this image contains text
jerusalem boil spiderman@t-online.de
black maiden 31337 warzenposse
and many more...
hey ho!
jerusalems presenting the first newskool-ascii collie for black maiden!
yeah, some months ago i didnt even know what one is able to draw with the
newskool-ascii elements. a big thanx fly out to my boil-homie nemo, whoms
style i used for inspiration and first tries. - and now enjoy art!
btw: evrything which is inside this collection is R! and can be used by
anyone, who wants to use that stuff!
,, ,,yy@@: : ...ki yy@@@yy *!i:!i who knows for sure! ! , yy ::: : o1 :,
: yy@@SS y,,,,,,,
:* just ki...
*@:b, :
i ,yyyyy !i
+jer :,,
,, ,,yy@@: : ...newmail yy@@@yy *!i:!i itS R! of course! ! , yy ::: : o2 :,
,, ,,, ,yy ,,,,yy
@y yy yyy,,.. jer *!+: @
,,* :! yy @@ ::i *:! P 4yb,,i @:: : i: i: ,y i ib, iyyyyy b, :,,, * ,dl *@ ,s *
.@look who has written to you!
,, ,,yy@@: : ...upload yy@@@yy *!i:!i nothing to say. ! , yy ::: : o3 :,
.y@! ***+s@@,. ,+ @s*+: !@y
:: ,,,, : ,. 4: i :
i ,,,. li b,
4! *: ! b, dy,,..!
jer : i : ,, *:
i !: ,d: s@ i
:i :i @ssy@
pump your stuff, pal! +/.. l
,, ,,yy@@: : ...G? yy@@@yy *!i:!i maybe someone needs it ! , yy ::: : o4 immediately... :,
jer @s,
,y@@SSSS g?????....
. :: s@ ::: : : . ....
,, ,,yy@@: : ...inpho yy@@@yy *!i:!i ya can even use it for ! , yy ::: : o5 yar cru - its great, :,
isnt it??!?! s@S
,,, ,,,, ., @y, y,,,.....
yy,,@@ : S
4!ii: !y@: ,,s@ i! : ,s@@
*i :i @*: ,d
! b, ,d
- :yy +s@ jer ,
,, ,,yy@@: : ...news yy@@@yy *!i:!i what is new and what is ! , yy ::: : o6 old??? :,
jer ,,! . . ,,,yy@
,, ,,y: ,,. y, ,@: :!
!@ @i i: ,
!: !,, : !: **+s@
:i :: *y, :i,,.
i, ! ! :!
!: :: ,,,* i:
i i
x @news for the few ?! @+*//
,, ,,yy@@: : ...hallo yy@@@yy *!i:!i lach isch, oder waas? ! , yy ::: : o7 :,
, , ../@ , hallo /@*78 y, 546 6 7 888 9 10 y@ : :@y,,,,,,, , :
!ii!l l@y, jer !i yy,, ,y
:: :*S@s s yy y, : :
i*-ysss**+-P !@, : i, ,:
b, :* :*i S@yyi
l i.ysss**-y. l
l l
,, ,,yy@@: : ...its over now. yy@@@yy *!i:!i and were cavemen ! , yy ::: : tHE eND! in disguise... :,
black maiden 31337 warzenposse
and many more...
hey ho!
jerusalems presenting the first newskool-ascii collie for black maiden!
yeah, some months ago i didnt even know what one is able to draw with the
newskool-ascii elements. a big thanx fly out to my boil-homie nemo, whoms
style i used for inspiration and first tries. - and now enjoy art!
btw: evrything which is inside this collection is R! and can be used by
anyone, who wants to use that stuff!
,, ,,yy@@: : ...ki yy@@@yy *!i:!i who knows for sure! ! , yy ::: : o1 :,
: yy@@SS y,,,,,,,
:* just ki...
*@:b, :
i ,yyyyy !i
+jer :,,
,, ,,yy@@: : ...newmail yy@@@yy *!i:!i itS R! of course! ! , yy ::: : o2 :,
,, ,,, ,yy ,,,,yy
@y yy yyy,,.. jer *!+: @
,,* :! yy @@ ::i *:! P 4yb,,i @:: : i: i: ,y i ib, iyyyyy b, :,,, * ,dl *@ ,s *
.@look who has written to you!
,, ,,yy@@: : ...upload yy@@@yy *!i:!i nothing to say. ! , yy ::: : o3 :,
.y@! ***+s@@,. ,+ @s*+: !@y
:: ,,,, : ,. 4: i :
i ,,,. li b,
4! *: ! b, dy,,..!
jer : i : ,, *:
i !: ,d: s@ i
:i :i @ssy@
pump your stuff, pal! +/.. l
,, ,,yy@@: : ...G? yy@@@yy *!i:!i maybe someone needs it ! , yy ::: : o4 immediately... :,
jer @s,
,y@@SSSS g?????....
. :: s@ ::: : : . ....
,, ,,yy@@: : ...inpho yy@@@yy *!i:!i ya can even use it for ! , yy ::: : o5 yar cru - its great, :,
isnt it??!?! s@S
,,, ,,,, ., @y, y,,,.....
yy,,@@ : S
4!ii: !y@: ,,s@ i! : ,s@@
*i :i @*: ,d
! b, ,d
- :yy +s@ jer ,
,, ,,yy@@: : ...news yy@@@yy *!i:!i what is new and what is ! , yy ::: : o6 old??? :,
jer ,,! . . ,,,yy@
,, ,,y: ,,. y, ,@: :!
!@ @i i: ,
!: !,, : !: **+s@
:i :: *y, :i,,.
i, ! ! :!
!: :: ,,,* i:
i i
x @news for the few ?! @+*//
,, ,,yy@@: : ...hallo yy@@@yy *!i:!i lach isch, oder waas? ! , yy ::: : o7 :,
, , ../@ , hallo /@*78 y, 546 6 7 888 9 10 y@ : :@y,,,,,,, , :
!ii!l l@y, jer !i yy,, ,y
:: :*S@s s yy y, : :
i*-ysss**+-P !@, : i, ,:
b, :* :*i S@yyi
l i.ysss**-y. l
l l
,, ,,yy@@: : ...its over now. yy@@@yy *!i:!i and were cavemen ! , yy ::: : tHE eND! in disguise... :,
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