this image contains text
Askee Menu Set A Feel free to use it, please leave the inits in them.
,s@s. .s , ,s@yyyyy@s. ,s@@s. ,s@ yyyyy@s. d 4, 1 :: ::: :: !:: :: .: : 7:
,s ::: .:: :: ::pm:: ::: :: :: l
:: . .: ::. .: :: .: ,4
7 s
,7s,. .,s...sss
.stYY command command command YYyytpm.
l 7 command command command 7 l7
command command /command l
: command command /command 7
l command command /command ,
command command /command 4
7 7
i BBS Name etc.,....... i
l l
, ,s@sssss,s@ @s. yyyyy@s. d
s,s1 :: :: : .: : 7:
,s7 :::s ::: :: @s. :: 7s,sl
:: s, .: ::: :: yyyyy ,s s.
:: ss 7 ,
7s,ss,. .,s...sss
.stYY command command command YYyytpm. 7
7 command command command 7 l
, command command /command l
.: command command /command .s 7
lPm command command /command .s ,
command command /command 4
7 .,s
ssss.......... BBS Name ..ssss7
7 Stuff ssss.7
.s .spms.
,s@yyyyy@s. @s..s@ @ssyyyyy @s..s@ 7
l :: ::: : : .: :
::: .:: :: yyysyyyy. :: yyysyyyy. s
:: . ypm, ::: .,sys :: ypm, :::
.s.:: s .s.:: ll
7 Its da Bomb BBS...whatever u want
:s.. command command command
.,s command command command yyt
7 command command command 7
command /command
command /command
5 7 BBS Name 4
:: l stuff :
.. : pm s. .s
: 7 ::
.. ,s ,sy
s.s, ....ssssssy
,s@s. .s , ,s@yyyyy@s. ,s@@s. ,s@ yyyyy@s. d 4, 1 :: ::: :: !:: :: .: : 7:
,s ::: .:: :: ::pm:: ::: :: :: l
:: . .: ::. .: :: .: ,4
7 s
,7s,. .,s...sss
.stYY command command command YYyytpm.
l 7 command command command 7 l7
command command /command l
: command command /command 7
l command command /command ,
command command /command 4
7 7
i BBS Name etc.,....... i
l l
, ,s@sssss,s@ @s. yyyyy@s. d
s,s1 :: :: : .: : 7:
,s7 :::s ::: :: @s. :: 7s,sl
:: s, .: ::: :: yyyyy ,s s.
:: ss 7 ,
7s,ss,. .,s...sss
.stYY command command command YYyytpm. 7
7 command command command 7 l
, command command /command l
.: command command /command .s 7
lPm command command /command .s ,
command command /command 4
7 .,s
ssss.......... BBS Name ..ssss7
7 Stuff ssss.7
.s .spms.
,s@yyyyy@s. @s..s@ @ssyyyyy @s..s@ 7
l :: ::: : : .: :
::: .:: :: yyysyyyy. :: yyysyyyy. s
:: . ypm, ::: .,sys :: ypm, :::
.s.:: s .s.:: ll
7 Its da Bomb BBS...whatever u want
:s.. command command command
.,s command command command yyt
7 command command command 7
command /command
command /command
5 7 BBS Name 4
:: l stuff :
.. : pm s. .s
: 7 ::
.. ,s ,sy
s.s, ....ssssssy
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