this image contains text
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: ssbd .
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. ib..
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ii:.: 4
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i ,+.+ i!
Pi4 whore
4i,. ,P . 4. .+
s. ,sss sss 4
SSSS .SP4b,ib,dP4:. .di
i,P.ssss.4i 4P4P -+. 4:
,,db.: P4 i SSSi.
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,db. ,+,. . . ..iP y 4 .
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4.,d 4ss+.dP4.:P,d. b
. b. ++s,i +. 4P id.i
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asssSS ss, b. ,sssi i ib.
. ,di :
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ib. ..,,ss Ss
b. 4P. happy .::.iiis.
b. 4,d maker . s.
ib. j ., ,. i
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. . 4s.P .ss45 i:4b+.,
b. 4P ss.,, ... S ., 4b.4
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. iPiiiii:SSii P .., . . .
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ss.4 ssyysss.sSb b.4
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. SSP . .SS. b,.
. S: ,s4di .4bs h ,
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. Ss.SSS.d,
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,ss SS 4i
s SS,............ .. flowers have sex too :
P.,sss. P,. . .
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. SS, 4bss SS, S
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i . SSPs+,.
: b. .s P.ssis.+.i ss.
. 4ssssssb. .,sP.4 4iP:4s.s i 4b
:P b. P i : . P .,s.
b. . : . .P,aSb.
b,.....,db S.:
. ch i l re n ,i
. ..,d i SSi:
4 i g o : Sii
P .dSSSi
4. h re . , Si
b.. ..,dP i . . ..iiSi
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,P b, 4 .sss.SS
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ssss jssssP,
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,b,... . ssss ssss :
,sP4P4,s P4sssP4s.
. ssss d d
s s i i . .
S . ss, . i
,sssss ,sssss .ssss bsssssdbssss
.ss.,ss.,ssP. ,
SPSSi ,b. :
iP ,b,....,,sP: ssmsd - s c u m - .
: d,s
4P4P mr self destruct / soap
P4 i
100 origional . i : ops: blatz
this is a 500 line ascii, it took an incredibly long time to make..
it was actually finished in time for last months pack but due to some
negotiations concerning payment it was held back
to this month. anyways. if youwould like one of these, obvisouly their
not free, because if i went around giving everyone free 500 liners
things would suck. but, /msg me on irc or hit me at msd@pangea.ca
and we might just be able to work something out.
now, about something else ive been noticing lately, many
of the newer ascii artists out there have started out coloring their asciis
quite similar to the way i color mine .. not saying that i originated that
way of coloring, and not that this is terrible or anything, i just
thought i might introduce a few new ways you could color asciis, since
when i ask people why they color like that, most go well how many ways
can you color an ascii? well, think about it ..
this is how i usually color ssssssssssssssssssssa
my fonts, with 2-4 layers of color, i
scaling from lighter to darker,
or vise versa .. nIFTY kEEN i
i also use this techniqe, which gives ssssssssssssssssssssa
it a more definite light source, and i
makes it rounder, more 3dish yEz
ive never used this one, but it could i
be good for fonts or whatever ..
this one is like the first one, ssssssssssssssssssssa
but for when the light source comes i
from the side more .. sorta
hi i
get creative fuCK, come up with new ways to color ascii, be a h3ro
anyways .. greets to soap, you guys are the best, apathy, you guys are
the best too : my good friends bambooz, prizm, jestor and big d,
kHz for beeing such a rad newschooler, echrist for beeing nice, whodini
for beeing whodini : kal, enig, jaded you silly pantz, ewh3at you sexy
pantz :o kiSSUZ, all the 204 boys, frosty, transient and all the ravAhz,
mort, stoopid, p9, thclone, bK!@!! : , trip i love you : misfit,
fractal, obscure, holocaust, mista bigot,
and the rest of you who i forgot at the moment, if i did dont feel left
out, i luB jEW just the same but its late at night and i cant remember
my middle name. i think its bill. maybe .. shit.
i.: .::i.,ds.4
i: :i ,sb.4
ii iiP ,dPs4
i ,P,PisP . i
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i P d :
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.i i.s.++s 4SP.+
b.. ,P i 4b+. l
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ii .+:bSSdbb,ss P,d .
: ssbd .
i:i. 4 ..i
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b.,Pd,dPssb, .
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,si SS,ss
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. ib..
iy ,db. 4
ii:.: 4
:i ,d. ii 4i
isssssssssssssssssss. ,sss. i ssssssss
i ,+.+ i!
Pi4 whore
4i,. ,P . 4. .+
s. ,sss sss 4
SSSS .SP4b,ib,dP4:. .di
i,P.ssss.4i 4P4P -+. 4:
,,db.: P4 i SSSi.
S,S . i . . + s
s.,ss, i . . ,s .
S..4S S . : . . : +syi
..,d +.ss. . . .:..sss.
