this image contains text
sum addys there, if any
oki guys, its last change to switch pc/amiga off,
cause my first ass-key kolly is about to begin, and as i sayd,
its my 1st, so you may feel little sick after this..
maybe it would be better, to get in drunk before viewing this,
try beefeater gin, 38
so it might not look that ugly then..
anyway, if youre brave enough, start to fuck that page down, and
enjoy! :
: befeater of woedfcdlocprlonkero!
: pRESENTs...
my 1 .
askee kolly
cpreligion! not :
funny, eh?
magic kondom, puristaa parhaasta paikasta!
/ M
/ O
ps. NO porn section at the end.
a M O K !
..says.. for
s o1 bread bread S
. o2 the invicible city -someone-
s o3 Damage inc cockrane S
S o4 digijoin mSwOE s
o5 bbc diz cockrane .
S o6 rwa diz cockrane s
s o7 rwt diz cockrane S
. o8 woe diz mSwOE
s o9 the kmart plaza smasher S
S 1o page/pager off angel s
11 phusis phusis .
S 12 rave/x mSwOE s
s 13 woedraw fl??? S
. 14 spitz cockrane
s 15 defiance cockrane S
S 16 puppet bread s
17 utopia redux lywoe .
S 18 dfc diz cockrane s
s 19 eternal nitemare roadrash S
. 2o acidspit acidspit
s 21 oneliner nitron S
S 22 alltimeweektop pumpers nitron s
23 alltimeweektop leechers nitron .
S 24 deadlock blackjack s
s 25 paradise lost mswoe S
so, lets finally start...
. aMOK! aMOK! o1 / .
. firstone is saying... / :
B R E A D for bread
/bfr / :
aMOK! aMOK! o2 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
T H E I N V I C B L E C I T Y for someone
l l / // / /
l l : /
l l / / l / / / /
that pieces even uglier that others, so im sorry
whoever you were..cant remember..some of these are older than
aMOK! aMOK! o3 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
D A M A G E I N C for Cockrane
// / / l /
/ . /bfr
l .
l /
aMOK! aMOK! o4 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
D I G I J O I N for mswoe
l / /
. / l/ /
: bfr
aMOK! aMOK! o5 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
B B C D I Z for cockrane
l l / / l
l / / / / / l
l/ / / l
l bfrl
lI BBC DiViSioN BRiNGS ya Il
. SoMeTHiNg. Il
. increase space if .
. santa is cumin. .
. CoDeDByMoTHaFuCKa .
aMOK! aMOK! o6 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
R W A D I Z for cockrane
. Real Assocation .
: Warez ,
: / /bfr /::
: / tHiS tiMe tHe /::
: GuyS at RWa BRiNGS you GReat ::
: SiMuLatoRS! LeeCH Me NoW! ::
hmm..i think this ones quite big..well, small enough for pcb..
aMOK! aMOK! o7 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
R W T D I Z for cockrane
: bfr /-+
iNCReaSe d a SPaCe iF NeeDed
aMOK! aMOK! o8 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
W O E D I Z for mswoe
: oBFuSCateD/
WaSteD /
/ / // / /bfr
:/l/ /
: eVoLutiOn
woe brings you something :
isnt it great day to do some
: leech? :
:CoDeBy :
aMOK! aMOK! o9 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
T H E K M A R T P L A Z A for smasher
l / / / / /
bfr! / / /
this ones old..and you sure can see it : look at that p
or k...i can make you another one smasher...
aMOK! aMOK! 1o /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
P A G E and P A G E R O F F for angel
/ l /
o.O /
-----oOo--U--oOo--- /
paging, last /
change to hangup.. /
your sysop has turned
/ l /bfr/
// l
./ l
XxX XxXxXxXxXl
, o.O
n o t
a v a l a i b l e
aMOK! aMOK! 11 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
P H U S I S for phusis
aMOK! aMOK! 12 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
R A V E / X for mswoe
/ l
/ / bfr
aMOK! aMOK! 13 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
W O E D R A W for fleet or float
or something like that :
im just human, i cant remember
everything :
/ / / /bfr
l/ /
real comment from that guy: i cant read what it says!
aMOK! aMOK! 14 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
S P I T Z for cockrane
/ lbfr
little bit older again..
aMOK! aMOK! 15 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
D E F I A N C E for cockrane
/ l /
/ / l // / /
/ l / /bfr
aMOK! aMOK! 16 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
P U P P E T for bread
aMOK! aMOK! 17 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
U T O P i A R E D U X lywoe
cant remeber full alias..
sorry.. :
l ll /
l / /
l/ : :
aMOK! aMOK! 18 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
D F C diz for cockrane
x l/ / x
bringing you some
X multimedia stuff X
. blabla .
