this image contains text
nargle. greetings earthlet. final transmission from zargon-3 comme
duh? micro what?
Pah... krl and fluffve done the newsy news file, so i
think ill just
take this opportunity to have a rampant hate filled speil against t
world as a whole. Why not, its not what im paid for? Hell, ive n
had a good rag off at this piece of shit round-in-circles wannabe
were stuck in, so i might as well now... screw the optimism shit
, i
want a bit of good ol fashioned fatalistic bitching. maybe.
and now, for a taste of things to come
before i begin, allow me to pour myself a quiet drink.
could a group
like av go out on any note other than a half-tanked warble? hell
for that full warm taste - grand marnier. for that subtle quality
madarine napoleon. and cos deep down were a bunch of whinging dr
a carlton draught and an uzzo with warm regards to deathstwoke
actually, i take it all back ds - that shit tastes ok in a half/h
mix with creamy soda tasteless, init?
ahhh.. the stage is set. let us venture onwards...
in the beginning...
it all had to start somewhere. av started in late 94
- thatd prolly
surprise a few international peoples, cos while we were starting
to get
a bit known in our peak, we always prefered to stay australian ba
vive one nation . One of the reasons why weve dragged on so l
rather than ending up one hit wonders. Its also the same reason
never really hit the big league the same way force did. The optio
n has
always been there to let in international members, but weve neve
really done it.. hell, with the exception of mr skitzo blup, al
l our
key members have always lived in the one damn city. thats the ha
that both made us and broke us. Theres no group as good as a gro
youve setup yourself. Theres no group as good as one where you
actually go out for a beer with the other members, without gettin
g on
a plane first. ooh, doesnt that grand marnier really do it for y
Spose thats my point. av was our group. we started it, we spread
we made it, and we did it oooour waaaay. it roxored. it was a hel
l of a
lot of fun. if its tragic to enjoy sitting round a pooter being
an ansi
geek, shoot me now sweetmeats - but we did a hell of a lot more tha
n sit
round computers snigger The rest of this remniscence has been r
unfit for general viewing - big brother is censoring you
the scene
yeah yeah, i know, youre sick of whinging about it. I
dont really give
two fucks with a rusty nail what happens to the art scene. I don
t care
if its heading towards vga, pure 3d or transcendental illuminati
on. Its
the changed a hell of a lot, but its still exactly the same thin
g. Maybe
theres a few new mediums. Maybe theres a few new styles. Maybe
the old
styles have faded. Same shit - different shape.
personally, the one thing that really shits me about the scene is
these fucking hardass niggaz. I dont care how hard your donkey i
s you
shit for brains, and half the idiot nigz out there are prolly ble
white from sitting infront of the monitor. The next idiot g who d
to say wh0rd to mes gonna get my foot in his nads - well ard!
Too many people are getting their jollys out of looking back and
on about what the scene used to be. Great - thats what the scene
to be for you. But personally, ive always been fond of that outd
idea of a bit of individuality. If the scene has really meant so
much to
all these people, could they shut the fuck up, stop whinging about
and either bail gracefully or keep on at it? Personally, Im gonna
gracefully. Cant stand half the fuckheads wandering around the a
these days. Sure, id prolly like them if i talked to them, but i
stuffed. The scene is yours kiddies, do what thou wilt - just do me
favour, and if youve really got to look back at the good old days
give it your own damn spin, and give it your own damn meaning - i
f you
dont do something new with it, youve screwed the pooch.
Fuck. Tapes over. Ahhh - joy division. Ian Curtis rocks my jocks
rigor mortis makes me hard. Wow. Grand marnier and beer makes roc
pointless meandering
christ i need a slab. cant stand spirits at the momen
t. remember kids,
alcohol is bad for you - its just mental escapism from the reali
ty that
surrounds you. you drink for a fantasy state, because you cant d
eal with
the light of day. a beer is no different from any other drug, it
s just
more subtle, because society approves of this one but what is so
anyway - dont get me started on that one
i feel like crapping on aimlessly now. the artscene has really ceas
ed to
mean anything to me apart from nice memories now ever noticed ho
w you
filter out all the bad bits in memories? - survival trait or no?
cry like a child those these years make me older... ahhh. Is it jus
t me,
or does knowing that a musician is dead somehow make their music
potent. I spose it adds the possibility for mystery and immortali
time passes on, were left with a load of memories and experiences,
buggerall else to show for it. sometimes you just want to scream.
sometimes theres another way of showing things.
apocalyptic visions. ninetyfour, five, six, seven and eight.
the artgroup is dead. maybe something else will emerge - i know w
is keeping the music side going, but we can make more than that.
be seeing you - cheers!
pache av apache@iaccess.com.au
--- bzzzzarghk. transmission complete. complete mind assimilation
humanoid is zeknik controlled. hail vaklam industries. zargon-
3 out.
duh? micro what?