,d . . i : .i..i i
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. . . ,da.b.. i
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4i i b.4b.+,.
:4P . . h.sd
.,. . , 4.
. 4P j i.:..
,sP . .,+. ,d P h. P4SSSiii:: .
.dP . s.. . ,+ .d ,,4. b,.,,..y
bs 4b.b , + ,sb . :s
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b. ,db. .dP,P 4b. . . , ,ss. ,d,+ s4
,db. ,+,. . . ..iP y 4 .
4b, . i , . SS . bb,.,dSd
.4Ss+.dP, ,sb.4isssssP i4sss
4.,d 4ss+.dP4.:P,d. b
. b. ++s,i +. 4P id.i
..,i ,P . db4
4.+ss: .j .
soap b.4. i . i
tm 4 bsssd.b. S
i . sssP4b. ss
. . P i:.:. b. 4
. 4b,db. . ,sss
. . - 4P S.
,P . ,s+ . + ,dSiSb. ,SS .d
,dP ,s .s* P :..+,d , .s.
,d ,dP .sbi . ,ibdP .P , sb.
,dP .sss ...,,. . 4ss
b,dP . ,dP4b. .i .,,,,.4P4i
. b* .s4i,.::iP i: jP ..b. s.
4 .,sb.: . . 4b. . ..:.i
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... . . . : 4.j: .,, . ,,,,..+ . ,d
4s.+. . 4 . ,sP b. 4P
.sS 4b. i . : . ...4k
+s,.. .,db. . i . 4. . .:..::i i
4P . : i+.4ss,,, . .:.jidP .
. .::.:::b,,. . 4ssi . ..SSS ..
. .:.,dP .bss. .+.- . ,sP+ ib. ....
4 P 4b ,ss *+s.dimsd.:. .
b,.. .dP i . .4PP ,..
.,d , s. iP .d4b,..
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P .. :4.i d . .
. ..,db,... .,db,.. . . P: P ,
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. ...,d 4P4ss,,,... . . . .
,dsb.. . ... ..,d s:
4 sssP4b,..,dP4i
,jib,.... .. ,,s
h4 Pd
b. 4sP.,:db:,.4sP .dS
:by P
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: iSSSSi
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:iiiP 4P
Sbssssss . .
,dP 4b. .,sssssss. ,- -
.j.:.db,d. ss
.ssi i
,... dope iP
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. .j ..::. ,sii .: .
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. . PiP 4i i
. .,di . 4P .4i.,d Si
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db.SjSiSSSS. .,+,d
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asssSS ss, b. ,sssi i ib.
. ,di :
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ib. ..,,ss Ss
b. 4P. happy .::.iiis.
b. 4,d maker . s.
ib. j ., ,. i
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. . 4s.P .ss45 i:4b+.,
b. 4P ss.,, ... S ., 4b.4
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P4,dSSSs. ,d. dbdP i
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4P4P mr self destruct / soap
P4 i
100 origional . i : ops: blatz
this is a 500 line ascii, it took an incredibly long time to make..
it was actually finished in time for last months pack but due to some
negotiations concerning payment it was held back
to this month. anyways. if youwould like one of these, obvisouly their
not free, because if i went around giving everyone free 500 liners
things would suck. but, /msg me on irc or hit me at msd@pangea.ca
and we might just be able to work something out.
now, about something else ive been noticing lately, many
of the newer ascii artists out there have started out coloring their asciis
quite similar to the way i color mine .. not saying that i originated that
way of coloring, and not that this is terrible or anything, i just
thought i might introduce a few new ways you could color asciis, since
when i ask people why they color like that, most go well how many ways
can you color an ascii? well, think about it ..
this is how i usually color ssssssssssssssssssssa
my fonts, with 2-4 layers of color, i
scaling from lighter to darker,
or vise versa .. nIFTY kEEN i
i also use this techniqe, which gives ssssssssssssssssssssa
it a more definite light source, and i
makes it rounder, more 3dish yEz
ive never used this one, but it could i
be good for fonts or whatever ..
this one is like the first one, ssssssssssssssssssssa
but for when the light source comes i
from the side more .. sorta
hi i
get creative fuCK, come up with new ways to color ascii, be a h3ro
anyways .. greets to soap, you guys are the best, apathy, you guys are
the best too : my good friends bambooz, prizm, jestor and big d,
kHz for beeing such a rad newschooler, echrist for beeing nice, whodini
for beeing whodini : kal, enig, jaded you silly pantz, ewh3at you sexy
pantz :o kiSSUZ, all the 204 boys, frosty, transient and all the ravAhz,
mort, stoopid, p9, thclone, bK!@!! : , trip i love you : misfit,
fractal, obscure, holocaust, mista bigot,
and the rest of you who i forgot at the moment, if i did dont feel left
out, i luB jEW just the same but its late at night and i cant remember
my middle name. i think its bill. maybe .. shit.
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