this image contains text
ever been in a casino? u know.. cash all around
you. u feel all shitty, cause that guy behind
you is betting 500 a shot on a black jack
table, while are betting 5 a shot, and go
away after 5 mins cause uv got not much money
left.. or you just dont wanna loose all the
money ya win.. like 20..
you come back later cause those damn slots
machines ate about 100 in 1 hour. You come
back at your VERY lucky black jack table, and
this friggin stupid asshole is still behind
you.. u wanna break his legs.
you come back the next evening, and this damn
guy is still there. a few hours later, you hear
that weird scream.. welp, that rich guy you
were phearing like hell, is all naked and is
getting his butt kicked out of the casino..
well that damn guy was my friend, a year ago.. pagedown
m / :
a /: //
r //
t / // // /
z /
b a s i c /
p r e s e n t s
:: M . j . A . Y ::
/ / /tG
m i d n i g h t j u d g e
r o d u c t i o n :
: // : // / o0 ---- .: /
------- / / tn!
: casino: mjays colly for basic 6th pack.
* dedicated to fred, my pal
mjay?:..................:... . . i n t r o
whuddup f00lz. know wut, the life fuckin suck.. bah. ya..
dammit, i dont feel really kool rite now, so fuck yallz... biotch.
got this new colly.. thanks to everyone who drew fer it.. greetings
at the end.. so hmmm, enjoy da colly.. ya can view it with afs.com,
80x50, or with edit.com or sum *** the colly has more than 1000 lines!
so you wont see it all in aciddraw or sum shit like that..
thanks to: martz for the basic ascii
tango for the midnight judge ascii
tzentch or however its spelled for the casino ascii
blindman for the casino ascii
groove for the index ascii
basic/blindman/holocaust for letting me release this colly
words to all of ya?!@
. l// / / // / gv-
/ i n d e x /
PART 1: requested ascii and stuff..
PART 2: respected f00ls
PART 3: pal greets
PART 4: last word
* so like.. thats all.. no big index with all the asciis cause its
useless and it takes tew much time.. word.
A i N
c s O
w00p.. heres da stuff..
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: apology : . :
: for: apology :
a p o l o g y //
mjay /
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: bonedriven : . :
: for: bonedriven :
/ . b o n e d r i v e n c o u r i e r s . /
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: distortion : . :
: for: biogene :
d i s t o r t i o n //
.::.. +o biogenesis ..::.
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: doe : . :
: for: helix :
dimension of eternity
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: elenium : . :
: for: vintage :
. . ....... / e l e n i u m // .../...:
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: flux : . :
: for: flux :
: .oOoo0/oOo. :
f L U X p r o d u c t i o n 9 7
//mjay /
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: frantic : . :
: for: d2-rn :
: a :
: . .. r n i c .........:.. .
: f / t :
: / // /mjay /
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: afs : . :
: for: cant member :
.... / unfunf?@ ........
:...... / a f s ........:
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: aeon : . :
: for: squish :
............ a e o n .............
/mjay :
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: crack tech 2000 : . :
: for: infect :
c r a c k t e c h 2 0 0 0 ...:: :: :: :
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: genius : . :
: for: genius :
g e n i u s //mjay
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: helix : . :
: for: helix :
: / h e l i x / :
/ mjay?!
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: iceman : . :
: for: iceman :
/ i c e m a n /mjay /
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: login : . :
: for: cant member :
l o g i n //
: - / /mjay / -- :
board name, sysops, blah blah, etc.
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: modemland : . :
: for: hiro :
// m o d e m l a n d /
. / : /mjay /
: +o hiro : . ..:......... . oOOoo0/oOOo
. U .
