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HaTe ThaT FOnt:
Youd smile too if you wore a skull around your neck.
DaRkEr iMaGe BBS
SysGod: DeViNe inTerVenTiOn
610DIE-LAMO USR 28.4 Lots of ShiT
Ansi : DiViNE iNtErVeNtiOn AcMe
Useless Words
Greets and Ungreets RuStY : heh...about time I added this useless shit! YoU LikEs? ...:
MoTheR FuNGus: You God DaMn ShIt! i am going to kick the
shit out of you. :
Some C00l D00dz who think Ansi Artists are lamers: Fuck you all..You know who you are..........
If you need to contact me, post to me on P/o, or E-mail
me at Ur or LeGeNds ReAlM
Hmmm..I dont know about the green and red.:
HaTe ThaT FOnt:
Youd smile too if you wore a skull around your neck.
DaRkEr iMaGe BBS
SysGod: DeViNe inTerVenTiOn
610DIE-LAMO USR 28.4 Lots of ShiT
Ansi : DiViNE iNtErVeNtiOn AcMe
Useless Words
Greets and Ungreets RuStY : heh...about time I added this useless shit! YoU LikEs? ...:
MoTheR FuNGus: You God DaMn ShIt! i am going to kick the
shit out of you. :
Some C00l D00dz who think Ansi Artists are lamers: Fuck you all..You know who you are..........
If you need to contact me, post to me on P/o, or E-mail
me at Ur or LeGeNds ReAlM
Hmmm..I dont know about the green and red.:
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