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ST 1995
-the june pack - heh..
hey all, i could sit here and tell yu how acme isnt lame or how
i really want yuo to enjoy this pack, but lets get serious, youve
all probably read that a billion times before..so ill just give
you a brief background on the history of mankind and what i did
last summer...j/k
acme started pretty bleak..it was late november and i was goofing
around with the concept of a group..about 2 hours later i was joined
by my close friend sh...from there we came up with the name acme
which has a dictionary meaning of: pinnacle, the best..
soon after we gavesome ansis to a few of the locally lame systems and
such..after a little while we were swamped with requests
so we got more members and sh put up the unerground...
then i put up point omega shortly thereafter..
now weve got 17 members and you just read the really, really fast
history of acme.
now its june and schools out and were really in a haze cause there
is just way more to do than veg in front of aciddraw all day..
but after a pretty exausting week of finals we got the nerve to
sit down and get the pack together..
this wasnt until about 7:30 pm lst night - june 9th..giving us about
10 hours to get the pack to ya...hehe..
so hey, now youre reading the product of procrastination..hope
you like this..
well, i had a newsletter written up..but i lost it in my desk..so
i guess im all outta stuph to say..
thats the history, the june pack story, and some other stuff so
ill leave my greets and letcha check the pack out..
a few words to some people withut whom acme would be dead..
shadowhawk hey..were realeasing this thing! its actually for real!
cryptic blood thanx for wbs, bunykys and gods work...not.
kermur thanx for the first whq..and exodus
kingsaver man..you kinda hopped me into the scene a lot, too..
pinky thanx for the ultimate works, my man..
acme keep drawing if you wanna live..er .. that is if you want to
release a july pack :
last note - yo CB! where the health are you and where the frag is
the other half of the packet all the fucking vga
-you better have a good excuse..heh..and dont say you
were getting any
-the june pack - heh..
hey all, i could sit here and tell yu how acme isnt lame or how
i really want yuo to enjoy this pack, but lets get serious, youve
all probably read that a billion times before..so ill just give
you a brief background on the history of mankind and what i did
last summer...j/k
acme started pretty bleak..it was late november and i was goofing
around with the concept of a group..about 2 hours later i was joined
by my close friend sh...from there we came up with the name acme
which has a dictionary meaning of: pinnacle, the best..
soon after we gavesome ansis to a few of the locally lame systems and
such..after a little while we were swamped with requests
so we got more members and sh put up the unerground...
then i put up point omega shortly thereafter..
now weve got 17 members and you just read the really, really fast
history of acme.
now its june and schools out and were really in a haze cause there
is just way more to do than veg in front of aciddraw all day..
but after a pretty exausting week of finals we got the nerve to
sit down and get the pack together..
this wasnt until about 7:30 pm lst night - june 9th..giving us about
10 hours to get the pack to ya...hehe..
so hey, now youre reading the product of procrastination..hope
you like this..
well, i had a newsletter written up..but i lost it in my desk..so
i guess im all outta stuph to say..
thats the history, the june pack story, and some other stuff so
ill leave my greets and letcha check the pack out..
a few words to some people withut whom acme would be dead..
shadowhawk hey..were realeasing this thing! its actually for real!
cryptic blood thanx for wbs, bunykys and gods work...not.
kermur thanx for the first whq..and exodus
kingsaver man..you kinda hopped me into the scene a lot, too..
pinky thanx for the ultimate works, my man..
acme keep drawing if you wanna live..er .. that is if you want to
release a july pack :
last note - yo CB! where the health are you and where the frag is
the other half of the packet all the fucking vga
-you better have a good excuse..heh..and dont say you
were getting any
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