this image contains text
c H aR M 12/96
f OR eW o R D s
Hello again. This is second artpack of charm. This is released
bit late, because we have not enough members to release every
month, and i neurotrance wanna enjoy my life too. ok blame me
We have new distro, the Killing Playground, cheer to coraze!
m eM b eR s
founder : neurotrance ntr ansi/ascii
senior member : steve mcstretch sms ansi/ascii
artists : venturus vtr ansi/ascii tepkei@lokki.edutec.pori.fi horizon hrz ansi/ascii horizon@multi.fi
S iT e S
november trance whq +358-06-xxxxxxxx steve mcstretch
highlands member +358-15-611860/61 neurotrance
tornado of souls member +358-02-6472634 venturus
crossfire member +358-06-7247522 horizon
rlyeh distro +358-15-xxxxxxx laama/cp!
nordic winds distro +358-15-xxxxxxx bleech
the killing playground distro +358-17-xxxxxxx coraze
s Ig n eD : neurotraNce
c H aR M 12/96
f OR eW o R D s
Hello again. This is second artpack of charm. This is released
bit late, because we have not enough members to release every
month, and i neurotrance wanna enjoy my life too. ok blame me
We have new distro, the Killing Playground, cheer to coraze!
m eM b eR s
founder : neurotrance ntr ansi/ascii
senior member : steve mcstretch sms ansi/ascii
artists : venturus vtr ansi/ascii tepkei@lokki.edutec.pori.fi horizon hrz ansi/ascii horizon@multi.fi
S iT e S
november trance whq +358-06-xxxxxxxx steve mcstretch
highlands member +358-15-611860/61 neurotrance
tornado of souls member +358-02-6472634 venturus
crossfire member +358-06-7247522 horizon
rlyeh distro +358-15-xxxxxxx laama/cp!
nordic winds distro +358-15-xxxxxxx bleech
the killing playground distro +358-17-xxxxxxx coraze
s Ig n eD : neurotraNce
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