:iTCaMeFRoMeLiTe :
aMOK! aMOK! 19 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
E T E R N A L N I T E M A R E for roadrash
/ l / /
l / / /
bfr/ /
aMOK! aMOK! 2o /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
A C I D S P I T for acidspit
/ / / . bfr
aMOK! aMOK! 21 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
O N E L I N E R for nitron
/ / / bfr/
aMOK! aMOK! 22 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
alltop weektop U P L O A D E R S for nitron
: - - - --aLLToP/
, l / / /
, / / , / / /bfr
/ / / / l
arrhh....HARD to fit in screen with my big style..as you can see..
that u is humor.. :
: : WeeKToP /
l / / /
/ / / / /bfr
/ / / / l
aMOK! aMOK! 23 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
alltop weektop D O W N L O A D E R S for nitron
: ::://:ALLToP://::: ::: : :
/ / : :bfr
/ : / /:::.bfr!
: :W:e e P:: ::::: ::: : :
: : K To ::: : :::::::::: :: : .
/ bfr! / /
aMOK! aMOK! 24 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
D E A D L O C K for blackjack
l / / l
l // // / l
: / @
. bfr/ // :
aMOK! aMOK! 25 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
P A R A D I S E L O S T for mSwOe
l./ . //
l / / /bfr /
l / - /
l pRESENTs /
l l
my 1 askee kollektion
: kalled - AMOK - ! :
: ehh..blabla, and other :
. shit. .
i know, these are not usually at collys..or why not..
but i dont do else, so this is only way to greet..
- -- - -- gREETS! -- - --
mS of WOE tnx for those great newschoolers
ly if woe thanks for that ansi!
wOehOe haah, im greeting bot!
-and ALL the other guys at WOE, i forgot-
cockranedfc what sh/could i say? great guy!
solomdfc allready connected that server to efnet?
breaddfc ehh...hi! :
-and all the guys at defiance-
- and then greez for those great finnish guys! find best of them from
lonkero at ircnet: -
phane of the mighty HEADBANGERS why drink and drive when...
duel from those headbangaaz.. ..you can smoke and fly! toimiiks moppe?
hashheadbangerssoia funkiest! +358-9-8552774! pes, 60mk :
rapaciouslmmin paska just for humor
NiGHT The Woodelf Guy
jOne myy nuy ne vitu maalit!
zitha! vempwempvempwempvempwemp..
pHOBIA PLEASE open the icezone again..
VillEone of the mighty hopparigngsta bum tsih, tsg bumbumtzih! joujoujou!
LESSUT! hey, you are missing the x-files..hey, you are missing whole TV!
all the guys at ascii of ircnet
all the guys at ascii of efnet
all the guys at dfc of efnet
all the guys at woe of efnet
all the gays at mrtuoppi ircnet
ALL THE eLiTeZZ at LONKERO! of IRCNET irc.pspt.fi , irc.funet.fi
ALL THE eLiTeZZ at LONKERO! of IRCNET irc.pspt.fi , irc.funet.fi
ALL THE eLiTeZZ at LONKERO! of IRCNET irc.pspt.fi , irc.funet.fi
ALL THE eLiTeZZ at LONKERO! of IRCNET irc.pspt.fi , irc.funet.fi
ALL THE eLiTeZZ at LONKERO! of IRCNET irc.pspt.fi , irc.funet.fi
ALL THE eLiTeZZ at LONKERO! of IRCNET irc.pspt.fi , irc.funet.fi
ALL THE eLiTeZZ at LONKERO! of IRCNET irc.pspt.fi , irc.funet.fi
arh, vitun eLiTeZZzti!
and all the rest.
if you LIKED that style hahahah and want to request sumthing,
roni.kant@mbnet.fi is the eemil..but that sucks, so
please contact me at those channels i greetd
oki guys, its last change to switch pc/amiga off,
cause my first ass-key kolly is about to begin, and as i sayd,
its my 1st, so you may feel little sick after this..
maybe it would be better, to get in drunk before viewing this,
try beefeater gin, 38
so it might not look that ugly then..
anyway, if youre brave enough, start to fuck that page down, and
enjoy! :
: befeater of woedfcdlocprlonkero!
