this image contains text
hzn! : . .
---- the ascii-cluster of charm art pack 2 ----
Looks like its me whos going to finish this asciicluster this time
btw. venturus forgot that charm02 was going to be released this
month, but he did still manage to make very much art to this pack.
And ive not got any asciis from steve, so here is only asciis
from venturus, neurotrance and me.
- horizon
wow! here comes Neurotrances asciis...
/ l/ /
/-ntr! .-------------- -
Bye! Now call back in 24 hours. /
/ e As t /
bL o cK /
+C+ommando dah eliteh :
+C+ommando dah eliteh
-----------8 klipeti klip 8--minicollection to venturus/vittunmahu-------
fo r e
pla y /
-ntr! : - - ------- - - ----
/ : : .sb. .
/ / / b / /-.
- - : ---------ntr! - - ---------- ------- sb - --- +
joo, venturus tss tahtoo sanoo ett se : - - ---------
arvostaa nit tyyppej tosi suuresti. -------------------------
- - : --------- -ntr!- - - : ------- - : ------ -:-------- : / /
- --. :.----- - --. -ntr!- - --./
look! here comes Horizons asciis...
hzn! . . .
hzn!/charm /
hzn!/charm /
hzn! : . .
hzn! .. . .
and now venturus HUGE contribution to CHR2 :::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::: ::::: / vtr
-/ ::::: -/ c H A R M -/ ::::: -/ -/::
t h e e n d
---- the ascii-cluster of charm art pack 2 ----
Looks like its me whos going to finish this asciicluster this time
btw. venturus forgot that charm02 was going to be released this
month, but he did still manage to make very much art to this pack.
And ive not got any asciis from steve, so here is only asciis
from venturus, neurotrance and me.
- horizon
wow! here comes Neurotrances asciis...
/ l/ /
/-ntr! .-------------- -
Bye! Now call back in 24 hours. /
/ e As t /
bL o cK /
+C+ommando dah eliteh :
+C+ommando dah eliteh
-----------8 klipeti klip 8--minicollection to venturus/vittunmahu-------
fo r e
pla y /
-ntr! : - - ------- - - ----
/ : : .sb. .
/ / / b / /-.
- - : ---------ntr! - - ---------- ------- sb - --- +
joo, venturus tss tahtoo sanoo ett se : - - ---------
arvostaa nit tyyppej tosi suuresti. -------------------------
- - : --------- -ntr!- - - : ------- - : ------ -:-------- : / /
- --. :.----- - --. -ntr!- - --./
look! here comes Horizons asciis...
hzn! . . .
hzn!/charm /
hzn!/charm /
hzn! : . .
hzn! .. . .
and now venturus HUGE contribution to CHR2 :::::::::::::::::::::::::
::::: ::::: / vtr
-/ ::::: -/ c H A R M -/ ::::: -/ -/::
t h e e n d
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