this image contains text
anyone going
to andromeda?
alien encounters.. you can find it in
the 416 a/c.. its the hype
this font went through about 10 color changes.. try
asking your family.. youll
get something just as weird.
the following is just some stuff i had on my mind..
you notice i have a lot
of that these days :
i am now a professional fontist.. for the past mont
h, ive been working at a
signmaking shop, working with letters of all variet
ies.. painted brush script,
modern typefaces in vinyl, etc.. its all given me a
great insight into the art
of letters.. i hope its payed off in my ansi.. bett
er fonts? well, i think
theyre better than anything ive ever done.. :
want a sign? send me an idea of what you want done,
and ill give you a price
quote.. basically, ill charge all you scene people
only for the materials and
the shipping charge.. i mean, cmon.. dont you all
want a cool sign that says
im a doodlefuck for their door or whatever? aiee
! just let me know. ill
spend some time in the shop :
i feel like babbling, so heres some tales from work
second day i was in, this italian couple came in wh
ile no one else was in the
shop, and asked about a job my boss was doing.. i w
ent into corel and popped it
up, and they both started yabbering like stereotypi
cal italians and stuff..
anyways, the fun part about this story is the tits.
. yeah, the wifes boobs..
first time she came in, they were nonexistant.. sec
ond time, people started
asking questions.. third time, the guy next door at
the guitar store said id
like to put my mouth on those just to find out if t
heyre real.. jeez, the
wonders of silicon.. theyre fucking huge.. shell
turn around and knock you
flat.. anyways.. blah!@ :
today, i had a shitty day.. i got in late, and the
first thing i had to do was
scrape snot off a truck.. not my idea of fun : sn
ot or goobers are chunks
of vinyl glue after you spray it with the orange s
hit my bosss words, and
it fucking sticks to anything.. so i ended up comin
g home with clumps of grey
boogurs all over me, like i just had a massive goth
sneeze. last part of the
day was cool though.. we assembled a display booth
at an international business
exposition, and ours was the best in the place.. th
e guy next door had an
inflatable booth.. like, you know, those things you
find at theme parks and
whatever.. they were selling handsets.. is that eli
te? i think so.. i would
have called lagO if i had his number.. or geno kitt
en for that matter :
im doing some web page stuff for them.. real cheez
e! 1 page 60 bucks, and
all it is is a one screen piece of shit with one gr
aphic, an address, and
a phone number.. total fun!@
well, thats all for tales from work..
update december 4th, 1996. i think i got
to andromeda?
alien encounters.. you can find it in
the 416 a/c.. its the hype
this font went through about 10 color changes.. try
asking your family.. youll
get something just as weird.
the following is just some stuff i had on my mind..
you notice i have a lot
of that these days :
i am now a professional fontist.. for the past mont
h, ive been working at a
signmaking shop, working with letters of all variet
ies.. painted brush script,
modern typefaces in vinyl, etc.. its all given me a
great insight into the art
of letters.. i hope its payed off in my ansi.. bett
er fonts? well, i think
theyre better than anything ive ever done.. :
want a sign? send me an idea of what you want done,
and ill give you a price
quote.. basically, ill charge all you scene people
only for the materials and
the shipping charge.. i mean, cmon.. dont you all
want a cool sign that says
im a doodlefuck for their door or whatever? aiee
! just let me know. ill
spend some time in the shop :
i feel like babbling, so heres some tales from work
second day i was in, this italian couple came in wh
ile no one else was in the
shop, and asked about a job my boss was doing.. i w
ent into corel and popped it
up, and they both started yabbering like stereotypi
cal italians and stuff..
anyways, the fun part about this story is the tits.
. yeah, the wifes boobs..
first time she came in, they were nonexistant.. sec
ond time, people started
asking questions.. third time, the guy next door at
the guitar store said id
like to put my mouth on those just to find out if t
heyre real.. jeez, the
wonders of silicon.. theyre fucking huge.. shell
turn around and knock you
flat.. anyways.. blah!@ :
today, i had a shitty day.. i got in late, and the
first thing i had to do was
scrape snot off a truck.. not my idea of fun : sn
ot or goobers are chunks
of vinyl glue after you spray it with the orange s
hit my bosss words, and
it fucking sticks to anything.. so i ended up comin
g home with clumps of grey
boogurs all over me, like i just had a massive goth
sneeze. last part of the
day was cool though.. we assembled a display booth
at an international business
exposition, and ours was the best in the place.. th
e guy next door had an
inflatable booth.. like, you know, those things you
find at theme parks and
whatever.. they were selling handsets.. is that eli
te? i think so.. i would
have called lagO if i had his number.. or geno kitt
en for that matter :
im doing some web page stuff for them.. real cheez
e! 1 page 60 bucks, and
all it is is a one screen piece of shit with one gr
aphic, an address, and
a phone number.. total fun!@
well, thats all for tales from work..
update december 4th, 1996. i think i got
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