this image contains text
Ever have to lock someone out because he/she was an asshole/bitch?
Put this up, I believe this will get the message across just fine.
ls .,,.. s,l .,ss
asshl, .,
:: :::::::... dick ::::::
PM :::::::::::::.... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. ssss ssss :::::::::::::::::::
Yer A Lamer
Yer An Asshole
U Stink
U Couldnt Get Laid if U Were An Egg
All of the Above Moron
Change the stuff on the bot to whatever you want.
Put this up, I believe this will get the message across just fine.
ls .,,.. s,l .,ss
asshl, .,
:: :::::::... dick ::::::
PM :::::::::::::.... :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.. ssss ssss :::::::::::::::::::
Yer A Lamer
Yer An Asshole
U Stink
U Couldnt Get Laid if U Were An Egg
All of the Above Moron
Change the stuff on the bot to whatever you want.
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