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original mastah piece! spirit of rage of zenith
- insitol - +o teavore - affils: gaysex whq, dildo distro - phone: 800-CUMONIN - ansi made by spirit of rage, for zenith summer 98
---end of ansi: 167 lines-----------------------------------------------------this one wasnt the best i can do... i really got sick of drawing it.. it was
originally supposted to be release in the first zenith pack... but i hope u
still like it teavore! ... yea.. well.. finally all my stuff for this pack is
done puuhhh!! in 2 weeks im going to mallorca! damn my life rules! and now
im going to a disco!! DISCO OWNS US ALL right tung lo!!
// spirit of rage out... ill be back around the 8th
- insitol - +o teavore - affils: gaysex whq, dildo distro - phone: 800-CUMONIN - ansi made by spirit of rage, for zenith summer 98
---end of ansi: 167 lines-----------------------------------------------------this one wasnt the best i can do... i really got sick of drawing it.. it was
originally supposted to be release in the first zenith pack... but i hope u
still like it teavore! ... yea.. well.. finally all my stuff for this pack is
done puuhhh!! in 2 weeks im going to mallorca! damn my life rules! and now
im going to a disco!! DISCO OWNS US ALL right tung lo!!
// spirit of rage out... ill be back around the 8th
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