: pRESENTs...
my 1 .
askee kolly
cpreligion! not :
funny, eh?
magic kondom, puristaa parhaasta paikasta!
/ M
/ O
ps. NO porn section at the end.
a M O K !
..says.. for
s o1 bread bread S
. o2 the invicible city -someone-
s o3 Damage inc cockrane S
S o4 digijoin mSwOE s
o5 bbc diz cockrane .
S o6 rwa diz cockrane s
s o7 rwt diz cockrane S
. o8 woe diz mSwOE
s o9 the kmart plaza smasher S
S 1o page/pager off angel s
11 phusis phusis .
S 12 rave/x mSwOE s
s 13 woedraw fl??? S
. 14 spitz cockrane
s 15 defiance cockrane S
S 16 puppet bread s
17 utopia redux lywoe .
S 18 dfc diz cockrane s
s 19 eternal nitemare roadrash S
. 2o acidspit acidspit
s 21 oneliner nitron S
S 22 alltimeweektop pumpers nitron s
23 alltimeweektop leechers nitron .
S 24 deadlock blackjack s
s 25 paradise lost mswoe S
so, lets finally start...
. aMOK! aMOK! o1 / .
. firstone is saying... / :
B R E A D for bread
/bfr / :
aMOK! aMOK! o2 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
T H E I N V I C B L E C I T Y for someone
l l / // / /
l l : /
l l / / l / / / /
that pieces even uglier that others, so im sorry
whoever you were..cant remember..some of these are older than
aMOK! aMOK! o3 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
D A M A G E I N C for Cockrane
// / / l /
/ . /bfr
l .
l /
aMOK! aMOK! o4 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
D I G I J O I N for mswoe
l / /
. / l/ /
: bfr
aMOK! aMOK! o5 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
B B C D I Z for cockrane
l l / / l
l / / / / / l
l/ / / l
l bfrl
lI BBC DiViSioN BRiNGS ya Il
. SoMeTHiNg. Il
. increase space if .
. santa is cumin. .
. CoDeDByMoTHaFuCKa .
aMOK! aMOK! o6 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
R W A D I Z for cockrane
. Real Assocation .
: Warez ,
: / /bfr /::
: / tHiS tiMe tHe /::
: GuyS at RWa BRiNGS you GReat ::
: SiMuLatoRS! LeeCH Me NoW! ::
hmm..i think this ones quite big..well, small enough for pcb..
aMOK! aMOK! o7 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
R W T D I Z for cockrane
: bfr /-+
iNCReaSe d a SPaCe iF NeeDed
aMOK! aMOK! o8 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
W O E D I Z for mswoe
: oBFuSCateD/
WaSteD /
/ / // / /bfr
:/l/ /
: eVoLutiOn
woe brings you something :
isnt it great day to do some
: leech? :
:CoDeBy :
aMOK! aMOK! o9 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
T H E K M A R T P L A Z A for smasher
l / / / / /
bfr! / / /
this ones old..and you sure can see it : look at that p
or k...i can make you another one smasher...
aMOK! aMOK! 1o /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
P A G E and P A G E R O F F for angel
/ l /
o.O /
-----oOo--U--oOo--- /
paging, last /
change to hangup.. /
your sysop has turned
/ l /bfr/
// l
./ l
XxX XxXxXxXxXl
, o.O
n o t
a v a l a i b l e
aMOK! aMOK! 11 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
P H U S I S for phusis
aMOK! aMOK! 12 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
R A V E / X for mswoe
/ l
/ / bfr
aMOK! aMOK! 13 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
W O E D R A W for fleet or float
or something like that :
im just human, i cant remember
everything :
/ / / /bfr
l/ /
real comment from that guy: i cant read what it says!
aMOK! aMOK! 14 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
S P I T Z for cockrane
/ lbfr
little bit older again..
aMOK! aMOK! 15 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
D E F I A N C E for cockrane
/ l /
/ / l // / /
/ l / /bfr
aMOK! aMOK! 16 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
P U P P E T for bread
aMOK! aMOK! 17 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
U T O P i A R E D U X lywoe
cant remeber full alias..
sorry.. :
l ll /
l / /
l/ : :
aMOK! aMOK! 18 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
D F C diz for cockrane
x l/ / x
bringing you some
X multimedia stuff X
. blabla .
