this image contains text
, B00000i B0000000i 7 .7o*Q7 ,yp,, Q8:
,7 ,y, 87 ,yy: . i: b , y. Q:i, i: : ,i,
0i ,t: 0,i: ppyaaaat, 0: p,. ,b .,pi:, p, .,di: b, p, p,. i:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - News-Letter / Info -NewsWelp, lots of NEW news here in WiC
KED. For starters, I finished throwing outthe inactive members. Everything should be perfect now. So if youre not inthe member list, your not in WiCKED. We got *ALOT* of new members this month.I emphasize the alot because w
e really got alot! . In fact, too much tolist. So, check out the member list, youll see the difference. With thisnew breed of members we can see WiCKED kickin everyones ass in 96! The botis finally up and stable most o
f the time . Thanx to Napalm Death who isrunning WiCKEDBOT. So, if ur ever on iRC, join WiCKED and /msg wickedbotwh0rd. The board list was tamed down a bit too this month. After realizing
it was WAY too big, I got Fatal Sacrilege to go through all the dist. sites
and filter out the lame ones. We DRASTICALLY reduced the size of that. If
you run a board, and ur a member, but not in the member board list, keep
readin, my address will be in here somewhere. Welp, thats about it for
the news part. Read on.. please?
Ansee Division!?!?
Yep, you got it! After months of not releasing any ansi, WiCKED is starting
up an ansi division. Yep, I know some of you STILL cant believe it, in fact
neither can I! We realized that we could get the good ansi artists, and we
can excel at ansi. So why limit ourselves to ascii/lit and vga! The ansi
division will start releasing in the NEXT pack. January 96. Everyone wish
us luck! For further information on applying keep reading.
Last month I put my E-Mail address in the info file and opened myself to
requests. I soon after realized how stupid that was! . Right now I have
around 25 requests waiting to be done. So, I made it easier for everyone to
request something, whatever it might be. If the artist has an E-Mail
address, it is listed next to their name in the member list. So, if you
like there work, or would like to comment on it, E-Mail away! Artists always
like to get kiss-ass mail! . Or you can find alot of the members in WiCKED.
Alot of people have been asking me what our policies are. My reply: d0h!
Up until now weve kinda just went with the flow. Now I am officially stating
our policies: we have none! . Yes, double grouping is allowed. Yes, we are
open for new members. Yes, you can apply for a dist/hq site. Only one rule,
which I think is probably the rule in every group in the world. Inactivity
will get you thrown out. Thats it! I am not asking for a gazillion pics or
what not from you every month. Just show us that your alive. Were easy
Lit Division
Yes, we have one . Previously we had 2 members, Luke Skywalker, and Skidrow.
Well, after searching long and hard, we finally got the lit division some more
GREAT writers. We would like for all lit writers to apply. We are VERY
interested in starting up a BIG lit division. I, and I think most people
enjoy them very much. So, if you can possibly get in touch with Luke
Skywalker head of the division apply through him, or just find me somehow.
That was for you Luke!
Applications for ascii/ansi/lit/vga artists, or coders should be sent to me at
bit@gramercy.ios.com for reviewing. With your application please include a
zipfile containing your complete application and a few samples of your work
which you think best represents your level of skill talent. Applications thatdo not contain the aforementioned items will be deleted. I think that was very
Yep, its finally here, so enjoy the show!
Last Words From The Author
WiCKED News Letter Written by: BitStream wkd senior
WiCKED Logo by: Genocyber wicked!asskey
, B00000i B0000000i 7 .7o*Q7 ,yp,, Q8:
,7 ,y, 87 ,yy: . i: b , y. Q:i, i: : ,i,
0i ,t: 0,i: ppyaaaat, 0: p,. ,b .,pi:, p, .,di: b, p, p,. i:
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - News-Letter / Info -NewsWelp, lots of NEW news here in WiC
KED. For starters, I finished throwing outthe inactive members. Everything should be perfect now. So if youre not inthe member list, your not in WiCKED. We got *ALOT* of new members this month.I emphasize the alot because w
e really got alot! . In fact, too much tolist. So, check out the member list, youll see the difference. With thisnew breed of members we can see WiCKED kickin everyones ass in 96! The botis finally up and stable most o
f the time . Thanx to Napalm Death who isrunning WiCKEDBOT. So, if ur ever on iRC, join WiCKED and /msg wickedbotwh0rd. The board list was tamed down a bit too this month. After realizing
it was WAY too big, I got Fatal Sacrilege to go through all the dist. sites
and filter out the lame ones. We DRASTICALLY reduced the size of that. If
you run a board, and ur a member, but not in the member board list, keep
readin, my address will be in here somewhere. Welp, thats about it for
the news part. Read on.. please?
Ansee Division!?!?
Yep, you got it! After months of not releasing any ansi, WiCKED is starting
up an ansi division. Yep, I know some of you STILL cant believe it, in fact
neither can I! We realized that we could get the good ansi artists, and we
can excel at ansi. So why limit ourselves to ascii/lit and vga! The ansi
division will start releasing in the NEXT pack. January 96. Everyone wish
us luck! For further information on applying keep reading.
Last month I put my E-Mail address in the info file and opened myself to
requests. I soon after realized how stupid that was! . Right now I have
around 25 requests waiting to be done. So, I made it easier for everyone to
request something, whatever it might be. If the artist has an E-Mail
address, it is listed next to their name in the member list. So, if you
like there work, or would like to comment on it, E-Mail away! Artists always
like to get kiss-ass mail! . Or you can find alot of the members in WiCKED.
Alot of people have been asking me what our policies are. My reply: d0h!
Up until now weve kinda just went with the flow. Now I am officially stating
our policies: we have none! . Yes, double grouping is allowed. Yes, we are
open for new members. Yes, you can apply for a dist/hq site. Only one rule,
which I think is probably the rule in every group in the world. Inactivity
will get you thrown out. Thats it! I am not asking for a gazillion pics or
what not from you every month. Just show us that your alive. Were easy
Lit Division
Yes, we have one . Previously we had 2 members, Luke Skywalker, and Skidrow.
Well, after searching long and hard, we finally got the lit division some more
GREAT writers. We would like for all lit writers to apply. We are VERY
interested in starting up a BIG lit division. I, and I think most people
enjoy them very much. So, if you can possibly get in touch with Luke
Skywalker head of the division apply through him, or just find me somehow.
That was for you Luke!
Applications for ascii/ansi/lit/vga artists, or coders should be sent to me at
bit@gramercy.ios.com for reviewing. With your application please include a
zipfile containing your complete application and a few samples of your work
which you think best represents your level of skill talent. Applications thatdo not contain the aforementioned items will be deleted. I think that was very
Yep, its finally here, so enjoy the show!
Last Words From The Author
WiCKED News Letter Written by: BitStream wkd senior
WiCKED Logo by: Genocyber wicked!asskey
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