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this isnt really a tale, but i can tell you that someone threw a thunder
king into a trashcan at school today. the smoke was so extensive the entire
room filled up with it, and the smokealarm went off. the school really really
want to know who did this, and starts scheming that someone was almost hit
by small metal particles when someone blew a thunder king in the same trash-
can yesterday or something to that effect. i know thats bullshit as i was there
the first time, and know very well what was happening there the second time.
its all bullshit, you know. the system is fucking with us. when they dont have
enuff evidence to support what they think, they make new evidence to make their
case sound better. its pathetic. sheesh. anyways, me, joda and ronny are prolly
the first people to be associated with this if the coppers are involved, as we
were caught shooting rockets at jodas ass last saturday. its all really funny,
actually, since i didnt really do shit. neither did joda or ronny, so for once
we are actually innocent. whee hoe. but the problem, though, is that if they
get the ones who did it, he/she/they will get fined 4000 kroners. whEE! oh
we love the system, now dont we?
king into a trashcan at school today. the smoke was so extensive the entire
room filled up with it, and the smokealarm went off. the school really really
want to know who did this, and starts scheming that someone was almost hit
by small metal particles when someone blew a thunder king in the same trash-
can yesterday or something to that effect. i know thats bullshit as i was there
the first time, and know very well what was happening there the second time.
its all bullshit, you know. the system is fucking with us. when they dont have
enuff evidence to support what they think, they make new evidence to make their
case sound better. its pathetic. sheesh. anyways, me, joda and ronny are prolly
the first people to be associated with this if the coppers are involved, as we
were caught shooting rockets at jodas ass last saturday. its all really funny,
actually, since i didnt really do shit. neither did joda or ronny, so for once
we are actually innocent. whee hoe. but the problem, though, is that if they
get the ones who did it, he/she/they will get fined 4000 kroners. whEE! oh
we love the system, now dont we?
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