this image contains text
Im sure youre looking
at this text file and
saying Ive seen all this
before! Well youre wrong.
So fuck you.
I realised something yesterday.
If I touch my head, theres
something there. Something
great. Something really really
really really really *really*
*really* *REALLY* *REALLY*...
...oh! ...great. Yknow what
this thing is? Im not going to
tell you. All Ill say is that
it has 5 letters and rhymes with
I also realized something else.
I made this column too thin. If I had to mention a place with a name such as, Krungthep Mahanakhon Bovorn Ratanakosin My-ahintharayutthaya Mahadilokpop Noparatratchathani Burirom UdomratchanivetmahasanAvatarnsathit Sakkathattiyavisnukarmprasit, Id have some trouble.
Im sure youre looking
at this text file and
saying, Ive seen all this
before! Well youre wrong.
So fuck you.
I have a story to tell you. Its
about me and my best friend when
we were young. We were playing
baseball. He threw the tennis
ball at my head. I had a pretty
big head, so it hit me. Well,
Im sure you can imagine I was
pretty pissed off. ..but being
a nice guy, I just walked away.
...and left my bike at the dia-
mond. Man, did I feel stupid
walking back there for my bike.
Anyways, that guy was a fucking
dork. If I could see him today,
man would I kick his fucking ass!
Anyways, the moral to this story
is that if you ever really REALLY
have to urinate, just do it. I
heard about this guy who held it
too long, and urine started drip-
ping out from under his toenails.
ell over!
e damn thing f
arrggh! th
ierd. I his sure is w . whoa. t er n e
e ev ke e r
ink Iv li p o R nt th ng p f E do hi a e F yt h b I an N ad s e N h i m E h h t o
Im sure youre looking
at this text file and
saying Ive seen all this
before! Well youre wrong.
So fuck you.
I realised something yesterday.
If I touch my head, theres
something there. Something
great. Something really really
really really really *really*
*really* *REALLY* *REALLY*...
...oh! ...great. Yknow what
this thing is? Im not going to
tell you. All Ill say is that
it has 5 letters and rhymes with
I also realized something else.
I made this column too thin. If I had to mention a place with a name such as, Krungthep Mahanakhon Bovorn Ratanakosin My-ahintharayutthaya Mahadilokpop Noparatratchathani Burirom UdomratchanivetmahasanAvatarnsathit Sakkathattiyavisnukarmprasit, Id have some trouble.
Im sure youre looking
at this text file and
saying, Ive seen all this
before! Well youre wrong.
So fuck you.
I have a story to tell you. Its
about me and my best friend when
we were young. We were playing
baseball. He threw the tennis
ball at my head. I had a pretty
big head, so it hit me. Well,
Im sure you can imagine I was
pretty pissed off. ..but being
a nice guy, I just walked away.
...and left my bike at the dia-
mond. Man, did I feel stupid
walking back there for my bike.
Anyways, that guy was a fucking
dork. If I could see him today,
man would I kick his fucking ass!
Anyways, the moral to this story
is that if you ever really REALLY
have to urinate, just do it. I
heard about this guy who held it
too long, and urine started drip-
ping out from under his toenails.
ell over!
e damn thing f
arrggh! th
ierd. I his sure is w . whoa. t er n e
e ev ke e r
ink Iv li p o R nt th ng p f E do hi a e F yt h b I an N ad s e N h i m E h h t o
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