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SpiralWarp and YEAH presents:
@Snapple Bomb@
Disclaimer: This file is for educational puposes only and shouldnt be taken
seriously. I and the distributers of this file are not to be held
responsible for any deaths and/ or injurys that have occured because
of this file.
G Materials:
1 empty snapple bottle
1 Unused smoke bomb
A lighter or a match
CottonHistory of the Snapple bomb:
Well, the snapple bomb isnt really a bomb, its a powerful, easy to make
and use weapon. It was discoved by accident when me and my friend were hanging
out outside on my school campus. I had a smokebomb in my bag and a snapple
bottle from my lunch, one of my stupid so-called friend had a lighter. This
is the story of what we did, just follow the directions...How to make the
Snapple bomb:1. Drink your snapple bottle and keep the cap.
2. Stick the cotton in your ears
3. Take the smokebomb you better off with one that has a long fuse and light it.
4. Drop it into your snapple bottle make sure the inside of the bottle isnt to
wet or else it might put out the fuse.5. Close the bottle with the cap.Now,
one of two things will happen:A. The pressure will build up and the cap will
fly really fast into the air. This can kill someone and / or hurt them really
bad. Smoke will start coming out of the bottle and it wont stop for about
a minute or three.B. If the cap is on really tight, the bottle will explode in
your hands and glass will fly out every where.Applying use of the Snapple
bomb:Whatever you want.... try this, dig a hole on a park and bury the snapple
bomb with a twenty dollar bill tied to it. Then make sure only the 20 is
showing and tell somone to pick it up, it so funny cause the guy will get
scared shitless.Credits:Me, Danny and friends, all of YEAH.
SpiralWarp and YEAH presents:
@Snapple Bomb@
Disclaimer: This file is for educational puposes only and shouldnt be taken
seriously. I and the distributers of this file are not to be held
responsible for any deaths and/ or injurys that have occured because
of this file.
G Materials:
1 empty snapple bottle
1 Unused smoke bomb
A lighter or a match
CottonHistory of the Snapple bomb:
Well, the snapple bomb isnt really a bomb, its a powerful, easy to make
and use weapon. It was discoved by accident when me and my friend were hanging
out outside on my school campus. I had a smokebomb in my bag and a snapple
bottle from my lunch, one of my stupid so-called friend had a lighter. This
is the story of what we did, just follow the directions...How to make the
Snapple bomb:1. Drink your snapple bottle and keep the cap.
2. Stick the cotton in your ears
3. Take the smokebomb you better off with one that has a long fuse and light it.
4. Drop it into your snapple bottle make sure the inside of the bottle isnt to
wet or else it might put out the fuse.5. Close the bottle with the cap.Now,
one of two things will happen:A. The pressure will build up and the cap will
fly really fast into the air. This can kill someone and / or hurt them really
bad. Smoke will start coming out of the bottle and it wont stop for about
a minute or three.B. If the cap is on really tight, the bottle will explode in
your hands and glass will fly out every where.Applying use of the Snapple
bomb:Whatever you want.... try this, dig a hole on a park and bury the snapple
bomb with a twenty dollar bill tied to it. Then make sure only the 20 is
showing and tell somone to pick it up, it so funny cause the guy will get
scared shitless.Credits:Me, Danny and friends, all of YEAH.
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