this image contains text
jag r en
hund p
wOe members
Hey again, as you probably read in the inquest, we are not gonna list
the members in this memberlist, only the seniors. If you are a WOE
member, and weve forgotten you, or you havent submitted, then mail us.
Every member who are in WOE, mail us with your email address and what
you do, like ansi/ascii/vga/music/hoeing.. etc... If we havent gotten
a mail from you within 1 month from this pack, we are simply just gonna
put you inactive and delete you from the memberlist..
-handle- -position- -email-
MetaphOre pgu founder metaphore@thuglife.org
d3m0n dem founder d3m0n@juno.com
mordee mo senior n/a
phiber optiks po senior n/a
surfing srf music head surfing@ramjam.org
we are gonna stop there.. now email us at: w03@thuglife.org and let us
know if you are in woe or not, cause this is what the memberlist looks
like so far.. so if you are in woe, mail us.
affilted boards
demons den +1 213 - demon world hq
paradise lost +47 - pogue european hq
ancient dynasty +358-9-8795087 prosthesis finland hq
dune +33 mik0 french hq
euphoric illusion +45 585.222.73 zubfatal danish hq
mental storm +31 . flash dutch hq
midnight +55 db3st brazillian hq
nailed to the cross +612 fiend australian hq
the badlands +499116959478 bad peon german hq
crooklyn .went.down... speed freak belgian hq
minas tirith +47 . sleepwalker norwegian hq
secret avenue + skywalker swedish hq
suicidal facts +541.294.8897 fugitivo argentinian hq
deep space! +7.095.1268170 litil divil russia hq
eldorado eldorado-bbs.dyn.ml.org inf telnet hq
pez!? +413.496.9308 booberry east american hq
area 51 +46 319.180.96 xzip member board
bozack +1 847.639.9792 oriole member board
chronic distortion +1 .. teege-ess member board
epoch +1 905.934.5913 shypht member board
inso +1 905.690.0394 silica avatar member board
the laugh house +1 805.323.2769 isix member board
neo jello +1 281.357.5790 mr.plastik member board
no carrier +1 905.318.3311 krypt keeper member board
sleepwalker +46 . progressive member board
the outer limits +1 805.366.8566 green lantern member board
universal dreams +47 . jolly member board
utter blasphemy +358-9-8558813 befeater member board
Thas all folks..
-www.wasted.nu - w03@thuglife.org - woe ...... last updated 6th December 98-
hund p
wOe members
Hey again, as you probably read in the inquest, we are not gonna list
the members in this memberlist, only the seniors. If you are a WOE
member, and weve forgotten you, or you havent submitted, then mail us.
Every member who are in WOE, mail us with your email address and what
you do, like ansi/ascii/vga/music/hoeing.. etc... If we havent gotten
a mail from you within 1 month from this pack, we are simply just gonna
put you inactive and delete you from the memberlist..
-handle- -position- -email-
MetaphOre pgu founder metaphore@thuglife.org
d3m0n dem founder d3m0n@juno.com
mordee mo senior n/a
phiber optiks po senior n/a
surfing srf music head surfing@ramjam.org
we are gonna stop there.. now email us at: w03@thuglife.org and let us
know if you are in woe or not, cause this is what the memberlist looks
like so far.. so if you are in woe, mail us.
affilted boards
demons den +1 213 - demon world hq
paradise lost +47 - pogue european hq
ancient dynasty +358-9-8795087 prosthesis finland hq
dune +33 mik0 french hq
euphoric illusion +45 585.222.73 zubfatal danish hq
mental storm +31 . flash dutch hq
midnight +55 db3st brazillian hq
nailed to the cross +612 fiend australian hq
the badlands +499116959478 bad peon german hq
crooklyn .went.down... speed freak belgian hq
minas tirith +47 . sleepwalker norwegian hq
secret avenue + skywalker swedish hq
suicidal facts +541.294.8897 fugitivo argentinian hq
deep space! +7.095.1268170 litil divil russia hq
eldorado eldorado-bbs.dyn.ml.org inf telnet hq
pez!? +413.496.9308 booberry east american hq
area 51 +46 319.180.96 xzip member board
bozack +1 847.639.9792 oriole member board
chronic distortion +1 .. teege-ess member board
epoch +1 905.934.5913 shypht member board
inso +1 905.690.0394 silica avatar member board
the laugh house +1 805.323.2769 isix member board
neo jello +1 281.357.5790 mr.plastik member board
no carrier +1 905.318.3311 krypt keeper member board
sleepwalker +46 . progressive member board
the outer limits +1 805.366.8566 green lantern member board
universal dreams +47 . jolly member board
utter blasphemy +358-9-8558813 befeater member board
Thas all folks..
-www.wasted.nu - w03@thuglife.org - woe ...... last updated 6th December 98-
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