this image contains text
,, ,yy yy,, @y y,. @y, ,,! @@yy S@ ,::: ,, : S@y: d!,, : :i,i,y@ i ::*s@i i! !y, ss+ yy! ,b,yy: .:: : ,yy@*+l: S@y @, i d 4 +*sy: d@@s+yyy black@ + i
,, yy: :yy ,,, ,,,,, ,.yyyyi ,,,, . ! : @y
b, S@y :b, ,d: ., y@ :yy,, : i ! b,ii b,
:b, ,, y@@SS4*.,, !* :!
*@ : !:b,::y@y, yyyyy ::
: : i
maiden@/ i
l @ /@we keep it alive...@ d
things, which made this ascii possible:
music from jimi hendrix, a dish of spaghetti, a beard-shaving session, an
early ending of school on monday, nose-bleeding, a lot of bloody handker-
chiefs and a dirty 17 screen, which had to be cleaned with a clean hand-
,, yy: :yy ,,, ,,,,, ,.yyyyi ,,,, . ! : @y
b, S@y :b, ,d: ., y@ :yy,, : i ! b,ii b,
:b, ,, y@@SS4*.,, !* :!
*@ : !:b,::y@y, yyyyy ::
: : i
maiden@/ i
l @ /@we keep it alive...@ d
things, which made this ascii possible:
music from jimi hendrix, a dish of spaghetti, a beard-shaving session, an
early ending of school on monday, nose-bleeding, a lot of bloody handker-
chiefs and a dirty 17 screen, which had to be cleaned with a clean hand-
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