yes. throw him in the snow and kick snow on him. but there it
happened. when he was getting closer to the field, a copcar also came. it was
dangerous, you know. i went and threw my fireworks away in some bushes beside
the field, so that i only had what was in my pockets. the cops cant start
fucking in my pockets, you know. so i went back into the field, and the dang
copper came too. he just stood there. watching us pretending to play football.
then he broke the silence. have any of you seen any fireworks here?? everyone
denied it, except me, ofcourse, i just kept my mouth shut. im smart you know.
have any of you *heard* any fireworks then? some stupid kids started jabbing
about having seen some shit far away from where we were, ofcourse, as small kids
are stupid. i just kept my mouth shut. the copper went through the list of shit
he has to tell us, that we ofcourse had heard about a jillion times before, and
it was starting to get boring. after that, he went back to the car. we were dang
happy. that was when we looked up on the building right beside the field, and
saw about 1000000000 people standing in the windows thinking this was *hella*
interesting. i waved to them, but the arrogant bastards didnt wave back. fucks.
but, the copper was just sitting there, in the car. he turned the car off, and
kept sitting there for a while. then he came back out. whee, hoe. he came over
to the field, and pointed at me, joda, and ronny. hey, you three, come over
here! we walked over to him, waiting for the punishment. you three have been
identified. we know it was you. the copper really felt big, you know. he went
through the entire list of shit we had heard 10000000000 times before, and it
was really getting boring. ronny told the copper a few times that he could
search him if he wanted to, but ofcourse, the copper didnt want to do that.
i, ofcourse, just kept my mouth shut. the copper kept jabbering along about all
that shit again, and i turned around, and saw even more people looking at us up
there in the building. it was really funny. then the copper wanted our names.
do any of you have any id? joda starts flexing his elite visa card, and ronny
tells the copper he doesnt have one. i keep my mouth shut. the copper asks ronny
for his name. ronny fredriksen he says. ok, the copper says, and notes it on
his elite little notepad. he asked for his adress and dob too, and ronny gave it
to him, ofcourse. then it was jodas turn. he gave the copper his visa card, and
the copper asked him about 6000000 times about his dob, although it was on the
card, and after a few minutes, he had got it all down on paper. then, ofcourse,
it was my turn. so whats your name? the eilte copper said. svein arne romslo
strmmen, i told the asshole. without a single dash in it. the copper was
really surprised to hear me tell him my whole name, and had problems writing it
as the notepad wasnt so big. then he wanted my elite birthdate. so i told him,
and after about 5600000 times, he got it right, and wrote it down. then, he
wanted my adress. i told him, and he wrote it down. im not gonna do anything
about this. he said, and we started to feel large. you could have been in big
trouble here, but im letting you go. whee whee. what a nice copper. after 60
minutes or so, the copper was gone. ronny got my fireworks in the bushes, and i
filled my pockets again. then we went over to ronnys basement, to woof around
with his.. uh.. moped. thats what the book says. so we did that, and it was
rather funny. after some more time, ronnys mother came into the basement. she
pointed at ronny, and said the following YOU! UP! YOURE GROUNDED! ronny went
what have i done?? is it that buisness with the cops?? YES! his mom went.
whee, we all thought. i left my fireworks down there, and me and joda went over
to jodas house. there, jodas fireworks got confiskated by his mother, and he got
the same old speech as usual. then, we went through his newest wAREZ, and the
doorbell rang. we didnt hear it so well, ofcourse, as nirvana was on pretty hy.
it was ronny and carina. i hope thats with a c ronny had just went out, not
paying any attention to what his mother said, and i have no idea how carina got
into this buisness. me and joda went out with them, we didnt really do anything,
and ronny decided to sleep at carinas place as his mother was probably dang
pissed at him. so me and joda went home, and everything was nice. i got the same
old speech, almost, as my mother acutally understood how funny the entire case
actually was. atleast i think she did. it was just another one of them days.
joda: you better be fucking grateful i didnt put in the part with you being so
**FUCKING** terrified that the copper bitch would press charges! i will
say nothing.
getting caught by the coppers
me and joda were sitting quietly at my place writing this months infofile, when
ronny rang the doorbell. he wanted us to go down to his place in about half an
hour so we could go do something. ok, i said, and 35 minutes after, he was back.
we have our ways so, i/we got some eleet fireworks, and went out with ronny.
we started throwing little red rockets all around but never really hit anybody.
then, we got down to the footballfield. some lITTLE cHILDREN were playing foot-
ball there, and they were ofcourse a dang good place to shoot our elite rockets.