:iTCaMeFRoMeLiTe :
aMOK! aMOK! 19 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
E T E R N A L N I T E M A R E for roadrash
/ l / /
l / / /
bfr/ /
aMOK! aMOK! 2o /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
A C I D S P I T for acidspit
/ / / . bfr
aMOK! aMOK! 21 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
O N E L I N E R for nitron
/ / / bfr/
aMOK! aMOK! 22 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
alltop weektop U P L O A D E R S for nitron
: - - - --aLLToP/
, l / / /
, / / , / / /bfr
/ / / / l
arrhh....HARD to fit in screen with my big style..as you can see..
that u is humor.. :
: : WeeKToP /
l / / /
/ / / / /bfr
/ / / / l
aMOK! aMOK! 23 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
alltop weektop D O W N L O A D E R S for nitron
: ::://:ALLToP://::: ::: : :
/ / : :bfr
/ : / /:::.bfr!
: :W:e e P:: ::::: ::: : :
: : K To ::: : :::::::::: :: : .
/ bfr! / /
aMOK! aMOK! 24 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
D E A D L O C K for blackjack
l / / l
l // // / l
: / @
. bfr/ // :
aMOK! aMOK! 25 /
- -- - iT SayS- - ---- /
P A R A D I S E L O S T for mSwOe
l./ . //
l / / /bfr /
l / - /
l pRESENTs /
l l
my 1 askee kollektion
: kalled - AMOK - ! :
: ehh..blabla, and other :
. shit. .
i know, these are not usually at collys..or why not..
but i dont do else, so this is only way to greet..
- -- - -- gREETS! -- - --
mS of WOE tnx for those great newschoolers
ly if woe thanks for that ansi!
wOehOe haah, im greeting bot!
-and ALL the other guys at WOE, i forgot-
cockranedfc what sh/could i say? great guy!
solomdfc allready connected that server to efnet?
breaddfc ehh...hi! :
-and all the guys at defiance-
- and then greez for those great finnish guys! find best of them from
lonkero at ircnet: -
phane of the mighty HEADBANGERS why drink and drive when...
duel from those headbangaaz.. ..you can smoke and fly! toimiiks moppe?
hashheadbangerssoia funkiest! +358-9-8552774! pes, 60mk :
rapaciouslmmin paska just for humor
NiGHT The Woodelf Guy
jOne myy nuy ne vitu maalit!
zitha! vempwempvempwempvempwemp..
pHOBIA PLEASE open the icezone again..
VillEone of the mighty hopparigngsta bum tsih, tsg bumbumtzih! joujoujou!
LESSUT! hey, you are missing the x-files..hey, you are missing whole TV!
all the guys at ascii of ircnet
all the guys at ascii of efnet
all the guys at dfc of efnet
all the guys at woe of efnet
all the gays at mrtuoppi ircnet
ALL THE eLiTeZZ at LONKERO! of IRCNET irc.pspt.fi , irc.funet.fi
ALL THE eLiTeZZ at LONKERO! of IRCNET irc.pspt.fi , irc.funet.fi
ALL THE eLiTeZZ at LONKERO! of IRCNET irc.pspt.fi , irc.funet.fi
ALL THE eLiTeZZ at LONKERO! of IRCNET irc.pspt.fi , irc.funet.fi
ALL THE eLiTeZZ at LONKERO! of IRCNET irc.pspt.fi , irc.funet.fi
ALL THE eLiTeZZ at LONKERO! of IRCNET irc.pspt.fi , irc.funet.fi
ALL THE eLiTeZZ at LONKERO! of IRCNET irc.pspt.fi , irc.funet.fi
arh, vitun eLiTeZZzti!
and all the rest.
if you LIKED that style hahahah and want to request sumthing,
roni.kant@mbnet.fi is the eemil..but that sucks, so
please contact me at those channels i greetd
log in to add a comment.