Pah... krl and fluffve done the newsy news file, so i
think ill just
take this opportunity to have a rampant hate filled speil against t
world as a whole. Why not, its not what im paid for? Hell, ive n
had a good rag off at this piece of shit round-in-circles wannabe
were stuck in, so i might as well now... screw the optimism shit
, i
want a bit of good ol fashioned fatalistic bitching. maybe.
and now, for a taste of things to come
before i begin, allow me to pour myself a quiet drink.
could a group
like av go out on any note other than a half-tanked warble? hell
for that full warm taste - grand marnier. for that subtle quality
madarine napoleon. and cos deep down were a bunch of whinging dr
a carlton draught and an uzzo with warm regards to deathstwoke
actually, i take it all back ds - that shit tastes ok in a half/h
mix with creamy soda tasteless, init?
ahhh.. the stage is set. let us venture onwards...
in the beginning...
it all had to start somewhere. av started in late 94
- thatd prolly
surprise a few international peoples, cos while we were starting
to get
a bit known in our peak, we always prefered to stay australian ba
vive one nation . One of the reasons why weve dragged on so l
rather than ending up one hit wonders. Its also the same reason
never really hit the big league the same way force did. The optio
n has
always been there to let in international members, but weve neve
really done it.. hell, with the exception of mr skitzo blup, al
l our
key members have always lived in the one damn city. thats the ha
that both made us and broke us. Theres no group as good as a gro
youve setup yourself. Theres no group as good as one where you
actually go out for a beer with the other members, without gettin
g on
a plane first. ooh, doesnt that grand marnier really do it for y
Spose thats my point. av was our group. we started it, we spread
we made it, and we did it oooour waaaay. it roxored. it was a hel
l of a
lot of fun. if its tragic to enjoy sitting round a pooter being
an ansi
geek, shoot me now sweetmeats - but we did a hell of a lot more tha
n sit
round computers snigger The rest of this remniscence has been r
unfit for general viewing - big brother is censoring you
the scene
yeah yeah, i know, youre sick of whinging about it. I
dont really give
two fucks with a rusty nail what happens to the art scene. I don
t care
if its heading towards vga, pure 3d or transcendental illuminati
on. Its
the changed a hell of a lot, but its still exactly the same thin
g. Maybe
theres a few new mediums. Maybe theres a few new styles. Maybe
the old
styles have faded. Same shit - different shape.
personally, the one thing that really shits me about the scene is
these fucking hardass niggaz. I dont care how hard your donkey i
s you
shit for brains, and half the idiot nigz out there are prolly ble
white from sitting infront of the monitor. The next idiot g who d
to say wh0rd to mes gonna get my foot in his nads - well ard!
Too many people are getting their jollys out of looking back and
on about what the scene used to be. Great - thats what the scene
to be for you. But personally, ive always been fond of that outd
idea of a bit of individuality. If the scene has really meant so
much to
all these people, could they shut the fuck up, stop whinging about
and either bail gracefully or keep on at it? Personally, Im gonna
gracefully. Cant stand half the fuckheads wandering around the a
these days. Sure, id prolly like them if i talked to them, but i
stuffed. The scene is yours kiddies, do what thou wilt - just do me
favour, and if youve really got to look back at the good old days
give it your own damn spin, and give it your own damn meaning - i
f you
dont do something new with it, youve screwed the pooch.
Fuck. Tapes over. Ahhh - joy division. Ian Curtis rocks my jocks
rigor mortis makes me hard. Wow. Grand marnier and beer makes roc
pointless meandering
christ i need a slab. cant stand spirits at the momen
t. remember kids,
alcohol is bad for you - its just mental escapism from the reali
ty that
surrounds you. you drink for a fantasy state, because you cant d
eal with
the light of day. a beer is no different from any other drug, it
s just
more subtle, because society approves of this one but what is so
anyway - dont get me started on that one
i feel like crapping on aimlessly now. the artscene has really ceas
ed to
mean anything to me apart from nice memories now ever noticed ho
w you
filter out all the bad bits in memories? - survival trait or no?
cry like a child those these years make me older... ahhh. Is it jus
t me,
or does knowing that a musician is dead somehow make their music
potent. I spose it adds the possibility for mystery and immortali
time passes on, were left with a load of memories and experiences,
buggerall else to show for it. sometimes you just want to scream.
sometimes theres another way of showing things.
apocalyptic visions. ninetyfour, five, six, seven and eight.
the artgroup is dead. maybe something else will emerge - i know w
is keeping the music side going, but we can make more than that.
be seeing you - cheers!
pache av apache@iaccess.com.au
--- bzzzzarghk. transmission complete. complete mind assimilation
humanoid is zeknik controlled. hail vaklam industries. zargon-
3 out.
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