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/ GR0U
P iNF0
This is Wickeds ninth episode... And weve deci
ded to break ourselves up into div
isions like pieces of a puzzle.
We have decided To create names for each div
ision which have something to do w
ith the division as well as the group.
Here is what we have decided:
Name of Ascii Di
Name of Modding Division..
.........REVELATiON Name of
Music Division..................
LYRiC Name of
VGA Demo Division.............FLAiR
Here are the leaders we
have assigned to each division:
Leader of Ascii Division..
..............TRiNiTRON Lea
der of Modding Division..........
Leader of Music Division
Leader of VGA Demo Divisi
The ASCii division will continue
to release packs on the first
saturday of every month. The MODDiN
G division will release a pack
every other week. The MUSiC
Division will be releasing Musicdisks
every other month unless we gain alot of mu
sicians. The VGA DEMO
division will release packs every month b
ut on the third saturday.
The Group is expanding and is always lookin
g for quality artists!
Come ONE! come ALL!
P iNF0
This is Wickeds ninth episode... And weve deci
ded to break ourselves up into div
isions like pieces of a puzzle.
We have decided To create names for each div
ision which have something to do w
ith the division as well as the group.
Here is what we have decided:
Name of Ascii Di
Name of Modding Division..
.........REVELATiON Name of
Music Division..................
LYRiC Name of
VGA Demo Division.............FLAiR
Here are the leaders we
have assigned to each division:
Leader of Ascii Division..
..............TRiNiTRON Lea
der of Modding Division..........
Leader of Music Division
Leader of VGA Demo Divisi
The ASCii division will continue
to release packs on the first
saturday of every month. The MODDiN
G division will release a pack
every other week. The MUSiC
Division will be releasing Musicdisks
every other month unless we gain alot of mu
sicians. The VGA DEMO
division will release packs every month b
ut on the third saturday.
The Group is expanding and is always lookin
g for quality artists!
Come ONE! come ALL!
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