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theres a wild world out
there...Call it.
wIld wOrld
Requests to: letostak@ix.netcom.com ICQ 2707135 metal edge 619-423-4970
only 619 boards, RioT members and MetalNet Nodes
Greetz to RioT and all the 619 Boardz, Kokopelli, Cyrus, 2much, Tyrio,
Destr0yer, IDT
Greetz Groupz: TRIC, W0e, XPS, everyone that does iniquity modz
Maiden, Warlock and everyone on alt.bbs.iniquity
A big FUCK YOU to all who think the BBS scene is dead..Its not, you are
theres a wild world out
there...Call it.
wIld wOrld
Requests to: letostak@ix.netcom.com ICQ 2707135 metal edge 619-423-4970
only 619 boards, RioT members and MetalNet Nodes
Greetz to RioT and all the 619 Boardz, Kokopelli, Cyrus, 2much, Tyrio,
Destr0yer, IDT
Greetz Groupz: TRIC, W0e, XPS, everyone that does iniquity modz
Maiden, Warlock and everyone on alt.bbs.iniquity
A big FUCK YOU to all who think the BBS scene is dead..Its not, you are
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