this image contains text
aciddraw m c - q u a k e . t x t --------------------------------------- afs
mC :/ / /
a s e i s M i C p r o d u c t i o n
/ f3/srl /
well, its my first colly, have fun lookin
at it. most of it is crap, but oh : well. basic is my first group, and if
you have any requests email them . to me: SHIFT@NAMELESS.COM next month
the colly will be much better.... ....i hope. -seismic
acidjack for acidjack ------------------------------------------------- quake
mC--/ //- :.. :
: a c i d j a c k / //--.
1 9 8 1 : / : / :
arlequin for arlequin ------------------------------------------------- quake
/------/-- mC--/-
a r l e q u / i n /
basic for blindman ---------------------------------------------------- quake
:...: :... :..: :....... / mC / .:.
blacksun for squish --------------------------------------------------- quake
/ mC / ...:
discordia for chaos --------------------------------------------------- quake
/ / mC /
discordia. 360652-4802. running vadv modded to hell. sysop: chaos. 24 hours.
hitachi biotech for drakkon ------------------------------------------- quake
/ / oo / / /
/ mC / / /
/ h i t a c h i b i o t e c h
hepcat for aCk -------------------------------------------------------- quake
: --//-- /--//---/mC
:... ::...... h e p c a t .::::.... /
mdk for mdk ----------------------------------------------------------- quake
m u r d e r d e a t h k i l l
phallus for guardia --------------------------------------------------- quake
....:. :. / mC ::::
p h a l l u s
quad-p for hIRO ------------------------------------------------------- quake
// q u a d - p /
mC ..::...::...::...::...::.. /
serial for sargon ----------------------------------------------------- quake
/ s e r i a l -/
tango for tango ------------------------------------------------------- quake
-//--- mC//
yoda for acidjazz ----------------------------------------------------- quake
::mC // //- .y.o.d.a.:::.
zut for aleph --------------------------------------------------------- quake
:: / ::: zut! 425339-5301 located in everett, wa.
: / / its french for: call it, assmonkey!
/mC / //
mC :/ / /
a s e i s M i C p r o d u c t i o n
/ f3/srl /
well, its my first colly, have fun lookin
at it. most of it is crap, but oh : well. basic is my first group, and if
you have any requests email them . to me: SHIFT@NAMELESS.COM next month
the colly will be much better.... ....i hope. -seismic
acidjack for acidjack ------------------------------------------------- quake
mC--/ //- :.. :
: a c i d j a c k / //--.
1 9 8 1 : / : / :
arlequin for arlequin ------------------------------------------------- quake
/------/-- mC--/-
a r l e q u / i n /
basic for blindman ---------------------------------------------------- quake
:...: :... :..: :....... / mC / .:.
blacksun for squish --------------------------------------------------- quake
/ mC / ...:
discordia for chaos --------------------------------------------------- quake
/ / mC /
discordia. 360652-4802. running vadv modded to hell. sysop: chaos. 24 hours.
hitachi biotech for drakkon ------------------------------------------- quake
/ / oo / / /
/ mC / / /
/ h i t a c h i b i o t e c h
hepcat for aCk -------------------------------------------------------- quake
: --//-- /--//---/mC
:... ::...... h e p c a t .::::.... /
mdk for mdk ----------------------------------------------------------- quake
m u r d e r d e a t h k i l l
phallus for guardia --------------------------------------------------- quake
....:. :. / mC ::::
p h a l l u s
quad-p for hIRO ------------------------------------------------------- quake
// q u a d - p /
mC ..::...::...::...::...::.. /
serial for sargon ----------------------------------------------------- quake
/ s e r i a l -/
tango for tango ------------------------------------------------------- quake
-//--- mC//
yoda for acidjazz ----------------------------------------------------- quake
::mC // //- .y.o.d.a.:::.
zut for aleph --------------------------------------------------------- quake
:: / ::: zut! 425339-5301 located in everett, wa.
: / / its french for: call it, assmonkey!
/mC / //
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