this image contains text
s s s tha lost askeey cluster
s , by mS! /XtC ,
mS! s s Ss. s s
s , addiction askeey ,
.. .. global
s , global alliance ,
This is my cluster for the extacy february pack....Enjoy all the motha art
in this pack... if u wanna reach me or contact me or something... u can
email me at: misty@most-wanted.com /or misty@online.no ..... Well i have
some greetz... but i make them short, know u dont wanna read a bunch of
shitty text... greetz too: d3m0n, dreadnought, prime, nut, tryzix, fonzie,
roadrash, eljoker, befeater, oriole, umaro, mhz, hpn, gusto, equinox, dkl,
vermin, joda, rexy, psycho, cockrane, surfing, mirror image, mordrid, dink,
gehko, dracula, beeyach, elmaco, dk, phlash, dfuse, sm, quix, prox, quabe,
mental illness, stealth, mh, xpozed, spd, phlow, trasher. hope i didnt
forget any? .. group greetz goes too, woe, pain, deranged, aegis, tric,
demonic, pwa, qkp, xtc, dope. .... well time for party... cya later..
s , greeeeeeeeeeeetz ,
s , by mS! /XtC ,
mS! s s Ss. s s
s , addiction askeey ,
.. .. global
s , global alliance ,
This is my cluster for the extacy february pack....Enjoy all the motha art
in this pack... if u wanna reach me or contact me or something... u can
email me at: misty@most-wanted.com /or misty@online.no ..... Well i have
some greetz... but i make them short, know u dont wanna read a bunch of
shitty text... greetz too: d3m0n, dreadnought, prime, nut, tryzix, fonzie,
roadrash, eljoker, befeater, oriole, umaro, mhz, hpn, gusto, equinox, dkl,
vermin, joda, rexy, psycho, cockrane, surfing, mirror image, mordrid, dink,
gehko, dracula, beeyach, elmaco, dk, phlash, dfuse, sm, quix, prox, quabe,
mental illness, stealth, mh, xpozed, spd, phlow, trasher. hope i didnt
forget any? .. group greetz goes too, woe, pain, deranged, aegis, tric,
demonic, pwa, qkp, xtc, dope. .... well time for party... cya later..
s , greeeeeeeeeeeetz ,
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