this image contains text
June 1997 -+- Chronicle 4
dreadnought..retired...........dreadnought@creators.org .
The Council Committee
head vga director: gehko...........alien@mindport.net
head council member: mordrid......m0rdrid@ix.netcom.com
head ansi director: mrplastik..mrplastik@main.main.com
members registration: quix.......amusaye@lausd.k12.ca.us
head ascii director: shypht............................
music coordinator: surfing.....roberto.alicata@ntt.it
senior staff member: toxic...............toxic@juno.com
www coordinator: green lantern....charles@netxn.com
befeater flash oriole shypht
d3bauch fuddSta rink rat umaro
dr suess gehko satman xpozed
flair mr plastik smoke white viking
krypt keeper
chrom el maco isix
cockrane esc maverick
dee lots green latern
dunkeheit korrupt
goofy proggan
hypnotiqa rafson
jolly the almighty one
wOe Affiliated Bulletin Board Systems
World Headquarters ........ demons den ............ 213
European Deference ........ paradise lost .......... +47
Australian Headquarters ... nailed to the cross .... 612
Swedish Headquarters ...... Sleepwalker ............ +46
French Headquarters ....... Dune.................... +33
Norwegian Headquarters .... Vallhall ............... +47
Dutch Headquarters ........ Mental Storm ........... +31
Brazillian Headquarters ... Midnight................ +55
Belgian Headquarters ...... Sacred Grounds ......... +32
German Headquarters ....... The Terrordrome ........ +49
As you can see, the memberboards arent listed in this
info. Check out the woe.nfo to see the memberboards.
Contacting Wasted Obfuscated Evolution
1. woe homepage.........................woe.home.ml.org
2. woe mirror site..................www.modernz.net/woe
3. the woe australian deference.....................612
4. the woe european deference.......................+32
5. the woe north american deference........818-548-9703
6. the woe south american deference.................+55
7. woe direct mail.........................w03@juno.com
8. on irc..................................efnet @ woe
members indicated in this color means he/she is new
C 1997 dreadnought
cia productions 1997
dreadnought..retired...........dreadnought@creators.org .
The Council Committee
head vga director: gehko...........alien@mindport.net
head council member: mordrid......m0rdrid@ix.netcom.com
head ansi director: mrplastik..mrplastik@main.main.com
members registration: quix.......amusaye@lausd.k12.ca.us
head ascii director: shypht............................
music coordinator: surfing.....roberto.alicata@ntt.it
senior staff member: toxic...............toxic@juno.com
www coordinator: green lantern....charles@netxn.com
befeater flash oriole shypht
d3bauch fuddSta rink rat umaro
dr suess gehko satman xpozed
flair mr plastik smoke white viking
krypt keeper
chrom el maco isix
cockrane esc maverick
dee lots green latern
dunkeheit korrupt
goofy proggan
hypnotiqa rafson
jolly the almighty one
wOe Affiliated Bulletin Board Systems
World Headquarters ........ demons den ............ 213
European Deference ........ paradise lost .......... +47
Australian Headquarters ... nailed to the cross .... 612
Swedish Headquarters ...... Sleepwalker ............ +46
French Headquarters ....... Dune.................... +33
Norwegian Headquarters .... Vallhall ............... +47
Dutch Headquarters ........ Mental Storm ........... +31
Brazillian Headquarters ... Midnight................ +55
Belgian Headquarters ...... Sacred Grounds ......... +32
German Headquarters ....... The Terrordrome ........ +49
As you can see, the memberboards arent listed in this
info. Check out the woe.nfo to see the memberboards.
Contacting Wasted Obfuscated Evolution
1. woe homepage.........................woe.home.ml.org
2. woe mirror site..................www.modernz.net/woe
3. the woe australian deference.....................612
4. the woe european deference.......................+32
5. the woe north american deference........818-548-9703
6. the woe south american deference.................+55
7. woe direct mail.........................w03@juno.com
8. on irc..................................efnet @ woe
members indicated in this color means he/she is new
C 1997 dreadnought
cia productions 1997
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