this image contains text
av is dead long live black on black
av19 final visions
Welcome to the final release from your favorite artistic collective,
of course filled with fun, frivolity jocularity such as you would
have come to expect from none other than the worlds *finest* art
group. But enough trumpet sounding The real objective here is
to share with you the fondest of farewells, as this will be our last
two cats in a sacks
Now, we know many of you will have been admiring releases from
those other international groups. They have style. They have
flair. A small number have even incorporated humor in their fine
productions. But enough of that. None have sunken to the
depths of AV. Thats right - when its cheap shots, cruddy art
downright abusive behavior youre after, then its AV youre
looking for. And, in this, our last endeavor to entertain, trust us
when we say: youre in for more action than a cat in a sack.
Make that *two* cats in a sack. Frogs in a sock: No Comparison!
Now, after all, this is a news release and not an excuse for two
rather inebriated representatives from the esteemed
establishment to bestow words of wisdom upon the uninformed.
We feel a sense of urgency, one may even say haste, to mention
the fine pieces you are about to view. From the realms of
Burwood, inspired by drains, walls and other things graffable, we
have pieces by Gasher. World class works from a member, which
until now, has remained unknown. In this, our final release, we
feel the time is upon us to bring this fine member to the fore, and
make his airbrush only, PhotoShop 2 art endeavors known to
the masses. Of course, none other than the Final Art Pack has
been worthy of including contributions from such a prestigious
member who, up until now, hasnt released a thing. But enough
of that - Apple MAC users will have been enjoying his un-released
releases since 97 did we say he hasnt released a thing? It is
only now, in the haste and confusion of a final release, that IBM
users will be able to see the artwork gathered by none other than
*yours truly*.
may the garden suffer
My stomach hurts. May the garden suffer. Let the flaming begin!
We feel an urgent calling to thank all those scene people who
have been an integral part of our illustrious history. We thank all
people in the memberlist no sense in repeating them in here
now, is there?, for they have contributed, organised, and in some
cases invited us around to play pool on a full-size table while
sinking copious amounts of liquor from the garage belonging to
the father of an esteemed member. Except for some rather
undesirable elements. No need to name names now, is there?
You know who you are, jo Rex, and Hellspawn. On a more
positive note, we trust your letterboxes have been exploded in the
appropriate fashion. Clothes line strings need not be
withstanding. May you be assured, we had fun doing it. Let it be
known - Apache and his fathers liquor provided us with the
confidence co-ordination that we have come to rely on during
such missions. Mont Albert station has seen many a belly laugh
a stumble in the few years AV has served as an inexcusable
excuse for sinking piss.
krl 4 cupcake
No news file would be complete without an editorial on the scene.
We trust you have observed, with some disinterest, this sorry
state of affairs over the few years AV has been contributing to the
community. In our death throes we feel it is pointless to carry on
the lie any further. We feel it pointless, one may even say bitter,
to dwell on the many negative events that have plagued the
scene while we have been contributing to it. Special greetings to
Fruitcake The Black Assassin - no hard feelings guys. Well just
remember you as Cupcake and the Black Arse-sassin. Cool?
bye bye
Well. Its come to that part of the NewsFile where we have to bid
you farewell. Like the frown on your face when your VB is
finished, like the hole in your wallet when your HQ Monaro has
rusted out, please remember us fondly. You, our audience, hold a
special place in our heart, and we sure hope we held a special
place in yours.
From Mr Krinkle and the omnipresent Fluff:
Apache says: duhhhhhh... micro. What!?
av19 final visions
Welcome to the final release from your favorite artistic collective,
of course filled with fun, frivolity jocularity such as you would
have come to expect from none other than the worlds *finest* art
group. But enough trumpet sounding The real objective here is
to share with you the fondest of farewells, as this will be our last
two cats in a sacks
Now, we know many of you will have been admiring releases from
those other international groups. They have style. They have
flair. A small number have even incorporated humor in their fine
productions. But enough of that. None have sunken to the
depths of AV. Thats right - when its cheap shots, cruddy art
downright abusive behavior youre after, then its AV youre
looking for. And, in this, our last endeavor to entertain, trust us
when we say: youre in for more action than a cat in a sack.
Make that *two* cats in a sack. Frogs in a sock: No Comparison!
Now, after all, this is a news release and not an excuse for two
rather inebriated representatives from the esteemed
establishment to bestow words of wisdom upon the uninformed.
We feel a sense of urgency, one may even say haste, to mention
the fine pieces you are about to view. From the realms of
Burwood, inspired by drains, walls and other things graffable, we
have pieces by Gasher. World class works from a member, which
until now, has remained unknown. In this, our final release, we
feel the time is upon us to bring this fine member to the fore, and
make his airbrush only, PhotoShop 2 art endeavors known to
the masses. Of course, none other than the Final Art Pack has
been worthy of including contributions from such a prestigious
member who, up until now, hasnt released a thing. But enough
of that - Apple MAC users will have been enjoying his un-released
releases since 97 did we say he hasnt released a thing? It is
only now, in the haste and confusion of a final release, that IBM
users will be able to see the artwork gathered by none other than
*yours truly*.
may the garden suffer
My stomach hurts. May the garden suffer. Let the flaming begin!
We feel an urgent calling to thank all those scene people who
have been an integral part of our illustrious history. We thank all
people in the memberlist no sense in repeating them in here
now, is there?, for they have contributed, organised, and in some
cases invited us around to play pool on a full-size table while
sinking copious amounts of liquor from the garage belonging to
the father of an esteemed member. Except for some rather
undesirable elements. No need to name names now, is there?
You know who you are, jo Rex, and Hellspawn. On a more
positive note, we trust your letterboxes have been exploded in the
appropriate fashion. Clothes line strings need not be
withstanding. May you be assured, we had fun doing it. Let it be
known - Apache and his fathers liquor provided us with the
confidence co-ordination that we have come to rely on during
such missions. Mont Albert station has seen many a belly laugh
a stumble in the few years AV has served as an inexcusable
excuse for sinking piss.
krl 4 cupcake
No news file would be complete without an editorial on the scene.
We trust you have observed, with some disinterest, this sorry
state of affairs over the few years AV has been contributing to the
community. In our death throes we feel it is pointless to carry on
the lie any further. We feel it pointless, one may even say bitter,
to dwell on the many negative events that have plagued the
scene while we have been contributing to it. Special greetings to
Fruitcake The Black Assassin - no hard feelings guys. Well just
remember you as Cupcake and the Black Arse-sassin. Cool?
bye bye
Well. Its come to that part of the NewsFile where we have to bid
you farewell. Like the frown on your face when your VB is
finished, like the hole in your wallet when your HQ Monaro has
rusted out, please remember us fondly. You, our audience, hold a
special place in our heart, and we sure hope we held a special
place in yours.
From Mr Krinkle and the omnipresent Fluff:
Apache says: duhhhhhh... micro. What!?
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