so we did. we shot a million of them, but we never hit shit. we even had ronnys
elite vernebrills on so we wouldnt get sparks on our eyes and shit. but anyway,
we went down on the footballfield, and started eleeting with some rockets there
too. it was quite amusing, actually. after a while of doing this, joda offered
5 kroners to anyone who could hit him in the ass with a rocket. ofcourse me and
ronny tried, as it was dang funny. but ofcourse, we didnt hit the bastard. so
we just walked around there on the field playing with our little rockets. some
bofk was walking towards the field, and ronny decided that we sould.. er...
dpp him. yes. throw him in the snow and kick snow on him. but there it
happened. when he was getting closer to the field, a copcar also came. it was
dangerous, you know. i went and threw my fireworks away in some bushes beside
the field, so that i only had what was in my pockets. the cops cant start
fucking in my pockets, you know. so i went back into the field, and the dang
copper came too. he just stood there. watching us pretending to play football.
then he broke the silence. have any of you seen any fireworks here?? everyone
denied it, except me, ofcourse, i just kept my mouth shut. im smart you know.
have any of you *heard* any fireworks then? some stupid kids started jabbing
about having seen some shit far away from where we were, ofcourse, as small kids
are stupid. i just kept my mouth shut. the copper went through the list of shit
he has to tell us, that we ofcourse had heard about a jillion times before, and
it was starting to get boring. after that, he went back to the car. we were dang
happy. that was when we looked up on the building right beside the field, and
saw about 1000000000 people standing in the windows thinking this was *hella*
interesting. i waved to them, but the arrogant bastards didnt wave back. fucks.
but, the copper was just sitting there, in the car. he turned the car off, and
kept sitting there for a while. then he came back out. whee, hoe. he came over
to the field, and pointed at me, joda, and ronny. hey, you three, come over
here! we walked over to him, waiting for the punishment. you three have been
identified. we know it was you. the copper really felt big, you know. he went
through the entire list of shit we had heard 10000000000 times before, and it
was really getting boring. ronny told the copper a few times that he could
search him if he wanted to, but ofcourse, the copper didnt want to do that.
i, ofcourse, just kept my mouth shut. the copper kept jabbering along about all
that shit again, and i turned around, and saw even more people looking at us up
there in the building. it was really funny. then the copper wanted our names.
do any of you have any id? joda starts flexing his elite visa card, and ronny
tells the copper he doesnt have one. i keep my mouth shut. the copper asks ronny
for his name. ronny fredriksen he says. ok, the copper says, and notes it on
his elite little notepad. he asked for his adress and dob too, and ronny gave it
to him, ofcourse. then it was jodas turn. he gave the copper his visa card, and
the copper asked him about 6000000 times about his dob, although it was on the
card, and after a few minutes, he had got it all down on paper. then, ofcourse,
it was my turn. so whats your name? the eilte copper said. svein arne romslo
strmmen, i told the asshole. without a single dash in it. the copper was
really surprised to hear me tell him my whole name, and had problems writing it
as the notepad wasnt so big. then he wanted my elite birthdate. so i told him,
and after about 5600000 times, he got it right, and wrote it down. then, he
wanted my adress. i told him, and he wrote it down. im not gonna do anything
about this. he said, and we started to feel large. you could have been in big
trouble here, but im letting you go. whee whee. what a nice copper. after 60
minutes or so, the copper was gone. ronny got my fireworks in the bushes, and i
filled my pockets again. then we went over to ronnys basement, to woof around
with his.. uh.. moped. thats what the book says. so we did that, and it was
rather funny. after some more time, ronnys mother came into the basement. she
pointed at ronny, and said the following YOU! UP! YOURE GROUNDED! ronny went
what have i done?? is it that buisness with the cops?? YES! his mom went.
whee, we all thought. i left my fireworks down there, and me and joda went over
to jodas house. there, jodas fireworks got confiskated by his mother, and he got
the same old speech as usual. then, we went through his newest wAREZ, and the
doorbell rang. we didnt hear it so well, ofcourse, as nirvana was on pretty hy.
it was ronny and carina. i hope thats with a c ronny had just went out, not
paying any attention to what his mother said, and i have no idea how carina got
into this buisness. me and joda went out with them, we didnt really do anything,
and ronny decided to sleep at carinas place as his mother was probably dang
pissed at him. so me and joda went home, and everything was nice. i got the same
old speech, almost, as my mother acutally understood how funny the entire case
actually was. atleast i think she did. it was just another one of them days.
joda: you better be fucking grateful i didnt put in the part with you being so
**FUCKING** terrified that the copper bitch would press charges! i will
say nothing.
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