this image contains text
d here is writ the hallowed passages of the..
life, bliss, and death.. n
ever happen at the same time.
today was a strange day indeed. ive been up in exc
ess of 36 hours, breaking
only for 3 hours of sleep at various times over the
course of this day.. ive
had love, ive had hate, ive had the animal, and t
he sentient.. every
imaginable extreme of emotion has occured.. and.. w
ords can simply not describe
how. words provide the events, not the raw reality
of the situation.. although,
on this particular day, reality was certainly lacki
tonight i cut my hair. then i am to dye it a deeper
green than the faded vomit
colour it is now.. i found some dresses i like too.
i think im approaching a
semblance of happiness.. now i just need some money
. evil happiness. money is
need something to chew on? chew on a razor blade..
chew on life! suck down
blood. sweet, crimson source.. sigh!
dated late october 1996. pretty dumb.
d here is writ the hallowed passages of the..
life, bliss, and death.. n
ever happen at the same time.
today was a strange day indeed. ive been up in exc
ess of 36 hours, breaking
only for 3 hours of sleep at various times over the
course of this day.. ive
had love, ive had hate, ive had the animal, and t
he sentient.. every
imaginable extreme of emotion has occured.. and.. w
ords can simply not describe
how. words provide the events, not the raw reality
of the situation.. although,
on this particular day, reality was certainly lacki
tonight i cut my hair. then i am to dye it a deeper
green than the faded vomit
colour it is now.. i found some dresses i like too.
i think im approaching a
semblance of happiness.. now i just need some money
. evil happiness. money is
need something to chew on? chew on a razor blade..
chew on life! suck down
blood. sweet, crimson source.. sigh!
dated late october 1996. pretty dumb.
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