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: moslem : . :
: for: me :
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: envision : . :
: for: kresile :
/mjay : /
::........ e n v i s i o n z ........::
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: pewstatik : . :
: for: feral :
pew :
: mjay?! :
:... pewstatik , +o feral :
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: plastic : . :
: for: phanatik :
: p l a s t i c e - m a g
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: quake : . :
: for: seismic? :
: q u a k e
mjay: / : :
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: roujinx : . :
: for: d2-rn :
: : r o u j i n X :
: mjay / :
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: roujinx : . :
: for: d2-rn :
: / r o u j i n X // +o d2rn
: /mjay?! / - -----/--/----+
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: royal : . :
: for: mortify :
// r o y a l mjay :/
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: saturday night : . :
fever : for: mso :
s a t u r d a y . . .
mjay +o mso
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: tcd : . :
: for: spasm :
: :..............: the criminal disorder ...:
. mjay
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: tsunami : . :
: for: spinn :
: : / : / /mjay :
: t s u n a m i : :
PART 2-- :
i, midnight judge have great respect for:
d2macroman, arlequin, whodini, hiro protagonist, wisekid, tango,
holocaust, bitstream, c4nnabis, mr.self destruct, khz, blindman,
discyple, acidjack.
:.......... part 3 ----- g r e e t s ......:
d2macroman, blindman, martz, tango, holocaust, squish, mess, spinn, mso,
absent spinsister, blackjack, sargon, meatpod, arlequin, ohseven, seismic,
tek, paine, computer man, horizon, serial t00n, purify, ezy, firestorm,
polymorph, drax, grave dancer, nahal, mutant leader, c4nn, genius, biogen,
volatile, discofunk, the prodigy, kelthar, terrato, arlequin, groove,
horizon, fungus, fonzie, seismic.
ALONG WITH EVERYONE I FORGOT.. my brain is fuckin shite..
*** AND ALL THE AUSTRALIAN SCENE!? ya, greets to yallz ***
--- PART 4 ---- .
: last word
if ya want a request done, PLEASE DONT HESITATE, and send to: mj@ftn.net
also, i can be reached on effnet, ascii as mjudge mJAY or jAYm
i dont do colored oldskool, so dont ask.
you. u feel all shitty, cause that guy behind
you is betting 500 a shot on a black jack
table, while are betting 5 a shot, and go
away after 5 mins cause uv got not much money
left.. or you just dont wanna loose all the
money ya win.. like 20..
you come back later cause those damn slots
machines ate about 100 in 1 hour. You come
back at your VERY lucky black jack table, and
this friggin stupid asshole is still behind
you.. u wanna break his legs.
you come back the next evening, and this damn
guy is still there. a few hours later, you hear
that weird scream.. welp, that rich guy you
were phearing like hell, is all naked and is
getting his butt kicked out of the casino..
well that damn guy was my friend, a year ago.. pagedown
m / :
a /: //
r //
t / // // /
z /
b a s i c /
p r e s e n t s
:: M . j . A . Y ::
/ / /tG
m i d n i g h t j u d g e
r o d u c t i o n :
: // : // / o0 ---- .: /
------- / / tn!
: casino: mjays colly for basic 6th pack.
* dedicated to fred, my pal
mjay?:..................:... . . i n t r o
whuddup f00lz. know wut, the life fuckin suck.. bah. ya..
dammit, i dont feel really kool rite now, so fuck yallz... biotch.
got this new colly.. thanks to everyone who drew fer it.. greetings
at the end.. so hmmm, enjoy da colly.. ya can view it with afs.com,
80x50, or with edit.com or sum *** the colly has more than 1000 lines!
so you wont see it all in aciddraw or sum shit like that..
thanks to: martz for the basic ascii
tango for the midnight judge ascii
tzentch or however its spelled for the casino ascii
blindman for the casino ascii
groove for the index ascii
basic/blindman/holocaust for letting me release this colly
words to all of ya?!@
. l// / / // / gv-
/ i n d e x /
PART 1: requested ascii and stuff..
PART 2: respected f00ls
PART 3: pal greets
PART 4: last word
* so like.. thats all.. no big index with all the asciis cause its
useless and it takes tew much time.. word.
A i N
c s O
w00p.. heres da stuff..
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: apology : . :
: for: apology :
a p o l o g y //
mjay /
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: bonedriven : . :
: for: bonedriven :
/ . b o n e d r i v e n c o u r i e r s . /
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: distortion : . :
: for: biogene :
d i s t o r t i o n //
.::.. +o biogenesis ..::.
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: doe : . :
: for: helix :
dimension of eternity
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: elenium : . :
: for: vintage :
. . ....... / e l e n i u m // .../...:
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: flux : . :
: for: flux :
: .oOoo0/oOo. :
f L U X p r o d u c t i o n 9 7
//mjay /
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: frantic : . :
: for: d2-rn :
: a :
: . .. r n i c .........:.. .
: f / t :
: / // /mjay /
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: afs : . :
: for: cant member :
.... / unfunf?@ ........
:...... / a f s ........:
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: aeon : . :
: for: squish :
............ a e o n .............
/mjay :
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: crack tech 2000 : . :
: for: infect :
c r a c k t e c h 2 0 0 0 ...:: :: :: :
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: genius : . :
: for: genius :
g e n i u s //mjay
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: helix : . :
: for: helix :
: / h e l i x / :
/ mjay?!
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: iceman : . :
: for: iceman :
/ i c e m a n /mjay /
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: login : . :
: for: cant member :
l o g i n //
: - / /mjay / -- :
board name, sysops, blah blah, etc.
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: modemland : . :
: for: hiro :
// m o d e m l a n d /
. / : /mjay /
: +o hiro : . ..:......... . oOOoo0/oOOo
. U .
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: moslem : . :
: for: me :
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: envision : . :
: for: kresile :
/mjay : /
::........ e n v i s i o n z ........::
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: pewstatik : . :
: for: feral :
pew :
: mjay?! :
:... pewstatik , +o feral :
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: plastic : . :
: for: phanatik :
: p l a s t i c e - m a g
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: quake : . :
: for: seismic? :
: q u a k e
mjay: / : :
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: roujinx : . :
: for: d2-rn :
: : r o u j i n X :
: mjay / :
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: roujinx : . :
: for: d2-rn :
: / r o u j i n X // +o d2rn
: /mjay?! / - -----/--/----+
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: royal : . :
: for: mortify :
// r o y a l mjay :/
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: saturday night : . :
fever : for: mso :
s a t u r d a y . . .
mjay +o mso
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: tcd : . :
: for: spasm :
: :..............: the criminal disorder ...:
. mjay
/ c a s i n o . ........................
askee: tsunami : . :
: for: spinn :
: : / : / /mjay :
: t s u n a m i : :
PART 2-- :
i, midnight judge have great respect for:
d2macroman, arlequin, whodini, hiro protagonist, wisekid, tango,
holocaust, bitstream, c4nnabis, mr.self destruct, khz, blindman,
discyple, acidjack.
:.......... part 3 ----- g r e e t s ......:
d2macroman, blindman, martz, tango, holocaust, squish, mess, spinn, mso,
absent spinsister, blackjack, sargon, meatpod, arlequin, ohseven, seismic,
tek, paine, computer man, horizon, serial t00n, purify, ezy, firestorm,
polymorph, drax, grave dancer, nahal, mutant leader, c4nn, genius, biogen,
volatile, discofunk, the prodigy, kelthar, terrato, arlequin, groove,
horizon, fungus, fonzie, seismic.
ALONG WITH EVERYONE I FORGOT.. my brain is fuckin shite..
*** AND ALL THE AUSTRALIAN SCENE!? ya, greets to yallz ***
--- PART 4 ---- .
: last word
if ya want a request done, PLEASE DONT HESITATE, and send to: mj@ftn.net
also, i can be reached on effnet, ascii as mjudge mJAY or jAYm
i dont do colored oldskool, so dont ask.
log in to add a comment.